Part 79: happy half a year anniversary part 2

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Brad took his first go and he got a strike, my mouth dropped open and he giggled. "Show off!" I said as he went to collect his ball for his second go. "I'm not, I'm just good at it. So are you." Brad said. "I'm not good at it, I fail so badly!" I said and Brad giggled. "You don't fail at anything Chloe, you can do anything if you put your mind to it." Brad said, he walked over and took his next throw. This time he only knocked down 7 pins but it was still a good shot! I then walked over and picked up a ball, I walked up the the alley and looked at the ball. "I can't do this..." I mumbled and Brad walked up behind me. "Yeah you can, come on. I will help you." Brad said, he showed me the swinging motion that I had to make with my arm and after a while I released the ball. It rolled and rolled and rolled, it finally hit the pins and I knocked 3 down. "3!" I shouted and Brad giggled. "Try again but try and throw the ball with a bit more force." Brad said, I walked over to get another ball and then went back up to the alley.

This time I threw the ball with a bit more force and knocked down 6 pins. "Yay!" I said and Brad smiled, he hugged me from behind and then a lady came over and gave us our drinks. "Did you get a beer?" I asked and Brad nodded. "Is that ok?" Brad asked and I nodded. "As long as you don't get drunk." I said, Brad took a sip of his drink and then put the cup down on the side. "I'm not going to get drunk on one beer." Brad said and I nodded. "Do you want some?" Brad asked. "No thanks, I think I will stick with my Coke." I said and Brad nodded, we played the rest of the first game and I was getting a lot better. I still didn't get a strike but Brad could see that I was improving, we finished our drinks and then Brad set up the second game. I started to get better and eventually I got a strike! I ran into Brad's arms and he picked me up while spinning me around and then he kissed me. "Well done!" He said and I kissed him back.

We finished the game off and unfortunately I didn't get another strike but I thought I did better than my first game, we then walked out of the bowling place and I held Brad's hand while we walked around. "What shall we do now?" Brad asked. "I don't mind." I said and smiled. "Did you want to go back to the apartment or did you want to do something else? It's only 5:30pm." Brad said and kissed my cheek. "I really don't mind Brad, you can choose." I said and Brad gave me the puppy dog eyes. "What?" I asked. "Please think of something? I have no ideas!" Brad said and I laughed. "How about we just go back to the apartment and spend the rest of the evening snuggled up in bed just talking and watching films?" I asked. "That sounds good! Maybe we can get a pizza as well?" Brad asked. "I have eaten too much unhealthy food recently!" I said and Brad smiled. "No you haven't. You only had Nando's." Brad said. "And some Coke earlier." I said and Brad smiled. "It's only for one day, tomorrow you can go back to eating healthy again." Brad said and I smiled. "I'm not sure, you can get some pizza if you want." I said. "I'm not getting pizza unless you share with me." Brad said. "Fine, I will share some of your pizza but not loads." I said. "Thank you baby!" Brad said.

We started walking back to the apartment and as soon as we got there Brad rang for a pizza and I went to see Jesse, she was snuggled up on the sofa next to Rebekah and I laughed. "Hey Jesse!" I said and she jumped up on to her feet, I walked over to her and gave her a massive hug. "Hey Bekkie." I said and she smiled. "Hi, you ok?" Rebekah asked and I nodded. "How's Jesse been?" I asked. "As good as gold." Rebekah said and I smiled. "Your such a good girl Jesse!" I said and she barked, Rebekah laughed and I kissed Jesse on the head. Brad then walked in and sat down on the sofa next to me. "I have ordered the pizza." Brad said, I nodded and held his hand. "What have you two been up today?" Rebekah asked. "Just stuff." Brad said and winked. "We went to the park and then we went out for lunch at Nando's and then we went bowling and Brad won both games." I said and Brad smiled. "Sounds like a good half a year anniversary to me." Rebekah said and I nodded. "It has been a good day." Brad said and winked at me. "What are you two going to do this evening?" Rebekah asked. "We are just going to watch movies and get a pizza." I said and Rebekah nodded. "Sounds fun! I think me and Connor are going to have a lazy night in as well." Rebekah said and I smiled. "Cute!" I said and she nodded.

"Well, shall we go upstairs then Chloe?" Brad asked and I nodded. "See you later Rebekah." I said and she smiled at me, Jesse followed us upstairs and we went into Brad's room. "What films are we going to watch?" Brad asked as he opened a cupboard that has lots of films in it. "I don't mind, you can choose the first one if you want." I said and smiled. "And then you choose the second one?" Brad asked and I nodded. "I need to get changed into my pjs." I said. "You can borrow mine if you want so you don't have to bother going next door just to get your pjs?" Brad asked. "Do you mind?" I asked. "Not at all! You can wear my penguin onesie if you want?" Brad said and I nodded, he got his onesie out of his draw and passed it to me. "There you go." Brad said and kissed the top of my head, I walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I got changed into Brad's onesie and then tried to brush my hair as best as I could with Brad's mini comb. I look awful but I'm sure Brad doesn't care, I walked out of the bathroom and put my clothes in a neat pile on his floor. Brad chose the film Nemo and put it in the DVD player, he pressed play and skipped through the adverts while we both got into bed and snuggled up to each other.

"I love you." I whispered and kissed Brad's cheek lightly. "I love you too baby." Brad said, he kissed me delicately on the lips and then smiled at me. "You look so cute in my onesie." He said and I blushed. "Thank you." I said and smiled, the film then started and for most of it we just ended up kissing. The pizza then came and Brad went downstairs to collect it, when he came back he jumped on to the bed and opened up the cardboard box to reveal a pepperoni pizza. "That looks nice." I said and Brad nodded. "Do you want a bit?" Brad asked. "Yeah but I'm all snuggled up in the duvet, I can't be bothered to move." I said and Brad smiled. "Do I need to feed my baby girl?" Brad asked and I nodded then giggled, he passed me a bit of pizza and I took a bite in to it. "This is so good!" I said and Brad smiled, he then took a bite out of the same slice and I looked confused. "Aren't you going to get my germs?" I asked. "Yeah but your not ill so does it matter?" Brad asked. "I guess not." I said and he winked at me.

We spent the rest of the film eating the pizza and then when it finished Brad threw the cardboard box away and then snuggled back up under the duvet with me. "Thank you for today." I said while pecking his nose. "No problem baby. I love you so much and I wish I could give you everything you ever wanted." Brad said. "But you are everything I have ever wanted." I said and kissed him.

We spent the rest of the evening kissing and hugging while watching several films and then we both fell asleep in each other's arms. This has been the best half a year anniversary ever!

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