Part 40: goodbye Jesse... for the second time

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We eventually got out the door once Brad had stopped kissing me and we made our way to the shopping centre. "Right, let's sort you out first." I said. "But you need stuff too." Brad said. "I know but I have already got some bits and you haven't got anything yet." I said and Brad nodded. "I need something to wear when you wear your bikini." Brad said. "Your getting really excited about me wearing a bikini aren't you..." I said and Brad nodded. "I'm not sure if I'm actually gonna wear it yet." I said. "I think you should." Brad said. "I know." I said and giggled. "I need to buy some nice swimming shorts." Brad said. "And some clothes. You only have winter stuff." I said. "Alright, mum." Brad said and laughed. "Sorry..." I said. "Don't be, it's just a joke." Brad said and held my hands.

We then looked forwards and stopped to see a couple of girls standing in front of us. "Hi!" One of the girls said. "Hey..." I said and Brad held my hand tighter. "We are a massive fan of The Vamps. Do you mind if we get a quick photo with Brad?" The other girl asked. "Erm... Yeah, sure." I said and stepped away, this is the first time I have had to move out of the way for Brad to take a picture with fans and I'm sure it won't be the last.

Brad took a photo with all 3 of the girls and then gave them hugs. "I love Can We Dance!" One of the girls said. "That's cool. I like it too." Brad said and they all giggled. "Well, I have got to get going now." Brad said. "Who's that?" One of the girls asked and pointed to me. "That's my girlfriend, Chloe." Brad said. "Oh, hi..." The other girl said and looked quite disappointed that Brad had a girlfriend which made me feel bad. "Hi." I said and looked at the floor. "I'm going to go now girls. See yah soon." Brad said, he took my hand and walked off with me. "Are you ok?" Brad asked and I nodded. "Are you sure?" Brad asked and I nodded again, he waited until the fans were out of sight and then gave me a kiss. The kiss lasted ages and he got more passionate as it went on.

He pulled away after a while and smiled at me. "Better?" Brad asked and I nodded. "Your mine, those fans are just friends to me." Brad said. "Ok." I said and Brad hugged me. "I promise. Your mine." Brad said and I smiled. He held my hand again and we walked to Top Man and Brad started to walk around and see what he liked, I walked over to the changing rooms and sat on the seats while I was waiting.

About half an hour later Brad came to the changing rooms with a handful of clothes. "You ok?" He asked and kissed me. "Yeah." I said, a man then walked over to us who obviously worked here and crossed his arms. "No kissing in this shop please!" He said and I looked at Brad, Brad stood up and faced the man. "Why?" Brad asked. "People don't want to see you kissing." The man said. "Nobody else seems bothered apart from you." Brad said and I grabbed his arm to tell him to calm down. "Just stop, ok?" The man said. "You can't tell me where I can and can't kiss my girlfriend." Brad said, I am so embarrassed right now. I ran out of the shop and went and sat on one of the chairs just outside Top Man, I don't want to be involved in that anymore. I know Brad is only trying to look out for me but he doesn't need to start an argument in the shop.

About half an hour later Brad walked out of the shop and saw me sat on a chair, he walked over to me and put his bag down. "You bought something then?" I said and Brad nodded. "Chloe, I'm sorry. I just think it's wrong that I can't kiss you." Brad said. "You should of just left it." I said and then got up to walk to the next stop. "Chloe! I'm sorry." Brad said but I just kept on walking. "Chloe! Please don't ignore me." Brad said, I stopped and looked at the floor. Brad lifted my chin up and held my hands. "I'm sorry, I know I keep embarrassing you and I know I need to stop but I can't help it. I feel like it's my job to look out for you." Brad said. "Ok." I said and then walked in to Forever 21.

"Are you going to ignore me now for the rest of the day?" Brad asked. "No." I said and looked around at the clothes. "I love you." Brad said and hugged me from behind. "I love you too." I said and carried on looking at the clothes. I tried on some tops and shorts and bought a couple of pairs, me and Brad then walked into Starbucks. "Do you want anything?" Brad asked. "No thanks." I said and went to find a seat, Brad walked over 5 minutes later and gave me a drink. It was my favourite, chocolate cream and I looked confused. "I said I didn't want anything..." I said and Brad nodded. "I know you do really." Brad said and I half smiled. "Give me a proper smile?" Brad asked and I giggled. "There you go. Now drink up." Brad said, I sighed and picked up my drink. "The man in the shop was wrong, you were right." I randomly said and Brad nodded. "I know." He said and held my hand. "Maybe just keep kissing to a low when you are out, only when we are at the apartment." I said and Brad nodded. "I know, but it's hard. I just wanna kiss you all the time." Brad said and I looked at him like he was weird. "Why?" I asked. "Because I love you." Brad said and I smiled.

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