Part 32: going to Brads parents house

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Today is the day that me and Brad go to Brads parents house and I am nervous! What if they don't like me? What if I mess up in front of them? What if they don't understand about my past like Brad does?

I am currently eating breakfast in the kitchen and I have also made Brad a cup of tea, the tea has been siting on the side for 15 minutes now and Brad hasn't come in to my apartment yet. He had better hurry up because we will be late otherwise. I finished my cereal and then put my bowl and spoon in the dishwasher, I walked upstairs to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I looked in the mirror and my hair was a mess! I needed Sophie to sort it out but she is out with Tristan at the moment.

After I had got washed I walked back downstairs and into the kitchen to see Brad drinking his tea. "Thank you for this baby." Brad said and I smiled. "No problem, sorry if it is cold. You took your time getting ready." I said and Brad giggled. "It's not cold." Brad said and smiled at me, I sat on the chair next to him and held his hand. "I'm kinda nervous about today." I said and Brad gave me a reassuring smile. "You don't need to be, my parents will love you!" Brad said and I giggled. "But what if they don't like it that I have come from a care home?" I asked. "I have already explained all of that to them and they understand." Brad said and I nodded.

Jesse then walked in to the room and I picked her up. "Your getting a bit chubby aren't you." I said and she stared at me, Brad giggled. "She is just growing up and she is always eating!" Brad said and I giggled. "I'm going to miss you." I said to Jesse and she kind of snuggled into me like she understood what I was saying to her. "Aaawww, now that's just adorable! I think she is trying to say that she is going to miss you too." Brad said and I giggled. "Either that or she wants food." I said and Brad laughed.

I put her on the floor and filled her dog bowl up with her breakfast and then gave it to her, she ate it all up really quickly and then made lots of noise while drinking her water. "Jesse! Shhhhh!" Brad said and I giggled. "I'm really going to miss her." I said and Brad held my hand. "I'm sure she will miss you too. I know 10 weeks is a long time but I'm sure my mum and dad will look after her. We used to have a dog called Jesse but she died last year." Brad said. "Oh, I'm sorry. Is that why you called this dog Jesse?" I asked and Brad nodded. "She's not the same as Jesse though." Brad said. "I know how you feel." I said and Brad nodded. "Well. Why don't we call our dog Jess? Then it won't be exactly the same but still similar?" I asked. "You can call her Jess for short if you want but I like Jesse." Brad said and I nodded.

After a while we said goodbye to everyone in the apartment and made our way to Brads parents house, Jesse really likes long walks but she does get a bit scared on trains. She always has to sit on someone's lap on the train so she feels safe and it is normally Brads lap.

We got to the train station and it was a 10 minute wait for the train, we sat on a bench while we waited and gave Jesse some attention so she didn't get bored and start barking. 10 minutes went past quite quickly and we got on the train and sat Jesse on Brads lap. It was only 3 stops to the closest station to Brads parents house and we are getting picked up at the station in the car anyway.

I was starting to get very nervous and Brad could tell as I wouldn't sit still and I kept on playing with my hands. "Baby, calm down." Brad said. "I'm sorry. I'm just so nervous." I said and Brad gave me a hug. "What are you nervous about?" Brad asked. "Just meeting them and I have to make sure that they like me." I said. "Just be yourself. I'm sure they will love you, they are so excited to meet you today and they are excited to see me again." Brad said and I nodded. "Oh, and by the way, my sister will be there as well." Brad said. "Is she older then you?" I asked. "Yeah, she is called Natalie but she is fine with people calling her Nat. She is very nice and very protective over me. She likes people that are nice to me and that is why she likes what she has heard about you so far. I'm sure you two will get on like a house on fire." Brad said and I nodded and giggled a little.

We eventually got off of the train and Brad took me to his parents car, his mum stepped out to meet us. "Bradley! Hello darling, how are you?" She asked. "I'm good thanks mum." Brad said and he went a bit embarrassed because she started to give him kisses, I giggled a little and Brad gave me a funny look. "So, are you going to introduce me?" Brads mum asked. "Oh, yeah. Erm... Mum this is Chloe. My girlfriend. Chloe this is my mother." Brad said and I shyly smiled at her. "Hello dear, it's so nice to meet you. I have heard a lot about you from Brad." She said and I smiled at her. "It's lovely to meet you Mrs. Simpson." I said, not really knowing what to call her. "You can call me Anne-Marie if you like." She said and I nodded.

Brad helped me put my bag in the boot and then we both sat in the back seats while his mum drove the car. The radio was playing really loudly because Can We Dance was about to play and Brads mum is really proud of Brad. Brad held my hand and gave it a squeeze. "You ok?" He whispered and I nodded. "You?" I asked and he nodded. I looked over at Jesse and she was happily sitting on Brads lap looking out of the window, I giggled a little and then Brads mum started singing along to Can We Dance. Brad got really embarrassed and tried to hide behind the dog, I was laughing my head off and I leant over and kissed him on the head. "She is just proud of you." I whispered and Brad smiled. "I know but it is embarrassing!" Brad said and I giggled. "You can't hide behind the dog the whole way home." I said. "I know, but I am going to hide behind the dog until the song ends." Brad said and I smiled and held his hand.

We eventually got to Brads house and it was a normal size. Jesse jumped out of the car and I had to catch her before she ran off. "Aha, is this the dog you call Jesse?" Anne-Marie asked and I nodded. "She is a bundle of fun, did you name her?" She asked. "No, Brad did." I said and she looked at Brad. "Why did you name her Jesse?" She asked. "Because I miss the old Jesse and we both liked the name." Brad said and his mum nodded. We walked through the front door and I put Jesse down, she ran off and Brad giggled. Brads dad and sister came to the door and I met them both, everyone seems so nice. "Hello, Bradley! How you doing mate?" Brads dad asked. "I'm good thanks dad." Brad said and they did one of those manly hugs which made me giggle. "And who's this?" Brads dad asked. "Oh, dad, this is my girlfriend. Chloe." Brad said and held my hand. "Oh yes, I have heard a lot of nice stuff about you. I'm glad to meet you." He said and I smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you too Mr. Simpson." I replied. "Please, call me Derek." He said and I nodded.

Brad then walked over to his sister and gave her a little hug. "Hey bro. How you doing?" She asked. "I'm good thanks." Brad said and then used his hand to call me over. "Who's this?" Nat asked. "This is my girlfriend, Chloe." Brad said. "Ah, yes. I have heard a lot about you." Nat said and then looked me up and down, I started to feel a bit intimidated and stepped back a bit. Brad looked confused and held my hand. "Is there a problem here?" Brad asked and Nat shook her head. "No. I was just wondering, is she really the right one for you?" Nat asked and I felt a bit belittled. "Yes! She means the world to me and I swear if you hurt her..." Brad started but Nat butted in. "I'm not going to do anything Bradley, calm down. I just want you to be happy." She said. "Well I'm more than happy thank you very much." Brad said and then held my hand and walked into the kitchen.

Classic brother and sister fights I guess, but how would I know? One of the reasons I am a bit nervous to be here is because I have never really been in a family environment before so I don't really know how to act or what to expect. I'm guessing there will be a lot of brother and sister arguments, I hope they aren't all caused because of me...

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