Part 19: BBQ

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"Do I have to tell you?" Sophie asked. "Sophie... What have you done?" Rebekah asked. "We made out but that's it!" Sophie said, me and Rebekah stared at her. "Ok... On that note I'm going to Brad." I said and then got up to leave. I didn't want to be in that awkward conversation any longer.

I walked up behind Brad and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Hey." I said and snuggled my head into his neck. "Hi. You ok?" Brad asked. "Yeah, how is the BBQ going?" I asked. "Very well thanks." He replied. "Can we go back in the pool?" I asked and lifted my head out of the crook of his neck. "I'm cooking baby. We can after dinner." Brad said and I sighed. "Ok." I said and then walked away, I laid on a deck chair and looked up at the sky. It is a lovely day with blue sky and no clouds.

"Chloe! Can you help me with something?" Brad asked, well that was quick. I literally just walked away from him and now he needs me again... I got up and walked over to him. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the kitchen. "I feel bad for not being able to go in the pool with you." Brad said. "It's fine." I replied and then went to walk away but Brad pulled me back. "Why do you keep walking away from me?" Brad asked. "I dunno. To give you some space I guess." I replied. "But I wanna be with you." Brad said and rested his hand on my cheek.

"Brad! It's your turn to stand by the BBQ!" James shouted and Brad sighed. "I promise after dinner I will spend all night with you." Brad said and I nodded. He ran over to the BBQ and I looked at him through the kitchen window.

"Are you ok?" James asked. "Yeah." I said. "How's your birthday going?" He asked. "Good." I replied and he nodded. "I'm sorry if we all keep taking Brad away from you." James said. "It's fine, I don't mind. He is allowed a life away from me." I said and James nodded. We both looked out of the window and watched Brad. "He is thinking about you right now." James said. "How do you know?" I asked. "Because he always bites his lip when he thinks of you." He said and I nodded. "Go and talk to him." James said.

I nodded and walked outside and over to Brad, he smiled at me as I walked over and I smiled back. "Are you joining me?" Brad asked and I giggled. "Yep." I said and hugged him, he smiled and hugged me back. "You know, I could stand here all day hugging you." Brad said. "So could I." I said. He pulled away so he could flip the burgers on the BBQ and then pulled me back into a hug.

"I was talking to Sophie earlier about her relationship with Tris." I said. "What did she say?" Brad asked, I looked up at him. "She has gone a lot further with him than I thought." I replied. "How far?" Brad asked with a cheeky smile, his arms wrapping tighter around my waist. "Guess." I replied. He thought about it for a minute and bit his lip, he is so adorable. "Snogging?" Brad asked. "Further." I said and Brad looked shocked. "They haven't, you know, done it yet? Have they?" Brad asked and I giggled. "Not yet." I replied and ran my fingertips down his bare chest. He smiled at me and then called Tris over. "It's your turn to stand at the BBQ." Brad said and then the boys swapped over.

Brad walked me over to the pool and he jumped in, when he came up to the surface his hair was sitting in an adorable position on his head and he had a cheeky smile on his face. "You coming in?" Brad asked. "I thought you had to do the BBQ?" I asked. "Me and James have done our bit. Connor and Tris have to do their bit now." He said and I nodded. "You coming in?"  Brad asked and I walked over to the steps. "No, jump in." Brad said. "I have never jumped in before." I said and Brad smiled. "I will catch you, jump into my arms." Brad said but I just stood at the edge of the pool. "Trust me?" Brad said. I do trust him, I would trust him with my life.

I stood at the edge of the pool and took a deep breath. I then jumped and landed in the pool but Brad caught me. "See, it wasn't that bad." He said as I wiped the water out of my eyes. He smiled at me and I smiled back. "You can put me down now if you want." I said and Brad giggled. "Never!" Brad said and I laughed. He was holding me in a cradle position and I moved so my legs were around his waist and my arms were resting on his shoulders. "If I get too heavy then just put me down." I said and Brad smiled. "Your not heavy." Brad said and I smiled back at him.

"I love you." I said and ran my hand down his chest again. "I love you too." Brad said and I smiled at him. I then messed up his hair and he pretended to look upset. I giggled and he smiled. "I like your hair." I said and Brad giggled. "I will have it like this more often then." Brad said and we both laughed.

"Guys! Dinner is ready!" Connor shouted. Brad dunked his hair under the water so it was normal again and then carried me out of the pool, I actually felt sorry for him because I know that I am heavy. He put me down at the table and then gave me a plate, he is so kind.

I got myself a burger and Brad piled his plate with sausages, burgers, baked beans, chicken and kebabs. I went and sat on the deck chair and about 10 minutes later Brad joined me. "I got you a sausage because they are nearly all gone and I didn't want you to miss out." Brad said and I smiled. "Thank you." I replied. He is so caring and thoughtful.

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