Part 31: taking Jesse to the park

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Brad held my hand on the way down to the park and we just spoke about America. I really can't wait to go to America as I have always wanted to go there ever since I was a kid, but now it is actually happening.

"Brad, I'm a bit nervous about the flight as I have never been on a plane before." I said. "Don't be, you are with me and nothing is going to go wrong. I promise." Brad said and I nodded as we walked through the park gates. "What are you most looking forward to?" Brad asked. "Spending some time with you on the beach." I said and Brad giggled. "What are we going to do with Jesse when we go?" I asked. "My mum can look after her. We are going round there tomorrow so it will give you a chance to meet my family, they only live half an hour away which is a couple of train stops." Brad said. "Wait, I have got to meet you family?" I asked and Brad nodded. "What if they don't like me?!" I panicked. "Calm down! They will love you! I have told them a lot about you and they like what they have been hearing. They like people who treat me nicely and you treat me more than nicely. You will be fine." Brad said and squeezed my hand. I sighed and nodded. "Are we giving Jesse to you parents tomorrow?" I asked and Brad nodded. "Yeah." He replied. "But that means I won't be able to be with her for the last few days before we go to America." I said. "I know, I'm sorry but my parents only have tomorrow free." Brad said and I nodded.

We walked over to the bench and sat down for a bit so Jesse could rest her legs. "Are we going to have a beach day to ourselves in America?" I asked. "Yeah! I will make sure of it! I really wanna see you in your bikini..." Brad said and mumbled the last bit. I giggled and playfully hit him. "Oi you!" I said and Brad giggled.  "Maybe we can do what we did this morning but on the beach?" Brad asked. "What did we do this morning?" I asked with a cheeky smile. "You know, when we... Kissed and stuff..." Brad said and I giggled. "I'm sure that can be arranged." I said and winked. Brad smiled and gave me a hug.

"I'm going to miss Jesse." I said and stroked her. "Same here but we can always FaceTime my parents and they can put Jesse on." Brad said and I giggled. "I would like that." I said and Brad smiled. We started to walk around the park a little bit holding each other's hands and Brad kept on looking at me out of the corner of my eye, I decided to surprise him by turning to face him and giving him a kiss. He looked quite shocked at first but then started to realise what was happening and kissed me back. "I love you, don't ever forget that." I said and Brad smiled. "I won't. I love you too." Brad said and I hugged him.

We eventually started to walk back to the apartment, when we got there nothing was happening as usual so I took Jesse off of the lead and she ran to her water bowl while Brad made me and him a cup of tea. He gave me a mug and I blushed as I remembered what happened the last time I made Brad a cup of tea, he giggled at me and held my hand. "Don't worry about it." Brad said and I nodded. "We sat on the high chairs/stalls and looked around the apartment. "Nothing ever seems to go on here at the moment. I thought we would be really busy but we never seem to be doing anything." I said and Brad nodded. "Well after the America tour me and the boys will have a few more meetings about the next tour and some rehearsals, also after America we might all start to do stuff together like go into London for the day or go to the park all together." Brad said and I nodded. " I bet Sophie will get pregnant in America, especially as there is a beach." I said and Brad giggled. "Yeah, well... Things do happen on the beach." Brad said and looked at me while holding my hands. I looked down at my mug of tea and felt quite embarrassed, did he mean to say that he wanted to go further with our relationship in America? I'm not ready yet.

"What's wrong?" Brad asked. "Nothing." I replied. "Yes there is. You can tell me." Brad said and I sighed. "Did you just try to tell me that you want to go further with our relationship in America?" I asked. "Yeah, but only if you are comfortable with it." Brad said. "I don't really want to right now." I replied. "Well it's a good thing that we aren't right now then isn't it, I asked if we could in America, not now." Brad said. "I will have to see in America." I replied and Brad nodded and winked at me.

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