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"Leo!" I shouted at my son age 2. "Stay in the bath please?" I said and he sat back down in the bath tub with a huff. "Mummy, sorwy." He said in his baby voice, he can't really say many words but he is still getting better. Evelyn my daughter age 3 months then started crying from her cot and I sighed, I washed Leo's hair and then dried him off with his blue fluffy towel. Evelyn was still crying so I carried Leo into her room and picked her up as well. "Baby girl, what's wrong?" I asked and carried them both into Leo's room, I laid Evelyn down on the changing mat so she had something soft to roll around on while I got Leo changed. "What do you want to wear for bed tonight?" I asked him and he pointed to his blue pirate pyjamas. "That one!" He said and I giggled, I got him changed into his pjs and then kissed him on the head. "Love you Leo." I said and he hugged me while sitting on the floor. "Love you muma." He said and hugged me back.

I carried Leo and Evelyn down the stairs and put Leo on the floor so he could play with his toys quickly before bedtime. I sat on the sofa with Evelyn and tried to get her back to sleep. "That's it Evie, go to sleep baby." I said while slowly rocking her backwards and forwards in my arms. "Is Evie tired?" Leo asked. "Yes darling." I said as he climbed up on to the sofa next to me. "Baby sleepy." He said and I giggled. "Yeah, do you wanna pick out a bedtime story to read?" I asked and he nodded, he rubbed his tired little eyes and then climbed back off of the sofa to pick a story. "When is daddy home?" He asked, I find it so cute that he can't form his sentences properly yet. "In a minute." I said and looked at the clock, he is 5 minutes late. Where is he?

Evie eventually nodded off to sleep while I read Leo his bedtime story, he chose the Gruffalo and its his favourite book. "You have got to read like dada!" He said and crossed his arms, he looks to cute when he is annoyed. "Leo, I'm not daddy. He isn't here yet." I said and a tear ran down his cheek. "Aaawww, baby boy. Don't cry." I said, I laid Evelyn on her play mat so she was safe while she slept and then Leo sat on my lap. We hugged a little and I kissed the top of his head. "I want dada back..." He said and at that moment the door opened, Leo jumped out of my lap and ran to the front door. "DADDY!" I heard him say and I sighed. "What's so good about daddy? Why aren't I any good?" I asked myself as I picked Evie up. "Am I better then daddy Evie?" I asked and she wrapped her little fingers around my thumb in her sleep. "I will take that as a yes..." I said and kissed her tiny forehead.

"Chloe?" I heard Brad say. "I'm in the living room." I replied and he walked into the room. "Hey." He said and sat down next to me with Leo on his lap. "Hi." I replied and he kissed my cheek. "How's your day been?" He asked. "Tiring." I said and he smiled. "Are these munchkins running you around again?" He asked and I nodded. "Leo, what did I say about being nice to mummy?" Brad told him and he hung his head in shame. "Sorwy daddy." He said and Brad hugged him. "Just take it easy on mummy, ok?" He asked and Leo nodded. "Good boy." Brad said and kissed his head, Leo has brown curls like Brad does and Evelyn has blonde hair like me but not much of it as she is only 3 months old. "Shall I put Leo to bed?" Brad asked and I nodded, he kissed me on the lips quickly and then carried Leo up.

After about 5 minutes he came back down and sat next to me on the sofa, I am still holding Evelyn and she is fast asleep. "How has she been today?" Brad asked. "Good, she doesn't really do much as she is still so young." I said and Brad nodded. "3 months, she is growing up fast." Brad said and I nodded. "I still can't believe that we have kids..." I said and Brad quietly giggled so he didn't wake up Evie. "Well it's real. Also I have a day off of work tomorrow so I can be with you and the kids." Brad said and I smiled. "Thank you." I said and he held my hand. "I want to spend everyday with you and the kids but the band doesn't work like that." Brad said and I kissed his lips slowly. "Brad, it doesn't matter. I know you are there for me and that's all I need, I can look after the kids by myself." I said and he nodded. "I know but I just wish I had more than the weekends to spend with them, they are growing up so quick and I don't wanna miss it." Brad said. "Brad, they are only 2 years and 3 months old. You still have ages." I said and he nodded. "Tomorrow I am going to spend all day with them." Brad said and I nodded. "Go for it, wear Leo out so he falls asleep easier." I said and Brad giggled. "And then maybe we can have some personal time together? We haven't had that for about a year now." Brad said and carefully held my hand so he didn't wake up Evie. "I would love some personal time." I said and Brad smiled. "My parents are always free to take the kids, they love spending time with them." Brad said and I nodded. "I know but I wanna spend time with my kids." I said and Brad nodded.

He took Evie slowly from me and gave her a little hug. "She looks so much like you." Brad said and I smiled. "Leo looks like you." I said and he smiled. "He has my hair." Brad said and I nodded. "You can't really tell with Evelyn at the moment because she is so young." I said and Brad nodded. "She is so cute though, I can't believe that she is actually mine." Brad said and I nodded. "It does take a while to get used to it but I spend everyday with them." I said and Brad nodded. "I know, I spend every night with them." Brad said and I giggled quietly, I do the day shifts and if they wake up in the night then Brad deals with it.

"Shall we put Evie to bed and then we can finally spend some time together?" Brad asked and winked, I took Evelyn from him and hugged her a bit. She snuggled into me while she was sleeping and I smiled. "I like cuddling with her though." I said and Brad smiled. "You can cuddle with me?" Brad asked and I smiled. "I haven't done that in a while..." I said and Brad winked, I got up to put Evie away but Brad stopped me. "I will do it, you relax." Brad said and took her from me, I giggled and as I sat back on the sofa he gave me a kiss. "I will be back." He said and walked out of the room.

I'm very happy with the way that my life has turned out, I have 2 beautiful children and a perfect husband. Me and Brad did get married in the end last year and the wedding was amazing, Leo was at the wedding and he loved it even though he was very young. Brad came and sat next to me and I snuggled up to him. "God I haven't had a hug in ages." I said and Brad kissed the top of my head. "The kids are stressing me out..." I said and Brad giggled. "But you love them?" He asked. "Of course I love them." I said and kissed Brad passionately on the lips. "I love you..." I said and pulled away. "I love you too baby." Brad said and I smiled.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey guys! So that's it. My story is over! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it, I enjoyed writing it. Like I said before my next story will be called My Brothers Best Friend and I will hopefully be starting that one in about 2 weeks, I have my mock exams coming up soon and I need to focus on those first. Once again thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. See you in the next story!!

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