Part 86: shopping and romantic night part 1

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I woke up in the morning to an empty bedroom, why does nobody let me know when they are going downstairs? I rubbed my eyes and rolled over to check my phone, the time is 8:30am. "What shall I do today?" I asked myself and sighed, I still feel really down about this whole birthday thing and I haven't spoken to Brad since yesterday afternoon. I sat up in my bed and looked out the window to see the sun was shining and the sky was blue, I could go outside today but I can't be bothered to move anywhere right now. I laid back down on my bed and then heard a knock at the door. "Come in!" I shouted and the door opened, Brad walked in and sat on the end of my bed. "Morning." He said and smiled at me. "Hey." I said and half smiled back. "You ok?" He asked and I nodded. "Good." He said and looked out of the window. "Did you want something?" I asked. "I just wanted to see you..." He said and looked at the floor. "What's wrong?" I asked, I sat up and faced him. "I feel bad for saying that I didn't want anything for my birthday last night, I can see that it has had an affect on everyone and I didn't mean to say it. Of course I want stuff for my birthday but I meant to say that I don't know what I want." Brad said and I looked at him. "Are you mad at me?" He asked. "No, just a bit upset." I said and looked down at the duvet.

"Chloe, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you! Of course I want a birthday present from you, I know how hard you have worked to get the money for it and I can't wait to see what it is." Brad said. "Seriously? Or are you just saying that to make me feel better?" I asked. "I'm being serious." He said while looking at me in the eye. "Ok." I said and started to play with the promise ring on my finger. "I love you." Brad said, I looked up at him and he smiled at me. "I love you too." I said and Brad reached his arms out, I crawled over to him and let him embrace me into his body. "I missed sleeping with you last night..." Brad said. "So did I." I said and Brad kissed the top of my head. "Can we sleep together again tonight?" Brad asked. "Yeah." I said and he smiled.

"What shall we do today?" I asked. "I thought you wanted to go out with the girls?" Brad asked. "Oh, yeah." I said and looked at Brad, I can see that he is very disappointed that I have to go. "I'm not going." I said. "Why not?" He asked. "Because I wanna be with you..." I said and he smiled at me. "I wanna be with you too but you are allowed to do things by yourself, your whole life doesn't have to revolve around me." He said. "But I want my life to be around you." I said and he smiled. "How about you go out with the girls today and I will spend some time with the guys, when you get back I will have a romantic and cute evening planned out for you again." Brad said. "Last time your romantic and cute evening was just us making out and watching films." I said and giggled. "This time it will be different but there will still be some making out..." Brad said and winked. "Braddy!" I said and he laughed, he pulled me into a hug and I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck.

"You had better get ready to go out, the girls are pretty much ready. They are just having breakfast." Brad said and I nodded. "Why doesn't anyone wake me up?" I asked. "What do you mean?" Brad asked. "When I wake up in the morning everyone is downstairs, why does nobody wake me up and ask if I wanna come down?" I asked. "We thought you would want to sleep. I will wake you up if you want me to?" Brad asked and I nodded. "You normally sleep with me anyway." Brad said and I pecked his cheek. "I'm gonna get ready." I said and he nodded. "Where are you planning on going?" Brad asked. "Just up to the park or maybe shopping." I lied, I don't want him to know that we are going to buy stuff for his party. "Sounds like fun, can you make sure you text me every so often so I know that your ok?" Brad asked and I giggled. "If you want." I said and smiled, Brad then kissed me and pushed me down on to the bed so I was laying on my back. He laid on top of me and kissed me hard all down my neck. "Baby..." I said as he kissed back up to my lips. "Yeah?..." He asked. "I have to... Get ready to... Go now..." I said and he pulled away.

He stood up and leaned against the doorframe. "Will I get to see you again before you leave?" Brad asked. "Yeah." I said and then he walked off down the stairs, I walked over to my wardrobe and tried to think of what I should wear today. It does look quite hot outside and we are in the middle of summer. It's July! In the end I picked out a light blue top and my white shorts with my dark blue Converse, I know Brad likes seeing me in shorts so that will give him a bit of a treat when we have our cute and romantic evening tonight. I brushed my teeth and washed my face and then walked down the stairs. "Chloe!" All the girls said and ran over to me (Sophie sort of hobbled over to me) and we all had a group hug. "Look at you girls! All ready for a day out." Connor said as all of the boys walked into the kitchen to see us, we all giggled and Brad winked at me. "My girl looks the best." Brad said and I blushed a little. "Nah, my girl does." Connor said. "Hey! Am I ugly now?!" I said to Connor and he giggled. "No, but your not the prettiest here. Rebekah is." Connor said and we all looked to Rebekah. "I'm not..." Rebekah said and blushed a bit. "Yeah you are." I said to her and gave her a hug. "Your beautiful though." Brad said and hugged me from behind. "But Rebekah is the prettiest." I said. "Nah, you are." Brad said. "Alright! Give it a rest you guys!" Sophie said and we all giggled.

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