Part 57: NYC

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Brads alarm woke us up at 4:30am and I was not very happy, Brad wasn't in the mood to get up either so he just turned his alarm off and went back to sleep. I looked at the clock and it said 4:30am, I then closed my eyes and heard a knock on the door which woke me and Brad up. I looked at the clock again and it said 5:30am! "What!" I shouted, very grumpy and tired, Brad groaned and rolled over as the door flew open. "Guys! We are meant to be leaving in 10 minutes!" Waddy said. "Mhm..." I said and snuggled into Brad to try and get back to sleep. "Guys!" Waddy said and Brad sat up. "Fine! We are getting up now, go away!" Brad said, Waddy huffed and walked towards the door. "10 minutes!" Waddy said and then slammed the door, I groaned and buried my head into the pillow.

Brad sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes even though he was still half asleep. "Baby..." He groaned and shook me awake again. "Mmhhhmmm..." I said in to the pillow. "We need to get up..." He replied, he then got out of bed and got changed into some jeans, a baggy top and one of his hoodies. "Do you wanna wear one of my hoodies?" Brad shouted from the bathroom as he brushed his teeth. "Mhm." I said, my head still buried in the pillow, Brad walked out of the bathroom 2 minutes later and sat next to me on the bed. "Baby, we have 5 minutes. We need to go now." Brad said, I huffed and got out of bed. I walked over to my room and shut the door behind me, my suitcase was standing up against the wall ready to go and my flight clothes for today we hung over the back of the chair. I put on some leggings, a baggy top and one of Brads hoodies. I then put on my converse and walked out of my room with my suitcase, I carried it downstairs and gave it to James so he could put it on the mini bus.

"You and Brad are lucky you had enough time to get ready! You overslept." James said and I sleepily nodded, I then felt Brads arms wrap around me from behind and he snuggled his head into my neck. "Can we sleep?" He asked and I nodded, I passed him his beanie and he put it on his head. I am very tired but I have to say, he looks damn adorable in a hoodie and a beanie. We all got on to the mini bus and slept for the whole 2 hour journey to the airport.

Once we got to the airport we went through luggage collection, security checks, boarder control and passport checks before we got to duty free and we all sat down by our gate number and waited for our flight to get called. The boys all went off to Starbucks to get hot chocolates for everyone and the girls all sat looking half asleep while staring out the window.

The boys came back 10 minutes later and I sat on Brads lap with a hot chocolate. "Nice?" Brad asked and I nodded, he kissed the top of my head and tried to nibble my ear. "Brad?!" I said and he giggled. "What?..." He asked. "Stop it." I said and kissed his cheek. "You tired baby?" Brad asked and I nodded. "Very, you?" I asked and Brad nodded, I got a coffee though so I should wake up soon." Brad said and I nodded. Waddy then walked over to us all and sighed. "Our flight is delayed by half an hour..." He said and sat in his seat. "Well I'm going shopping then." Rebekah said and Sophie joined her, Tris went with them too just to make sure Sophie was ok. James was on his phone, Connor was watching something on the laptop, Dean was editing a video, Waddy and Fin were talking and me and Brad were just looking out the window.

Brad put his coffee cup on the table next to him and put the hood of my jacket over my head. "Are you cold?" Brad asked and I nodded. "A bit, I tend to get cold when I'm tired." I said and he smiled. "I will warm you up." He said and then hugged me, his arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me close to him. "I love you..." I mumbled and snuggled into his chest. "I love you too." Brad said and kissed my head, I was just about to fall asleep but then a family came over with 4 screaming children and sat in the row of seats behind us, I looked up at Brad and he turned to look at the family. There were 2 boys and 2 girls, the parents kept screaming "stop it!!" And "shut up!!" But the kids weren't listening. "That's not how you treat children..." I said and looked a bit concerned. "I know, I wouldn't treat our kids like that." Brad said. "Same." I said and smiled at him. "I would always be nice to them and that way they will listen to me, I will never shout and I will always reward them and spend time with them." Brad said and a massive smile appeared on my face. "That's cute, your going to be a great dad." I said and Brad smiled. "And your going to be a great mum." Brad said, we both kissed a bit and then our flight got announced.

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