Part 47: how far would you go?

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I smiled up at him and he smiled back. "I told you I never break my promises." Brad said and I smiled at me, he snuggled up to me and I kissed his cheek. "I love you..." I said and Brad smiled. "I love you too." Brad said and we both kissed for a little while, he eventually pulled away and we stared at each other for a while. "I can't believe we are in America." I said to break the silence and Brad hugged me. "Same here. It feels like it's all a dream and I will wake up to being at home, in my own bed, with no beautiful girlfriend, no band and no life." Brad said and sighed, I gave him a worried look and gave him a long but slow kiss on the side of his head. "Are you ok?" I asked and Brad nodded. "I just worry that I will loose everything that means a lot to me." Brad said. "Your never going to loose me or the band." I said and ran my hand down his chest, he looked quite upset and I gave him a reassuring smile. Normally it's me that talks about my problems, not him. "I know, I just worry. Your too good for me, I don't know how I got you." Brad said and I smiled. "I think it's more like your too good for me, a handsome man in a band." I said and Brad giggled. "I wouldn't go as far as handsome." Brad said and I smiled. "You are handsome and cute and adorable and kinda hot..." I said and Brad smiled.

"Kinda?" He said and bit his lip. "Ok... You are hot." I said and Brad smiled. "Thanks baby. I don't know what I would do if I lost you." Brad said and I smiled. "Your not going to loose me unless you go with another girl." I said. "I'm not going to do that." Brad said. "Well your not going to loose me then." I said and Brad smiled. "Good." He said. "What time is it?" I asked, Brad rolled over and checked the time on his phone. "9pm." He said and then put his phone back on the side.

I then picked my phone up and scrolled through Instagram, Brad looked at my phone with me and there were some funny pictures that fans had put on there of Connor. We both giggled at them and Brad hugged me. "What was the last thing you posted on Instagram?" I asked Brad. "The picture of me, you and Jesse round my parents house." Brad said. "Don't you think it's about time you posted something else?" I asked. "Yeah, but I dunno what to post." Brad said. "The view of outside?" I asked. "Nah, I have a better idea." Brad said, he got his phone off of the side and clicked on the camera app. He rolled over so he was directly looking into my eyes and held the camera above our heads. "I love you." Brad said and I smiled. "I love you too." I replied, Brad leaned forwards and gave me a long and passionate kiss. As we were kissing he was taking photos and I giggled in the kiss.

"What?" He asked as he pulled away. "I bet those photos look awful." I said and Brad showed me the photos. "I really like them." Brad said and I smiled. "Can I post one of them on Instagram?" Brad asked. "But I will get hate for it." I said. "So? It's just for the fun. You have got to ignore those couple of people who send hate and focus on all of the people who send nice things." Brad said and I nodded. "Ok..." I said and he smiled, he opened up Instagram and posted one of the pictures of us kissing. Within seconds the photo had 100 likes and 20 comments. "Wow!" I said and Brad giggled. "That's my loyal fans for you." Brad said and I giggled, he then started to scroll through his newsfeed and liked a couple of pictures. He doesn't like pictures often so as you would expect people went crazy when they saw a like from @bradleywillsimpson on their Instagram page. I giggled at the responses and then Brad put his phone down.

"So, what shall we do now?" Brad asked. "Can I see your balcony?" I asked and Brad nodded, we both got out of bed and Brad held my hand. He opened the doors to the balcony and we both stepped outside to see a lovely sunset, it looked just like the pictures that you see of LA, beautiful. I held the barrier that we stopping us from falling and Brad came up behind me, he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck. "Perfect." He said. "What is?" I asked. "You, this view, America. Everything is perfect right now." Brad said and I blushed. "Shall I tell you what would be perfect though?" Brad asked and I nodded.

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