Part 24: i'm sorry that i am such a baby...

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It takes 1 hour and 54 minutes to get to Thorpe Park from Birmingham by car and we are in a mini bus. I chose to sit next to Brad and we were having a great time.

After a while I plugged my earphones in and listened to Can We Dance over and over, I really like that song and I'm sure America will too. Brad tapped me on the shoulder and I turned to look at him while taking my earphones out of my ears. "I'm bored." He said and I giggled. "Why did you need to tell me that?" I asked. "Because you always give me something to do." Brad said. "Well I don't have any ideas. What do you wanna do?" I asked.

He leant forwards and kissed me passionately on the lips, he then pulled away and smiled at me. "I wanna do that." He said and I smiled. "Later? I'm not comfortable kissing in front of others." I asked. "Nobody has noticed." Brad said. I looked around to see Sophie pretty much eating Tris, Rebekah snogging Connor, James on the computer trying to ignore Hannah because she is trying to flirt with him. I feel sorry for James, he has been left with Hannah.

"See..." Brad said and winked at me. "I'm still not comfortable with it. I'm sorry." I said and put my earphones back in. I felt bad for saying no to Brad but I'm really not comfortable with it, I know he probably wants to dump me right now. I'm not the type of person that likes to kiss in public, maybe further into the relationship I will become more comfortable with it but not now. I bet Brad hates me now.

Eventually we got to Thorpe Park and we all got off the mini bus. I feel like it is a good idea to keep away from Brad today, he probably already hates me enough.

We walked towards the entrance and I could see some massive roller coasters, I really don't want to be here and I probably won't go on anything so there is no point in James buying me a ticket but he got me one anyway. Great.

We walked through and I actually felt sick just looking at everything. I can't do this.

Everyone walked over to the first roller coaster, I don't know what it is called and I don't want to know either because it is massive!

"You coming on Chloe?" Tris asked and I shook my head, he shrugged his shoulders and walked off to join the others in the line while I sat on a bench with everyone's bags. Today isn't going to be fun. I know they are only trying to be nice by taking me to a theme park to celebrate my birthday but haven't they thought about what I want?

I still feel really bad for saying no to Brad and for the next couple of hours I couldn't stop thinking about what happened between us. When everyone got to Nemesis Inferno Connor came and sat with me as he didn't want to go on it.

"Are you going to go on anything today?" Connor asked and I shook my head. "Are you ok?" He asked. "I don't feel too good but I will be fine." I replied and he nodded. "Brad is worried about you." Connor said and I looked confused. "He probably hates me." I said. "No, he thinks that he has done something to upset you because you aren't talking to him." Connor explained. "I thought he hated me because I wouldn't kiss him." I said. "No, he thinks he has upset you because he tried to make you do something that you didn't want to do." Connor explained and I nodded.

Now I feel worse then ever.

"I am just going to the toilet." I said. "Ok , we will wait here for you." Connor said and I nodded, I dodged past all of the people and locked myself in the toilet cubical. The tears than started to fall, I feel so bad for upsetting Brad and now he doesn't want to talk to me and I don't really want to be here as it is making me feel sick but I don't want to ruin everyone's day.

About 10 minutes later I was still in the toilet cubical and I heard a familiar voice call my name. "Chloe?" Brad said. Why is he in the girls toilets and what does he want? I have already upset him enough. "Chloe?" He said again. "What?" I replied through sobs and he put his ear against the door. "Don't cry. I love you. I'm sorry if I upset you earlier but I didn't mean to." Brad said. "You didn't upset me, I thought that I had upset you." I said, I opened the door and threw myself at him, giving him a massive hug and crying on his shoulder.

"You didn't upset me. I respect that you don't want to kiss in public at the moment and I would never force you!" Brad said and held me close to him. "Can we carry this convo on somewhere else because I don't want to be seen in the girls toilets." Brad said and a little laugh escaped through my mouth while I was sniffing. "Yeah." I said.

Brad took my hand and walked me out of the toilets, he then wiped my tears away and kissed my cheek. "I'm sorry." He said. "No, I'm sorry." I replied and he smiled. We walked back to the others and everyone asked if I was ok, I just said that there was a really long line to wait in at the toilets and everyone nodded. Me and Brad sat on the bench while everyone went on the next ride.

"Why aren't you going on anything?" Brad asked. "Because it is making me feel sick just watching." I replied and Brad nodded. "Why don't I go on one of the smaller rides with you after?" Brad asked and held my hand. "No, I don't want everyone to have to wait for me" I replied. "You have been waiting for them all day and this is meant to be your day." Brad said. "Ok, but only if you come on with me?" I asked and Brad nodded. "Of course." Brad said.

Eventually, everyone came off of the ride and Brad explained to them that I wanted to go on a smaller ride. "But that isn't fair! I want to go on the big rides! Just because Chloe is too much of a baby to go on anything bigger than her!" Hannah shouted.

That really hurt...

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