Part 42: i will make dinner

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We walked up to Brads room and he closed the door behind me as I sat on his bed. "So... Did you want me to sleep on the floor or...?" I said and Brad giggled. "No! There is no way you are sleeping on the floor!" Brad said and I smiled. "Where am I sleeping then?" I asked and Brad pointed to the bed. "Here." He said. "But your sleeping there." I said and Brad smiled. "What?" I asked, confused. "We are both sleeping in the same bed." Brad said. "Oh, right. Sorry, I didn't know if you wanted me to start off on the floor and then as we get used to each other we slowly move up to the bed?" I said and Brad laughed. "You are funny..." He said and shuffled closer to me. "Am I?" I said and Brad nodded. "Your my funny girl." Brad said and I smiled. I then looked over to the corner of Brads room to see an empty dog basket. "She is fine you know." Brad said and I nodded. "I know, I just miss her." I said and Brad nodded, he held my hand and smiled at me. "Me too." He said and gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"What time do we have to be up in the morning?" I asked. "About 4am..." Brad said. "What?!" I said and Brad giggled. "Good luck waking me up at 4am... Sorry if I hit you or throw something at you or tell you to go away." I said and Brad smiled. "I will probably hit the alarm to be honest." Brad said and I laughed, he then stared at me for a minute until I stopped laughing. "What?" I asked. "I love your laugh." Brad said, he then leaned forwards to kiss me and I went backwards so I was laying down on the bed. He laid on top of me and started kissing me a bit harder. "Brad..." I said. "Mhm..." He mumbled. "I don't wanna do anything stupid." I said while I pulled away. "I know, I'm just kissing you." Brad said, I smiled and looked deep into his eyes while I ran my hand through his hair. "I love you." I said, I am literally the luckiest person alive right now. I have Brad Simpson on top of me and I can kiss him whenever I want to. "I love you too." Brad said and then planted a quick kiss on my lips before pulling away.

He then stood up and picked up his phone from the side. "Are you hungry?" Brad asked. "Yeah, we never normally have normal meals. I think I am going to start eating healthier because pizza everyday is not good. I'm gonna go to Tesco and do another shop." I said and Brad smiled while he laid down next to me on the bed, he held my hand and looked at me while he had his phone in his other hand. "Yeah, I would start eating healthier but pizza is just too good." Brad said and I giggled. "Well, I'm gonna talk to James about what you can do to stay healthy. I don't wanna be overweight when I'm 40." I said and Brad pretended to look offended. "Oi! I'm not gonna be overweight when I'm 40!" Brad said, I giggled and rolled over on to my side to face him. "What will you be then?" I asked. "A proud father and husband hopefully." Brad said, he blushed a little and rolled over on to his side so he could face me. "Your so adorable." I said and he smiled. He held my hands and kissed them. "It's true, I wanna be a proud husband and a proud dad with some adorable kids." Brad said. "Where do you expect these kids to come from?" I asked and giggled. "You...?" Brad asked, confused. "Well your gonna have to be nice to me then aren't you!" I said and Brad pulled a face as he had just understood the joke.

"Ha... Ha...." Brad said and pulled me into a hug. "I'm joking Braddy. Your always nice to me." I said and Brad kissed the top of my head. "I do try." He said and winked at me. "I'm sorry but I have to say this. You are just so god damn hot when you wink and bite your lip!" I said and Brad smiled. "And your so god damn adorable when you laugh and when you bite your lip." Brad said and I smiled. There was then a moments silence and we both just played with each other's hands and smiled at each other.

"Brad..." I said a bit quieter and Brad looked at me. "Yeah baby..." He said. "Do you actually want kids and to get married? Because I know some boys like to joke about it in a relationship and then they realise that the girl was telling the truth." I said. "I know your not joking and I'm not joking either, I'm serious when I say that I want to get married, go on a honeymoon, have kids, travel the world and all that stuff. I want to spend  the rest of my life with you because I love you so so much. Like I have said many times before, I'd risk it all for you." Brad said and I smiled. "That's exactly what I want too." I said and rested my forehead against his, he rubbed his nose against mine and it was so adorable. "I love you..." I said and Brad smiled, he leant forwards and kissed me. "" He said between kisses and I giggled when he pulled away.

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