Part 46: you can sing?

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I woke up to Brads alarm and I groaned and rolled over to see Brad waking up. "Why is the alarm on?" I asked in a sleepy voice. "Because I have to get up and go." Brad said, I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close to me. "Your not going anywhere." I said and closed my eyes to go back to sleep. "Baby, I have to go." Brad said, I rolled over so my back was facing him and tried to go to sleep again. "Don't get annoyed at me, it's not my fault." Brad said. "I know but we never really get any time together anymore, we get 5 minutes and then someone comes and takes you away or you have to go out for the day. We used to have all day and everyday together." I said, still with my back turned on Brad. "I know, tomorrow I don't have to leave until the evening so I will be able to sleep in with you. Next week I have all week with you and I wanted to go to the beach with you." Brad said and I stayed silent.

"Baby, I'm sorry." Brad said. "It's not your fault. You can go." I said and Brad sighed and went to get changed, he then walked downstairs and I laid on my back in Brads bed. We never get anytime together anymore and I know he explained this to me but I didn't think he meant we would hardly have any time together. After about half an hour I walked downstairs and saw that the boys were getting ready to go, I walked into the kitchen and saw Sophie staring into space. "Are you ok?" I asked and she nodded. "Yeah." She replied. "How's things with the baby?" I asked. "Good thanks." She said and I smiled at her, we then both heard the door open and I sighed. Is Brad just going to leave without saying goodbye? Me and Sophie both looked at each other as if we were thinking the same thing and then Tris and Brad walked in.

Tristan wrapped his arms around Sophie's waist from behind and hugged her. "I will miss you." He said and she smiled. "I will miss you too." She said and then they both kissed, his hands sat on her belly and she smiled while Tris pulled away. "How's the baby?" He asked in a quiet voice. "Good. The baby will miss you too." She said, they are both so adorable!

I then looked at the table as I knew Brad was staring at me, he hugged me from behind and kissed my head. "I'm sorry." Brad said. "It's not your fault." I mumbled, he took my hand and walked with me to the living room to get a bit of privacy. "I promise I will be back by 7pm." Brad said. "That's 11 hours away!" I said. "I know. I'm sorry. Tomorrow I can spend all day with you and then I will have to go in the evening, next week we can have a beach day. Just us two and I will make it as romantic and cute as possible, I promise." Brad said. "You have promised a lot of things." I said. "I know, but I never break a promise." Brad said and I nodded. "BRAD! ITS TIME TO GO!" Waddy shouted. "IM COMING!" Brad shouted back. "I'm gonna miss you." Brad said and I hugged him. "I will miss you too." I said and he kissed my head. "Be safe and remember that I love you." Brad said and I nodded, we walked to the front door and Brad kissed me passionately before walking out the door and on to the mini bus. Me, Rebekah and Sophie all stood by the door and waved goodbye to the boys.

Once they were gone we all sat on the sofas and we were all silent. "So, what shall we do?" Rebekah asked after a while to break the silence. "We could watch a film?" Sophie asked. "Me and Connor were going to do that later." Rebekah said. "We could go to the beach?" Rebekah asked. "I was going to do that next week with Brad." I said. "We could go shopping?" I asked and we all looked at each other and nodded, I'm not a big one for shopping but there is nothing else to do. We all got changed and got our shoes on, I picked up my phone and then we all walked out the door. It took about an hour to actually find some shops as we didn't know where we were, Rebekah was getting really excited because she has always wanted to go shopping in America and now she was finally doing it. "What one shall we go in first?" Sophie asked. "New Look?" Rebekah asked and we both nodded.

We all ran into the shop and the air conditioning hit our skin giving us all goosebumps, it is boiling hot in LA and we are still trying to get used to the heat. Rebekah looked like a kid in a toy shop as she ran over to the teenage section, me and Sophie laughed at her and then followed her over to the clothes. Rebekah bought quite a few things but me and Sophie didn't see anything that took our fancy so we went to the next shop which was Forever 21, my favourite shop. I bought a onesie because I wanted something to snuggle into at night and Sophie bought some slippers because her feet were starting to swell up as a side effect of her pregnancy, Rebekah didn't see anything that she liked so we all decided to take a quick break and go to Starbucks.

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