Part 52: the beach

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The rest of the night went by quickly and I fell asleep at about 1am, I would of fallen asleep earlier but me and Brad had a little make out session from about 9pm-1am. I really love Brad and I love that he always cares about what I want, he never forces me to do anything and it even comes down to how he kisses me. His kisses are so passionate and gentle at the same time, he is really protective over me and I couldn't ask for anyone better to be my boyfriend.

I woke up at 9am to see Brad staring at me while playing with my hair. "Morning baby." He said, I smiled at him and saw that he was topless and he had no trousers on. I started to panic because I couldn't remember how far we went last night. "Erm... Brad." I said. "Yeah baby." He said and planted little kisses on my cheek. "How far did we go last night?" I asked, looking at his chest and then back up to his eyes. "Not far, don't worry. I took my trousers off because I got really hot last night." Brad said and a sigh of relief escaped my mouth. "Thank god for that! I thought for a minute that we... Well... You know..." I said and Brad giggled. "We didn't, just what we normally do." Brad said and I smiled in relief.

"We get to go to the beach today." Brad said and a massive smile appeared on his face. "I know, we need to also have a day where we just stay in bed." I said and Brad giggled. "Now that would be cute." Brad said and winked at me, I blushed a little and he planted little kiss on my lips. "I love you, I'm going to make today really special." Brad said and held my hands under the duvet. "What did you mean when you said the other day that you are going to make today romantic and cute?" I asked and Brad smiled. "You will have to wait and see." Brad said and I gave him the puppy dog eyes. "Please tell me?" I asked and Brad giggled. "I will tell you one thing but the rest you will have to wait to find out about." Brad said and I nodded, Brad leaned forwards and gave me a really long and passionate kiss and then pulled away so his forehead was resting against mine. "There will be lots of kisses." Brad whispered, he then winked at me and got out of bed.

At first I was a bit shocked when I saw him walking around in his underwear but then I got used to it. "Do you still want me to wear the white swimming shorts with the blue waves on them?" Brad asked and I nodded, he got changed into his swimming shorts and then started to model them by doing the cat walk up and down his room. He then stood on the balcony and did a funny pose and I could not stop laughing. "What are you laughing at?" He asked and walked back inside. "You." I said, still giggling a bit. He crawled on to the bed and made me lay down on my back, his face was inches away from mine and I could feel his warm breath on my lips. "I love you, so so so much." Brad said and then crashed his lips on to mine before I could reply.

My hands rested on his chest and he supported himself on his elbows so he didn't squash me, his tongue entered my mouth and little moans of pleasure escaped his lips. I giggled at him and then ran my hands down his chest until I had to stop because his shorts were in the way, one of my hands then moved up to his head and I ran my fingers through his curls. A smile appeared on his face and I smiled back at him, my phone then vibrated on the side and Brad pulled away. "Just leave it." I said and went to kiss him again but he stopped me. "What if it's Drew again." Brad said. "It isn't." I said. "How do you know?" Brad asked. "I just know, today is my time with you so there will be no answering my phone. Just me and you." I said and Brad smiled. "Can you just check to see if it is Drew, you don't have to answer it." He said and I sighed. "Fine." I said and rolled over to check my phone. "It's from Alisha." I said and then rolled back under Brad, he smiled at me and kissed my lips. "That was fun." He said and raised his eyebrows up and down while biting his lip. I nodded and then looked at the time. "We need to finish getting ready." I said and Brad nodded.

"I really like the idea of us just having a day together in bed." Brad said and winked. "Your not getting that all the time, it's just a treat." I said and giggled under my breath while getting out of bed. "What? That's unfair!" Brad said in a childish voice and I laughed. "Sorry Brad but if we do that all the time then eventually it won't mean anything." I said and Brad pretended to look upset, I giggled at him and then walked out of his room and into my own room to get changed. I put on my bikini just as Brad asked and then looked in the mirror. "I look so ugly." I said to myself and sighed, I then put a top on and the shorts that Brad wanted me to wear before putting my hair up in a pony tail and checking my phone. I read the message from Alisha and it said:

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