Part 48: does rebekah care?

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I woke up to see Brad's face in front of me, he was awake and staring at me. He smiled and kissed my head. "Morning baby." Brad said and I squinted at the sunlight coming through the curtains, he giggled at me and pulled me closer. "It's 7:30am if you were wondering." Brad said and I nodded. "Did you have a good sleep?" Brad asked and I nodded again, he smiled at me and I half smiled back as I was still half asleep. "Do you have to go?" I croaked and Brad smiled. "Not until about 2pm." Brad said and I nodded. "What do you wanna do today?" He asked. "Just spend time with you." I said and buried my head into the crook of his neck, he kissed the top of my head and I smiled. "I feel safer with you." I said and Brad ran his hand through my hair. "And I feel safer with you. I love making you feel safe and I love protecting you, I feel like it's my job to keep you happy and safe now and I feel proud to call you my girlfriend." Brad said and I looked up at him. "Thank you." I said and Brad smiled.

There was then a knock at the door and Brad rolled his eyes, I giggled a little and kissed his cheek. "Come in!" Brad shouted and the door opened. "You two had better be decent..." Connor said as he walked in and I giggled. "Yeah, we are. Bradley is topless that's all." I said and Connor nodded. "Waddy wanted me to ask you two if you wanted to come to the party tomorrow?" Connor asked. "What party?" Brad asked. "I think it's to celebrate our first America tour or something, a lot of celebrities will be there." Connor said. "Do you wanna go?" Brad asked me. "I don't mind, if you wanna go then I will go." I said and Brad smiled. "We will go but I'm not getting drunk or anything." Brad said, Connor nodded and then shut the door behind him as he walked out of the room.

"You can drink if you want." I said and Brad held my hand. "Nah, Connor said that there will be other celebrities there. I am gonna stay sober so I can show you off to everyone and make sure none of them try to take you away or anything." Brad said and I giggled. "I don't think any of them would want me to be honest, I don't even know how I got you and it's sweet that you want to 'show me off'." I said and Brad giggled. "I'm proud to have you and your so beautiful, if your going to wear a dress then a lot of boys are gonna want to get there hands on you. I'm gonna make it loud and clear that your mine and I'm the only one who can touch you." Brad said. "Am I allowed to hug people? Because there will be other celebs there and I really wanna meet them!" I said and Brad smiled. "Your still secretly a little fan girl aren't you." Brad said and I nodded with a grin on my face. "Yeah, you can hug people and get photos but nothing else." Brad said. "You can stay with me if you want or you can go and do your own thing. It's fine, I don't mind." I said. "Like I just said I am going to stay with you so I can show you off." Brad said and I giggled. "You are funny." I said and Brad winked.

"What am I going to wear?!" I said and Brad smiled, he got out of bed leaving me feeling cold and wanting his arms wrapped around me again. He walked over to my wardrobe and pulled out a blue dress, it was knee high length and it really shows how chubby I am. I don't even know why I brought it with me. "I am not wearing that!" I said. "Why?" Brad asked. "It shows too much leg and it shows how chubby I am." I said and sat up on the bed. "But I like it when you show your legs and you aren't chubby at all." Brad said. "You are one cheeky boy Bradley." I said and he winked at me. "Please wear it?" Brad asked and I sighed. "Fine." I said and he smiled, he hung the dress back up in the wardrobe and then sat back in bed. "Thank you baby, you are gonna look so hot in the dress..." Brad said while he hugged me. "Watch what your saying Braddy!" I said and he giggled at me. "What?!" He said and I smiled. "I love you." I said and Brad smiled. "I love you more." He said and then gave me a quick kiss before pulling away and running his thumb over my cheek.

He then checked his phone and looked at the time. "It's 8:30am already." Brad said. "You have to go in 5 and a half hours." I said and Brad nodded. "That's a long time." Brad said and I shrugged my shoulders. "I can't wait for our beach day." Brad said and I nodded. "Same here, what are we going to be doing at the beach?" I asked. "Whatever we want, we can go in the sea? We can get some chips and sit on the beach? We can sunbathe? We can kiss? We can walk along the beach?" Brad said. "Wait, did you just say kiss?" I said and Brad went a bit red. "Yeah..." He said and I smiled. "Who said we are going to kiss?" I asked. "Well... Erm... If you don't want to then..." Brad said and I put my finger to his mouth. "I'm joking. Of course we can kiss on the beach, it will be adorable." I said and Brad nodded. "We can kiss on one condition though." I said and Brad looked confused. "We have to get a photo of us kissing under the sunset on the beach." I said and Brad smiled. "Of course." Brad said and I smiled.

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