Part 36: the boy next door and bowling

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We finished our drinks and then Brad took me to Top Shop. "If you look around the shop I am just going to the loo. Be right back." Brad said and I nodded, I walked over to my section. I can nearly still fit in some of the teen stuff but I'm more in to adult sizes now. I looked at some nice tops and there are some really nice shorts as well! But it's not my money to spend so I won't buy them.

I walked round the shop finding lots of nice clothes that I could take to America but they are all so expensive! I might just have to go to Primark and get a £2 pair of shorts that will break in the first 10 minutes of wearing them. I can't let Brad spend £100 on me again!

As I was walking round I felt a pair of arms pull me back and wrap around my waist. "Guess who?" I heard a familiar voice say behind me. "Brad?" I said and he giggled and spun me round to face him. He gave me a small bag and smiled at me. "I got that for you." He said. "Brad! I told you I don't need anything else!" I said and smiled. "But this is more of a present to show how much I love you and I will always be there for you when you need me." Brad said. I looked a bit confused and pulled a small box out of the bag, I lifted the lid off of the box and a necklace was sat there. It was gold and shiny and it had a 'C' the a heart shape and then the other side of the heart there was a 'B'. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my whole life and a couple of tears started to run down my cheeks.

"Thank you so much!" I said and hugged him tight. Brad smiled and kissed my head. "I saw it in the shop window a minute ago and I just want you to know how much I love you. If you are ever feeling down and I'm not around just look at the necklace and it should make you happier. I love you." Brad said and the tears carried on falling, I then pulled away and Brad turned me round. I lifted my hair up so he could put the necklace around my neck and then he dropped my hair so it was sitting neatly on my shoulders. It was like something from a movie!

I turned back round to face him and he had a massive smile on his face. "Relationship goals much!" Brad said and I laughed. "Have you found any nice clothes?" Brad asked. "Loads but they are all so expensive! I think I will stick to Primark." I said. "Your not going anywhere near Primark for holiday clothes. They will break in 10 minutes, pick up what you like and try it on. I will worry about the price later." Brad said. "Brad, I don't deserve any of this." I said. "Yeah, you do. Your my everything! Now hurry up because we only have an hour left until we have to meet my mum and dad." Brad said and I giggled.

I went and picked up the tops and shorts that I liked and then walked into the changing rooms to try them on. I looked in the mirror as soon as I got into the changing rooms and sighed, I then looked at the necklace that Brad had given to me and I half smiled. It was like he gave it to me to show everyone around him that I'm his and nobody else can have me, and to show that he loves me of course.

I tried on all of the clothes and surprisingly they all fitted me and I loved them all, I might just pretend that none of them fit me so Brad doesn't buy me anything. He has already got me enough stuff, I really need to get some of my own money.

I walked out of the changing rooms to see Brad sat on a chair waiting for me. "So?" He said. "None of them fit." I replied. "Your lying." Brad said and I sighed. "Brad, your not buying me all of these clothes." I said. "Yeah, I am." He said. He took the clothes off of me and walked over to the counter, I walked out of the shop of just stood there for a bit. He can't keep buying me everything! It makes me look spoilt and I can't cope with having to spend my boyfriends money all the time.

Brad walked out of the shop and saw me standing to the side of the shop, he passed me the bag and I sighed. "Thanks..." I mumbled but didn't look away from the floor. "Have I upset you?" Brad asked and I shook my head. "I have, haven't I." Brad said and I shook my head again. His lips then crashed on to mine and I was quite shocked for a little while, he pressed my body up against the wall and kissed me hard. I was a bit scared and didn't really know what to do so I just stood there. "I... Love... You" he said between kisses and I just stood there while he kissed me. He then pulled away as he realised that I wasn't joining in. He gave me a confused look. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Kissing you." Brad said. "So I'm upset and you just kiss me?" I said and Brad looked confused.

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