Part 58: the night with Brad

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It eventually got to the evening and Brad had promised that he would go in the pool for me, I got my bikini on and walked outside with a towel wrapped around me to see Brad sitting on a deck chair in his swimming trunks. I walked over to him and he smiled. "Hey." He said while standing up. "Hi." I said. We both walked over to the pool and Brad turned to face me. "Are you going to take the towel off?" Brad asked and I nodded, I unwrapped it from around my body and threw it on to a chair. "You are wearing your bikini!" Brad said, looking very excited. I giggled at him and nodded. "Yeah, I thought I would give you a surprise." I said and winked. "Shall we get in?" Brad asked and I nodded. "Jump in together?" Brad asked. "I don't like jumping in..." I said, feeling like a coward. "Shall I jump in and then I will catch you?" Brad asked and I nodded.

He bombed into the water and I giggled at him while he shook his head, he is so adorable. "Come on?" Brad asked, I stood at the edge of the pool and the nerves kicked in. As a child I never really went swimming, although I can swim I never did any of the things like jumping in or messing around. "Don't be nervous, I will catch you. I promise." Brad said and held his arms out, I nodded and took a breath. Brad smiled at me and got ready to catch me, 3,2,1 I said to myself mentally and then jumped in. I started to feel really scared as I felt my body hit the water and I went under, I then felt Brads arms wrap around me and pull me back up to the surface. I took a massive breath and wiped the water off of my face. "Are you ok?" Brad asked and I nodded while wiping my eyes, he giggled and kissed my cheek. "Well done baby." Brad said and pulled me into a hug, I smiled at him and watched the water drip from his hair.

"So, what we gonna do tonight?" Brad asked, I looked up at the stars in the sky and sighed. "What's wrong?" Brad asked. "Can I tell you something?" I asked and Brad nodded, I stood up in the pool and faced him while he wrapped his arms around my waist. "You know... My parents died when I was younger?..." I asked and Brad nodded, his hand moved up to the side of my face and his thumb ran across my cheek. "Well, I always used to think... That if I looked up to the sky at night... And I can find the 2 brightest stars in the sky... Then they will be my parents looking down at me..." I explained and the tears started to fall. "I know that... You might that I am a baby for thinking that... But it keeps me grounded to be honest..." I said and looked at him, Brad wiped the tears away and gave me a slow but delicate kiss. "I don't think your a baby at all. I think it's a nice thing to do, your parents are always with you and I bet they are so proud of you." Brad said and I gave him a little smile.

"Can we cheer up now and enjoy tonight?" Brad asked and I nodded. "Sorry..." I said and wiped the last tear away. "Don't be sorry, I'm glad that you talk to me about things." Brad said and rested his forehead against mine, I smiled at him and kissed his nose. I then went to kiss him properly but he swum away and I giggled. "Brad!" I said and swum after him, I couldn't catch up with him so I gave up after a while and stood in the middle of the pool. Brad stood up and saw that I had given up, he walked over to me and I had my arms crossed. I was pretending to be annoyed with him so I turned my back on him, he wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed my cheek. "Say you love me?" Brad asked and I shook my head. "Please? I'm sorry." Brad said and kissed my neck, I turned to face him and he rested his forehead against mine. He was very out of breath from swimming around the pool and his chest was rising up and down quickly, my hands found my way to his waist and I ran my hands along the waistband on his shorts. "What are you doing?" Brad asked and bit his lip.

My hands ran over his chest and my lips connected with his, he kissed me back and we got more forceful as the kiss went along. His hands found the side of my waist and ran around my stomach, his tongue found my lips and I teased him for a while by not letting him enter. He whined a little and I giggled at him. "What?..." I asked between a kiss, he ran his tongue along my bottom lip again and this time I allowed entrance. After a while he started to kiss down my neck and I moaned a little. "Braddy... No... Love bites..." I said between breaths and I felt him smile against my neck, he came back up to my lips and after a while pulled away.

"I loved that." I said while trying to get his breath back and I smiled while breathing heavily. "Same." I said and we both giggled, I rested my head on his chest and hugged him tight. "I think we forgot that we are in a pool." Brad said and I giggled. "Yeah, we should do some swimming." I said and he smiled. "Maybe we should." Brad said and hugged me back. The pool lights then came on and started glowing different colours, I jumped as the lights scared me and Brad giggled. "It's just the lights." Brad said and I laughed at him, I watched the lights change colour and it amazed me.

After a while we decided to go back indoors and I got changed into some baggy pjs in my room with one of Brads hoodies that I stole, I don't think he knows I have it yet but he is about to find out. I walked into Brads room to see Brad laying on the bed. "Hang on... Is that my hoodie?..." Brad asked and I giggled, Brad started to chase me around the room and eventually pinned me to the bed. He started to tickle me and I burst out with laugher to the point where I was crying, he stopped after a while and Brad kissed my nose. "You can keep the hoodie, you look cute in it." He said and I smiled. "Thank you." I said and stared at Brad, his brown and curly hair is so soft and fluffy and amazing, his eyes are still as chocolate coloured as ever, his arm muscles make my stomach flip and his cute button nose is so adorable. I love him so much.

"Chloe...?" Brad said. "Chloe?..." Brad repeated again and I snapped out of my thoughts. "Huh? Sorry. Were you talking to me?" I asked and Brad giggled. "Yeah, what were you thinking about?" Brad asked. "You." I said and blushed a little, Brad giggled and I smiled at him. "Am I really that cute?" Brad asked and I smiled. "Your cute, hot, adorable, funny and you have a nice personality." I explained and Brad smiled. "Thank you." Brad said and winked at me.

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