Part 15: birthday plans

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A couple of months passed and things were going well, Hannah started her job, mine and Brads relationship was going really well and so was everyone else's.

Today the boys had their first meeting as a band and it will be the first day that I won't be spending time with Brad.

Brad came up into my apartment and woke me up like he does every morning now. I quite like it, it shows that he cares.

"Hey baby. Just come to say goodbye." Brad said and I sat up and hugged him. "I don't want you to go." I said and Brad kissed my head. "I won't be gone for long, only for 6 hours." "6 hours!" I said and Brad giggled. "I love you. I will see you later." Brad said and then got up to leave. "I will miss you." I said and Brad smiled. "I will miss you more." Brad said and then walked down the stairs and out of my apartment.

Shortly after Rebekah came into the bedroom and she had a smile on her face. "What's up?" I asked. "Connor just kissed me again. Every time he does it I get butterfly's in my stomach and it makes me happy." She said and I giggled. "Awwwww." I replied. "So, what shall we do today?" Rebekah asked. "Nothing, I want Brad back." I said and Rebekah smiled. "We have to do something." Rebekah said and I shrugged my shoulders.

Rebekah sat next to me on the bed. "Why don't you get changed and then we can go to Starbucks?" She asked. "That reminds me of Brad." I said. "Everything will remind you of Brad because you miss him. Just go and get changed." She replied and I sighed and got out of bed.

Once I was changed I sat on the sofa and looked out of the window at the pool. I wish it was summer. I looked at the time and I still had 5 hours before the boys came back.

Rebekah took me to Starbucks and I kept staring at the table that Brad asked me to be his girlfriend at, it made me smile and I felt happier. "Why do you keep staring at that table?" Rebekah asked. "That's the table me and Brad sat at when he asked me to be his girlfriend." I replied. "Aaawww." Rebekah said and I giggled. "Where did Connor ask you out?" "On the beach. It was so perfect and cute." Rebekah said and I smiled.

"I have something we can talk about." Rebekah said. "What's that?" I asked. "Your birthday. It's in about a month." Rebekah said and I sighed. "You know that I don't do anything for my birthday. They never celebrated it when I was in care and I don't want anyone to make a fuss over it now." I replied. "But it's your 18th! We have to do something! Plus, it is getting warmer outside now as summer is coming, we could have a pool party!" Rebekah suggested. "I dunno, I've never really celebrated my birthday before." I said. "I'm sure Brad is planning something." "Of course he is, he is my boyfriend. He does everything for me and gets me what I want. Sometimes I wish he didn't buy me everything I want because I makes me look spoilt." I said and Rebekah giggled.

"So, we are going to throw you a pool party for your 18th! I will let everyone know." Rebekah said and I sighed. She got her phone out and texted Brad, Connor, James, Tris, Hannah and Sophie about it and then put her phone away.

After a couple of hours we went back home (as we call it now) and the boys were back. Brad ran up to me and gave me a hug and so did Connor with Rebekah and Tris with Sophie. "I missed you." Brad said and ran his hand through my hair. " I missed you more." I said and Brad kissed my cheek.

Everyone sat on the sofas in the boys apartment and somehow we got on to the topic of my 18th birthday pool party. I was sat on Brads lap as usual and he kept on kissing my neck and wrapping his arms around my waist, it is pretty cute and I don't mind it.

"So, is this going to be your first proper birthday?" Brad asked and I nodded. "I guess." I said. "Aaawww, my baby is getting old!" Brad said and I playfully elbowed him in the ribs. "Don't forget that your 19 this year!" I said and Brad giggled. "I love you." Brad said and I smiled at him. His eyes kept on looking at my lips and then back up to my eyes. He began to lean forwards. "Brad, what do you think?" Connor asked and we looked away. "Sorry, what was the question? I wasn't listening?" Brad said and held my hand. "Are you ok to go ahead with the pool party and then have a BBQ after?" Connor repeated and Brad nodded.

He was about to kiss me and we got disturbed. But wow he is so hot! The way he bit his lip while he was leaning in. I then realised that I was staring at Brad and he giggled at me. "One day I will kiss you." He whispered in my ear and I blushed.

For the rest of the day everyone was talking about my birthday and I could tell that everyone was excited to get in the pool.

The next couple of weeks everyone kept asking me what I wanted for my birthday and I had no idea. Everyone is so hyped up for my birthday and I don't know why.

It is now a week before my birthday and I had woken up really early for once. I walked downstairs to see Tristan and Sophie snogging on the sofa, I tried my best to ignore them and walked into the kitchen. I bet she will be the first one to get pregnant, i said to myself and laughed.

I got a drink of water and sat outside as it was a nice morning for once, summer is coming and I can't wait. The garden area is actually really nice. There are lots of colourful flowers, a nice garden waterfall in the corner, the swimming pool and a massive shed where the boys stored their instruments.

I decided to sit at the edge of the pool and paddle my feet in the water, it was relaxing and I kind of wish Brad was awake. I walked indoors and up to Brads room, he was asleep and I gently shook him awake and he looked a bit confused until he saw me. "Hey, what's wrong?" Brad asked. "Do you wanna see something amazing?" I asked and Brad nodded. He got out of bed and he was just in his trousers, I stared at him and he giggled.

We both walked outside and dipped our feet in the pool while watching the sunrise. "This is beautiful." I said and Brad smiled. "Not as beautiful as you." He said and I looked at him. I quite liked the fact that he had no top on and Brad could tell. "You like this?" Brad asked and pointed to his upper body. I giggled and shuffled closer to him and hugged him. "Yes. I love you." I said and Brad smiled.

He lifted my chin up and bit his lip again, I blushed a little and then we started moving towards each other slowly. We were just about to kiss and then Connor called us in for breakfast. I sighed and stared at Brad. "Next time. I promise." Brad said and I nodded and smiled.

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