Part 29: Brad gets protective

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Brad fell asleep soon after we finished our pizza so I switched the TV off and tucked him into bed. As much as I want to stay with him I can't, I don't want people to take things the wrong way and I don't want to go too fast with the relationship. I kissed him on the head and then I slowly closed Brads bedroom door and walked over to my apartment, all the girls were asleep so I got changed into my pjs and went to bed myself. I couldn't stop thinking about my future with Brad! I really want us to be the perfect family but what if things don't turn out like that? He is the most perfect boyfriend anyone could ever ask for and I'm so grateful that I have him, I just hope things work out.

I eventually drifted off to sleep and in the morning I woke up to see Rebekah standing at her wardrobe. "Morning Chloe!" Rebekah said and I groaned and squinted as the sunlight was to bright against my eyes. "I'm going out with Connor again today so I will see you later." Rebekah said. She was about to walk out the room and then I called her name. "Rebekah!" I said and she turned around. "Yeah?" She replied. "Are you ok?" I asked and she nodded. "Yeah, why?" She asked. "Because recently you haven't been yourself." I explained and Rebekah shrugged her shoulders. "I'm fine." She said and then continued to walk out of the room and down the stairs. I flopped back down on to my back and huffed. Me and Rebekah haven't really been spending much time together recently and she hasn't been herself. Have I done something wrong? Is she mad at me because Hannah left? Has something happened between her and Connor?

I got out of bed and walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I made me and Brad a cup of tea and then carefully walked into Brads apartment and up the stairs into his room so I didn't spill any of it. I opened the door to see him in his underwear, singing Can We Dance while getting changed. My eyes bulged out of their sockets and Brad went bright red when he saw me. "I'm so sorry!" I said and walked out of the room. I put the cups of tea on the table in the kitchen and then ran out of the boys apartment and into mine. I should of knocked but I couldn't because I had my hands full! What have I done?! He is going to hate me! 

I ran down to the bottom of the garden and sat on a bench that was tucked away in the bushes. I am so embarrassed and I feel so bad! How could I do this?! I sat in the garden for about half an hour thinking to myself and punishing myself mentally. Brad probably doesn't want to see me right now and to be honest, I don't blame him.

Eventually I slowly walked back indoors and upstairs into the bedroom to see Brad sitting on my bed. I turned around and I was about to walk out but Brad grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him. "Thank you for the tea." Brad said and I sighed and looked down at the floor. Brad picked me up and kissed me lightly on the lips. "I don't care that you walked in on me when I was just in my underwear. Your my girlfriend and I love you. I appreciate that you made me a cup of tea and it was very nice. Next time you come and see me it doesn't matter what I am like, just come in." Brad said and I gave him a little smile. "I'm sorry..." I mumbled and Brad lifted my chin up. "Don't be." Brad said and I smiled. He was still holding me up and I'm surprised his arms haven't dropped off. "Can I tell you something?" Brad asked and I nodded. "I sleep in my underwear so when you start sharing a room with me you are going to be seeing a lot more of that. Did I scare you?" Brad asked and I giggled. "No." I said and Brad smiled. "Good. Be prepared." Brad said.

He sat down on the bed and I sat on his lap so I was facing him and my legs were straddled around his waist. "What are we doing today?" I asked. "Nothing really. Just start packing for America." Brad said and I smiled. "I can't wait!" I said and Brad giggled. "I spoke to Rebekah earlier. I told her that she hasn't been herself recently and I feel like it is all my fault..." I started but Brad put his finger to my lips. "It's not your fault. I don't know what is wrong with her. Maybe she is busy with Connor or maybe she is still getting over the fact that Hannah has left. It's not your fault. She is your best friend remember?" Brad said and I nodded. "If you want you can spend a day with Rebekah and I will spend a day with Connor? Sometimes it's good for couples to have a bit of space." Brad said. "You want space?" I asked. "No, I didn't mean it like that. Sometimes when couples spend all their time with each other they can start arguing and we don't want that. Maybe we should do something else for a day?" Brad explained. "So you basically want some space from me because you think we are going to start arguing?" I said and Brad shook his head. "Don't worry about it. Let's just pretend I never mentioned it." Brad said and I looked confused.

"Do you still love me? Are you trying to tell me something? I can go if you want?" I said and Brad leant forwards and kissed me. The kiss started off slow and then got faster as we became more confident. Brads hands sat on my waist and pulled me closer to him, I was now sitting on a place that I didn't want to be right now but I went with it. He started to kiss down my neck and I pulled on his hair a little. He laid back on the bed and I fell on top of him which made us both giggle in the kiss. His tongue ran along my bottom lip and I allowed entrance, Brad seemed quite surprised that I was letting him go this far. We continued like this for a little while and then I started to pull on Brads shirt, he sat up for a second to take it off and then laid back down on the bed. I ran my hands down his chest and I felt his muscles tense as I did so.

"Your... So... Perfect..." I said between each kiss and Brad smiled, I wasn't really sure how far we were going to go but right now I was quite enjoying this. My hands ran down his arms and his muscles continued to tense at my touch, it was like I had complete control over him. He moaned a little as I tugged on his hair and his hands started to travel further down my waist.

"Brad..." I said. "Mhm..." He mumbled through this kiss, his hands were now sitting on my hips. "Not... Too.. Far..." I said between kisses and he gave me a cheeky smile. "Are you ok with this?" He asked and pulled away from the kiss. "Going this far yeah but no further." I said and Brad smiled. "You have gone further than usual." Brad said and I winked. "Just a little treat for you." I said and Brad blushed a bit which made me giggle. "I love it when your topless." I said and kissed down his neck to tease him, he moaned a bit and I giggled. "I haven't done anything! Why are you making cute noises?!" I asked and Brad smiled. " I can't help it. I just love you so much." Brad said. He ran his hands down my waist and down my hips, it was like he was feeling the shape of my body. I was quite curvy. "Your prefect." Brad said and I blushed. "Not as perfect as you." I said and Brad leaned forwards to kiss me again.

Tristan walked in on us and looked a bit shocked. "God guys! I didn't think you were making out already?!" Tris said and giggled. "We aren't. What do you want?" Brad asked in a very harsh voice, he was getting protective over me and I quite liked it. "I was just looking for Sophie. Have you seen her?" Tris asked. "No. Sorry Tris." I said, he smiled and winked at me. Brad rolled me off of him carefully and stood up. "Don't do that!" Brad said. "Do what?" Tris asked, he looked confused. "You just winked at my girlfriend. Go and find your own one." Brad said. "That's what I'm doing." Tris said. They stared at each other for a moment. "What's your problem?" Tris asked. "You just winked at my girlfriend, that's what my problem is." Brad said. "Chill man, it was just a joke. I have Sophie." Tris said and walked out of the room.

Brad laid back on the bed and hugged me. "Are you ok?" I asked and Brad nodded. "Of course I am baby. Why wouldn't I be?" He asked. He is being really nice to me but if another boy approaches me he gets all protective and horrible towards them. "You didn't really need to be that horrible to Tris." I said. "I'm not going to put up with him winking at you." Brad said. "I know but it was just a joke. Even if he did like me I would never go out with him. Your the only one for me. James is like my older brother and Tris and Connor are just mates." I explained and Brad nodded. "I know baby. I'm sorry. I just want to make you feel safe and happy." Brad said and I nodded. "I know. I think you should go and apologise to him" I said and kissed him. Brad smiled and nodded. "Anything for you." He replied.

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