Part 51: last day of recording

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I woke up in the morning to see that Brad had gone, I checked the time and it was 9:30am. I must of slept in and I'm not surprised! I met Ashton Irwin yesterday! I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes, I then looked out of the window and smiled at the view of America. I am really starting to like America and I do still miss home and Jesse but I am getting used to it, plus I still have ages in America so I kind of have to start to like it.

I opened the door and walked down the corridor to hear Brad singing in Waddy's room, his voice is amazing and he is so talented. I pressed my ear up against the door and heard him singing a song, he kept on repeating the words ooooohhh, she needs a wild heart, she needs a wild heart, I've got a wild heart so I am guessing the new song is called Wild Heart or something like that. The door then opened and Waddy went to walk out the door but walked in to me. "Oh, sorry." Waddy said and I smiled. "It's fine, I was just going to go downstairs." I said and Waddy smiled. "Why are you listening in then?" Waddy asked. "Leave her alone!" Brad shouted and then walked over to the door, Waddy walked downstairs and me and Brad were left alone. "Morning." Brad said and I smiled. "Hey, where are the other boys?" I asked. "They have done most of their recording, I have a bit more to do as I am the lead singer." Brad said and I nodded. "Is there something you wanted?" Brad asked. "I just wanted to come and say good morning, you weren't there when I woke up." I said. "I know, I was going to wake you up but you looked so peaceful and beautiful so I didn't wake you." Brad said. "You should of." I said and then stepped forwards to give him a hug, he hugged me back and kissed my head.

"I will be done in a couple of hours and then we can FaceTime Jesse." Brad said and I nodded. "Thank you." I said and Brad smiled at me. "Have you spoken to Rebekah at all?" Brad asked. "No, I might try and talk to her today. I really don't understand why she isn't talking to me, have I done something wrong?" I asked. "I don't think so. Maybe she is just wrapped up with Connor, he is a bit demanding." Brad said and I nodded. "I will leave you to get back to your work then." I said and Brad nodded. "I can't wait for the beach tomorrow." Brad said and I smiled. "Same here." I said and then Waddy walked back upstairs and over to his room. "Come on Brad." He said and Brad nodded at him. "See yah later." Brad said and I nodded, he kissed me and then stepped away to close the door. "I love you!" He shouted through the door. "Give me a break." I heard Waddy say and I giggled to myself while walking down the stairs.

I picked Brads hoodie up that was hanging over the banister and put it on while I walked outside, it can get a bit chilly in the mornings but once the sun is fully up it gets really hot. I looked around and saw Rebekah sitting on the chair by herself so I walked over to her. "Hey." I said and she smiled at me, I sat down next to her and waited for her to say something but she didn't. "Are you ok?" I asked and she nodded. "Have I done something wrong?" I asked. "No, why?" She asked. "Because recently you have been ignoring me and you haven't really spoken to me, ever since I suggested we should spend some time together you have been avoiding me." I said and Rebekah sighed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to." She said. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing really." She replied. "Rebekah, I have known you for too long. I know there is something wrong." I said and she looked at me. "Ever since Sophie got pregnant Connor has been going on and on about having kids and that he wants to spend more time with me, I have tried telling him that I'm not ready for kids and I have tried saying that I would like to spend some time with you and Sophie but he doesn't listen." Rebekah said.

I looked at her and then gave her a hug. "Do you want me to talk to him?" I asked. "If you want but I don't know how it is going to help." Rebekah said. "I can just ask him to understand what you are trying to tell him." I said. "Ok..." Rebekah said. "I think this is just the same problem as you had last time with Connor, you don't communicate enough. You want the prefect relationship but you don't talk to each other about what you want." I said. "I know." Rebekah said. "Maybe just sit down and talk to him about all the problems you have and then he can talk to you about all the problems that he has, then things will get resolved." I suggested. "I would but he doesn't really listen." Rebekah said. "I can get him to listen." I said and Rebekah nodded. "Later on me and Brad are going to FaceTime Jesse and Brads parents, before I do that I will get Connor to talk to you." I said. "Thank you." Rebekah said and I smiled. "You and Connor are adorable together by the way." I said and Rebekah smiled. "Thanks. So are you and Brad." Rebekah said and I hugged her.

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