Part 80: working at Tesco

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2 weeks went past and I have started my job, I don't mind it but it does get a bit boring. All I have to do for 5 hours everyday is put food on the shelves in Tesco but it is getting me enough money to get Brad's the best birthday present ever and to throw him a party. Things have been good since our half a year anniversary and over the last few days I feel like me and Brad have become closer as a couple, Brad isn't as protective over me anymore but he still cares for me. I don't mind as much anymore if he talks to other girls because I trust him not to do anything stupid, I know he loves me and I love him. Recently we have been thinking that we should maybe go a bit further in our relationship but I'm not sure, maybe we should wait until we have been going out for a year first? I don't wanna go too fast.

I then got snapped out of my thoughts as I bumped into someone with 2 bottles of milk in each hand. "I'm so sorry!" I said and then looked at the person properly to see it was Brad. "Hey! It's fine. We need to stop bumping into each other though or your going to get a permanent bruise on your head." Brad said and I giggled. "Why are you here?" I asked. "I just wanted to get some pizza for Tris later, he won't stop going on about how much he wants pizza so I gave in and went to get him one." Brad said and I smiled, I walked over to the aisle where the milk is kept and Brad followed me. "You should of just texted me and I would of brung some home with me." I said and turned to face him. "Nah, I don't mind coming up. And it means I get to see you." Brad said and winked. "Are you nearly done with your shift?" Brad asked. "I have an hour." I said and Brad held my hand. "If my manager catches us holding hands then he will probably fire me." I said and let go of his hand. "But I love you." Brad said. "I love you too but we can hold hands later, I have worked so hard to get this money for your birthday and I don't want to loose it all now." I said and Brad smiled. "You don't have to do this for me." Brad said as I walked back over to the trolley to put some more milk on the shelf. "I want to." I said and smiled.

Brad stood there and watched me load the milk on to the shelf. "Did you want any help?" I asked and giggled. "No, I'm just watching you." Brad said and smiled, I smiled back and carried on with my job. When I had finished loading the milk on to the shelf I walked back over to the staff room where all of the food is kept, Brad followed me over to the door and I stopped. "You can't come in here." I said and Brad smiled. "I wanna kiss." Brad said and stepped closer towards me. "I can't, not now." I said, I walked into the staff room with the trolley and closed the door behind me so Brad couldn't come in. I do feel bad and I do really want to kiss him but I can't, not here anyway. I don't want to loose all of the money that I have worked so hard to get.

Brad eventually went home and after an hour went by I walked over to my manager. "I have done my shift." I said and he smiled. "Well done, you are very good at this job. Are you sure you don't want to take it as a full time job?" He asked. "No thanks, I'm only getting enough money to pay for my boyfriends birthday present and birthday party." I said and he nodded. "You must be getting him something really expensive then because you said that you want to earn £100." He said and I nodded. "It's not that it is expensive but I want to get him something special." I said and smiled. "Oh right. Was that your boyfriend that you were talking to by the milk aisle?" He asked and I started to panic. "Yeah, I'm so sorry. I told him not to hold my hand because I don't want to loose my job!" I said and he giggled. "Don't worry about it, I think I can let you off because you have been working so hard over the last 2 weeks." He said and I breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you." I said as I gave him the keys to the staff room.

"You only have 2 days left working here." He said and I nodded. "Yeah, I'm sorry but I better get going." I said and he smiled. "No problem, thank you for your help and I will see you tomorrow." He said and I nodded. "Thanks, bye." I said, I walked out of the Tesco and made my way back to the apartment.

1 message to Brad:
I'm coming home now! Xxxxxxx

1 message from Brad:
Yay!! I can't wait to see you and you can get out of your work clothes 😏😉 xxxxxx

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