Part 23: getting ready

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I stood in my room with my draws open trying to work out what to wear. Should I wear my crop top or is that too revealing? Should I wear jeans or is it too hot out to wear them?

Sophie walked in with a smile on her face. "Uuuggghhh!" I said and then flopped on to the bed. "What's up with you?" She asked. "I don't know what to wear and I have never been to a theme park before, I'm nervous!" I replied and buried my head in to my pillow. "Relax! I will help you. I think that you should wear a light blue crop top and some shorts. It is meant to be really hot today." Sophie said.

I put on my blue crop top which had the number 76 on it and my white shorts which weren't too short but not to long, just right. I don't know why they put random numbers on crop tops. I showed Sophie and she nodded. "Perfect! Can I do you hair?" She asked and I nodded, Sophie has always been into hair and makeup but I hate makeup. There have been plenty of times in the past where she has experimented her makeup on me and believe me, it wasn't fun!

She got the hair straighteners out and plugged them in so they could heat up. "What are you most excited for today?" Sophie asked. "Spending the day with Brad." I said and she giggled. "You spend everyday with Brad." She said. She sat on the bed with her legs dangling over the side and I sat on the floor with my head between her legs. "I know but I love him so much!" I said and she giggled again.

"So, what happened last night with you and Brad then?" She asked while running the straighteners through my hair. "Nothing. We both went to sleep and then I woke up to see Brad next to me at about 5am, he woke up shortly after me and we just talked for a while." I explained and she nodded. "Did you kiss?" She asked. "Yes." I replied. "How many times?" She asked. "2 or 3, I dunno." I said and she smiled. "You and Brad are so cute!" She said and I giggled. "Thanks, so are you and Tris. Have you gone any further?" I asked and then regretted asking. "Not really no." She replied and I nodded. Thank god for that! I didn't want to be part of that conversation!

Sophie finished straightening my hair and then brushed it. "There you go." She said and I stood up and smiled. "Thank you!" I said and hugged her. We both walked downstairs and into the boys apartment to find Rebekah and Connor kissing on the sofa and James sitting awkwardly in the kitchen on the laptop trying to ignore what was happening. We both giggled at James and at how cute Rebekah and Connor are.

Tristan walked up behind Sophie and planted kisses down her neck. They both said hi to each other and then Tris said hi to me before walking off upstairs with Sophie. I sat with James in the kitchen so he didn't feel as awkward.

"Hey." I said. "Hi. You ok?" He asked and I nodded. "Brad is upstairs by the way." James said and I nodded. "Can I ask you something?" I asked and he nodded while concentrating on what was on the laptop. "Do you like Hannah?" I asked. "Not really, why?" He asked. "I think she is starting to like you." I replied and he nodded. "She isn't being very nice to you at the moment and your like my little sister." James said and I smiled. "And your like my older brother." I said and James nodded and smiled.

Brad then walked in to the kitchen and gave me a hug. "Hey baby. You look nice today." Brad said and kissed my cheek. "Hi. You do know we saw each other about an hour ago and thanks, you look good as well." I said and giggled. "I know but it has felt like forever and thanks. I try my best to look good for you." Brad said and I smiled. Brad said hello to James and after the boys had a little conversation James walked off upstairs with the laptop.

"When is your next band meeting? You haven't had one for months." I asked as Brad got a drink from the fridge. "We don't really need to have a meeting at the moment because we are just waiting to go on tour. All we have been told to do is rehearse the songs that we are going to play in America." Brad said and I nodded. "I'm nervous about the theme park today." I said and Brad sat on the chair next to me. "You don't need to be, I am with you and we aren't going to force you to go on anything that you don't want to go on." Brad said and I nodded.

"Guys! It's time to go!" James shouted. We all got our shoes on and walked out of the apartment and to the mini bus. Thorpe park is quite far away from Birmingham so we have quite a long journey ahead of us.

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