Part 34: big news

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After a while we chose a film to watch and started to order the pizza, the film was Marley And Me. I couldn't decide what pizza to get so I just scrolled through all the pizzas on the dominos website but I still couldn't decide. Brad walked back in the room and sat next to me. "What are you having?" I asked while he put his arm around my shoulder. "Pepperoni I think." Brad said. "I'm not sure what to have." I said. "Why don't we just get a large pepperoni pizza?" Brad asked. "Yeah, sure. Can we get garlic bread too?" I asked and Brad nodded, I passed the phone to him and he called dominoes up while I put the film in the DVD player.

Jesse came and sat on the sofa as well and I started to play with her while Brad walked out of the room to order. "Hey Jesse. How are you?" I asked, she jumped up on to my lap and started licking my face. "Hey!... Jesse... Stop!..." I said inbetween laughs and then she stopped and sat on my lap, I gave her a hug and then started to stroke her. She rolled on to her back and I tickled her belly because she loved it. "Your so adorable!" I said and gave her a little kiss on her head.

Brad walked back in and giggled at me and Jesse. "How are my two girls?" He asked. "Great thanks." I said and gave him a quick kiss. Brads phone starting to ring again so he walked out of the room to answer it, I skipped the adverts on the DVD and then waited for Brad so I could press play but he didn't come back for ages. I sat stroking Jesse waiting for Brad to come back in for about 10 minutes and when he came back in I gave him a confused look. "What's going on?" I asked. "Sophie is pregnant." Brad said and a shocked look spread across my face. "Wow... Ok, erm..." I didn't really know what to say and Brad felt the same. "Is she keeping it?" I asked. "Yeah, her and Tris are over to moon about it." Brad said and I nodded. "Right... Ok then." I said, I can't believe she is going this fast. She is only 19!

"She did a pregnancy test when she got back earlier and it came up positive, she then showed Tris and they went to the doctors to make sure and they told them that she is pregnant... They have booked for a scan to be done to see if it is a boy or a girl. Tris was shocked at first but now he quite likes the idea of having a child." Brad explained and I nodded, not really knowing what to say. "I wish I was there for her." I said after a moments silence. "I'm sure she will be fine. We are going home tomorrow." Brad said and I nodded. "She has Rebekah." I said and Brad nodded. "Yeah." Brad said and held my hand. "Are we going to have a baby in the apartment?" I asked and Brad giggled. "Well that all depends on if we are still in the apartment in 9 months. We could of all moved to a massive house for all of us to live in. One with 5 bedrooms and en suit bathrooms for every room and a massive living room, kitchen, garden, swimming pool and dining room." Brad said and I giggled. "I doubt that will happen and why 5 bedrooms?" I asked. "One for me and you, one for Tris and Sophie, one for James, one for Rebekah and Connor and one for the new baby." Brad said and I nodded. "I would love it if that happened." I said and Brad nodded. "Maybe, if we make it big in the music industry then we could do it you know. We would have the money." Brad said and I nodded.

"Shall we stop talking about Sophie and Tris now and watch the film? Our pizza will be here in a minute and we haven't even pressed play yet." I said and Brad giggled. "Yeah. Sorry." Brad said. "It's not your fault." I said and pecked his cheek. I pressed play on the remote and Jesse jumped off of my lap and walked away. About 5 minutes later the pizza came, Brad opened the door and paid the man. I then carried the box into the living room and we carried on watching the film while eating our pizza with garlic bread.

I must of fallen asleep half way through the film because when I woke up the credits were rolling on the TV, I was leaning on Brads shoulder and I stretched out. "Did you enjoy the film?" Brad asked. "From what I saw of it yeah, I did." I replied. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I might of fallen asleep half way through and only just woken up." I explained and Brad giggled. "Aaawww, my baby girl fell asleep." Brad said and I playfully hit him in the chest, he giggled and pretended to be hurt and fell on to his back. "Man down!" Brad said and I giggled. "Your fine." I said, our faces were just inches away from each other. I kissed the part of his chest that he was pretending to have hurt and he smiled at me. "I love you." I said and Brad smiled even more. "I love you too." Brad replied and our lips collided.

