Part 56: the last day in LA

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The next couple of days were spent with the boys doing concerts and a couple of meetings for song changes and things like that, I basically sunbathed and watched films for the whole time which was fun but did get a bit boring. It was now time to leave LA and say hello to NYC, I kind of didn't want to leave this villa as I have really grown to like it but apparently this next villa is going to be bigger and better. I am currently in my room packing my suitcase and Brad is laying on my bed while playing with everything that I had put on the floor, I don't know why. He is so childish but I love him that way, he's my baby Bradley.

"Brad, can you see my pink top?" I asked, he threw it at me and it landed on my head. "Thanks..." I said and he giggled. "No problem." He said and winked at me, I smiled at him and went back to packing my stuff away. After about half an hour of packing I decided to give it a break for today and I could tell Brad was getting bored with playing with the stuff on the floor. "Chloe..." He whined and I giggled at him. "What?" I asked and walked over to the bed. "Can I have a hug?" He asked and I giggled, he stood up and we both embarrassed each other in a long and comforting hug. "I love you." I mumbled in to his shoulder as I hugged him. "I love you to baby, always." He said and kissed my shoulder.

"Are you excited for NYC?" Brad asked and I nodded. "Very, why?" I asked. "Just wondering. There is going to be a massive pool in our villa! Bigger than the one we have now so we can spend some time in that." Brad said while pulling away from the hug. "Yeah, I would like that. We also need to spend a whole day together snuggled up in bed watching films." I said and he nodded. "That can be arranged." He said and I smiled at him. "I can't believe we are going tomorrow." I said and he nodded. "NYC will be fun though." He said and I nodded. "Are you sure you don't mind me hanging out with Drew in NYC?" I asked and ran my hand along his arm."I'm fine with it. I trust you not to do anything stupid, but I will be wanting hugs and kisses when you get home." Brad said and I smiled. "Thank you for trusting me." I said and kissed him quickly on the lips. "Of course I would trust you, I love you." He said and I smiled at him.

"What shall we do today then? Our last day in LA." I said. "I don't mind. I think the others want to all do something together today as it's our last day here but we have all day." Brad said and I smiled at him, I then ran my thumb over his cheek and he looked deep into my eyes. "You look tired." I said. "I am, concerts always run so late into the night and I am still trying to catch up with jet lag." Brad said and I smiled at him. "I think you should get some rest." I said and sat him down on the bed. "I want to spend time with you though." Brad said. "You can, but first I think you need to sleep." I said and kissed his cheek. "How about we watch a film in bed and I will try and have a little nap?" Brad asked and I nodded. "Sounds good." I said and kissed his cheek again. "I will go and get a movie, get yourself into your pjs or something." I said and Brad nodded.

I walked downstairs and I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, it was a message from Drew:

1 message from Drew:
Hey Chloe! I can't wait to spend the day with you in NYC! X

1 message to Drew:
Me either but promise me you aren't trying to get me to go on a date with you? I don't want to go out with you Drew, I just want to be friends. Brad is the only one for me and I love him a lot, he is trusting me to just be friends with you and that's all I wanna be. Nothing more.

1 message from Drew:
Chloe, relax. I just wanna be friends.

1 message to Drew:
I know, I'm sorry I just really don't want to loose Brad and he trusts me.

I walked over to the cupboard that stored all the films and started to look through, there were so many movies but I felt like watching something a bit cheesy to try and get Brad to go to sleep. He hates romance films or chick flicks, I picked out The Fault In Our Stars and started to walk back up the stairs.

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