Part 62: day out in California

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For the rest of the flight me and Brad just slept and Waddy had to wake us up when the plane landed, we went through the airport and when we got outside the sun was coming up. We all got in the taxi and I fell asleep on Brad's shoulder again and when we got there he woke us up, we all walked into the villa and it looked the same as the last one. Things were just all looking the same at the moment because we are moving so many times but I'm used to moving, I grew up in care after all...

We chose our rooms and unpacked our bags, by the time we had all finished that it was about 5pm and we were all tired and bored. We decided to go and have a little wander around to see what there was in California, I love going on walks because it allows me to think about things and I love exploring.

Brad held my hand as we walked down the street and I smiled up at him. "You ok?" He asked and I nodded. "You?" I asked. "Yeah, never better." He said and winked, butterfly's occurred in my stomach again and I smiled at him. "I love you." I said, Brad stopped walking and turned to face me. "I love you too." He said and gave me a quick kiss on the lips, he then got his phone out and took a selfie of us both with the Californian sun set behind us. "Another one to go in our book." Brad said and smiled. "I'm going to have fun making this photo album." I said and Brad hugged me. "Where is everyone else?" I asked. "They walked off." Brad said. "Shouldn't we go and find them?" I asked. "Why?" We can find our own way back and I wanna spend time with you." Brad said. "As long as we don't get lost..." I said. "We won't get lost and even if we did I wouldn't want to be lost in California with anyone else." Brad said and bit his lip. "Aaawww." We heard someone say from behind us and we turned around to see James.

I giggled a bit and pecked Brad on the nose. "What are you doing here?" Brad asked. "Thought I would keep an eye on you guys..." James said. "Why?" I asked. "I dunno." He said and then walked off. "Well that was weird..." Brad said and I nodded. "Anyway, back to where we were..." I said and I bit my lip, Brad giggled and rested his forehead against mine. He had me leaning up against the railings and his arms were snaking around my waist, he was looking deep into my eyes while biting his lip. "Where were we?" Brad asked, I giggled and pecked his nose. "Shall I show you?" I asked and Brad cheekily nodded, my lips then crashed on to his and we moved in sync. His tongue then entered my mouth and I moaned quietly as I knew we were outside in public, Brad was about to take it further but we heard James talk again.

"Guys! Keep it to the bedroom!" James said and I pulled away from Brad, I looked down at the floor and Brad turned to face James. "What do you want?" He asked, sounding quite annoyed. "We are going back now." James replied. "Ok, you guys can go back then. We aren't kids James, we can find our own way home. Also, we don't need to be told where we can kiss or not. You aren't our parents!" Brad said, memories of my parents came flooding back into my head and I kept looking at the floor. "Brad, mate. I'm sorry, it was just a joke..." James said. "Just go." Brad replied and James walked off.

He walked back over to me and ran his hands down my arms, he saw that I was looking down at the floor and lifted my chin up with his hand. "Baby, what's wrong?" Brad asked. "Nothing." I said, I walked away and Brad followed me. "Chloe?" Brad asked and I stopped walking. "What's wrong?" Brad asked, he took my hands and turned me around. I sighed and looked up at him. "You didn't have to be that horrible to him and I just thought of my parents, that's all." I explained and then looked down at the floor. "I'm sorry that you are thinking about your parents and James didn't need to tell us what to do. I'm just trying to let us have a bit of time to do what we want without someone telling us what we can and can't do." Brad said. "Ok." I said, I wasn't in the mood to talk. "Can we just please stop arguing!" Brad said, I stopped walking and a tear ran down my cheek. "I'm sorry..." I said and then made my way back to the villa.

I walked in to the villa and sat on the sofa. "What's up with you?" Sophie asked, I was about to answer and then Brad walked in. "Chloe!" Brad said, me and Sophie both looked at him and he sighed. "Please? I don't like arguing. We always say that we won't argue and then we end up arguing." Brad said and then I looked back at the floor. "I'm sorry I'm not good enough." I said and Brad loosed confused. "What?" Brad asked. "I'm sorry I'm not good enough, I'm sorry I'm not up to your standards and I'm sorry I don't do what you want. Maybe you should just dump me right now if your not happy?" I said and Sophie looked shocked. "You can't dump her! You two are made for each other! Brad!" Sophie said, looking and sounding quite panicked. "I'm not going to dump her, calm down." Brad said and Sophie breathed out in relief.

"Chloe, have I done something wrong?" Brad asked. "I just feel like I'm not good enough for you." I said and Brad sat next to me. "Chloe, you are more than enough for me. You are my world and I don't want anyone else, you are my everything and I couldn't ask for anything more. I love you." Brad said. "I love you too but I wish we would just stop arguing..." I said and sighed. "We will, relationships are always like this. People argue for the first few months and then it's all fine." Brad said. "You sure? Because we have almost been going out for half a year and we are still arguing." I said. "It just takes time, I love you..." Brad said, I hugged him. I hugged him back and smiled a little. "I love you too." I said and kissed him.

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