This time the kiss was more forceful and it was like Brad was trying to get across something. It was like he was trying to show me how protective he is over me and how much he loves me, he was kissing me harder and harder and then his hands started to wander on my body. They went down to my waist and then along my stomach, my hands rested on his head and I ran one hand through his curls. He moaned a little and I smiled. "I... Love it... When you... Do... That." I said between kisses and breaths and Brad giggled. "Do what?" Brad asked and I made him moan again. "That..." I said and he giggled. He then pulled away with a massive smile on his face. "I can't help it, you have this power over me that nobody else has." Brad said. "I do hope nobody else has that power over you because I would be very worried if they did." I said and Brad smiled. "Your the only one." Brad said and kissed me again but this time softer, he pulled away after a couple of seconds and then looked out of the window the see that it was dark. He looked over at the clock and saw that it was 10:00pm.

"Today has gone quick." Brad said and I nodded. "My parents don't come back for about another 2 hours." Brad said and I nodded. "Why don't we tidy up the pizza stuff and then get changed into our pjs? We can sit in our room and just spend some time together?" Brad asked. "Sounds good." I said and Brad smiled. "If you go and get changed then I will tidy up." Brad said and I nodded and got off of him, he sat up and smiled at me. "Where should I get changed?" I asked. "Either in my room or in the bathroom will be fine." Brad said. "I will go in your room." I replied and Brad nodded. "I will knock before I come in then." Brad said and winked at me, I blushed a little and then walked upstairs.

"Wait! Chloe!" Brad said and I stopped half way up the stairs. "What?" I asked. "We need to take Jesse out." Brad said and I smiled. "I will go, you tidy up the house." I said. "No way, I'm not letting you wander out there by yourself at 10pm." Brad said. "I will be fine." I said and put my shoes on, I got Jesse's lead and clipped in on to her collar. "Chloe, wait! I'm coming." Brad said. "But you have to tidy up." I said. "It won't take 2 hours to walk the dog. I will tidy up after." Brad said and I reluctantly nodded.

We both walked out of the door and it was quite a chilly night. Being me I forgot to bring a jumper out with me so I basically had to freeze the whole way. "Here." Brad said and held out his hoodie. "You will get cold." I said. "No I won't, I'm warm anyway." Brad said, I took the hoodie and put it on. "Thanks." I said and Brad held my hand and with the other hand he held the lead. "No problem baby." He replied and I blushed a little. "It's a lovely night." I said and looked up at the sky, there were lots of stars and a full moon. "Yeah, perfect." Brad said and tightened his grip on my hand as he looked up at the sky and continued to walk along the pavement.

After a while we started to walk back to Brads parents house and on the way back we bumped into one of Brads old friends that he used to go to school with, they were talking for ages and I just awkwardly stood there with the dog. "Brad, who's that?" His mate asked. "This is my girlfriend, Chloe." Brad said and pulled me in for a hug. "Oh, you did well." Brads mate said and he nodded. "Yeah. Really well, I'm so lucky to have her." Brad replied and held my hand. "I can see why you didn't go out with any of the girls at school, they are nothing compared to Chloe." Brads mate said and Brad nodded. "Well, we had better get going. It's getting late." Brad said, they both said goodbye and then me and Brad carried on walking.

We eventually got home and I finally managed to walk up the stairs without Brad calling my name, I opened the massive wardrobe and pulled out my pjs. I got changed into them and then just as I was finished I heard a knock on the door. "Can I come in?" I heard Brad ask." Yeah." I said and Brad walked in. "You look cute in those pjs." Brad said and smiled while I laid over the double bed. "Thanks." I said and put on Brads hoodie that he had given to me to keep. "And you look even more cute with my hoodie on." Brad said and I giggled.

He then pulled his top off and I looked a bit shocked. "Brad... Do you want me to leave while you get changed?" I asked. "If you want. I don't mind." Brad said, he seemed so comfortable with me being around him while he was only half dressed. I don't know how he has the courage, I'm still really self conscious about my body. He then pulled his trousers off so he was just in his underwear and I buried my head into the cushion, I was not ready for that. "It's safe to look now." Brad said, I lifted my head up slightly and saw that he had his pyjama trousers on but no top. He sat on the bed and I laid so my head was in his lap and my feet were at the other side of the bed, Brad started to play with my hair and it was very relaxing. I just looked up at my adorable boyfriend and he leant down and kissed me. "Now this is relationship goals." I said and Brad giggled. "We are relationship goals." Brad said and then kissed me again.

We both got into bed and it was a bit awkward for a little while but once we started talking it didn't seem so bad. Maybe I could get used to sleeping with Brad, but just sleeping! Nothing else! Yet...

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