Part 77: where's Chloe?

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I walked into my room to see Sophie and Tristan, I giggled at the while walking over to my wardrobe. "Hey Chloe." Sophie said and I smiled, I looked at her bump and it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. "You ok?" I asked. "Never better." Sophie said and kissed her boyfriend, I smiled a bit while pulling out my jeans from my draw and a light blue/white top from my wardrobe. I walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind me, I then looked in the mirror and saw that my hair was a mess. "How does Brad deal with this?" I asked myself and shook my head. I put my jeans and my top on and walked out of the bathroom to brush my hair.

Sophie saw that I was struggling to get my hair all nice and straight so she started giggling at me. "It's not funny! I am meant to be going out on a romantic day with Brad but I can't even get my hair to stay." I said and flopped on to my bed. "Come here." Sophie said, she sat up on her bed and Tristan put his hands on her bump. "It's fine, I can do it myself." I said and Sophie looked at me. "You sure? I can help you." Sophie said. "You need to rest." I said, I then walked out of the room and went downstairs. I sat on the sofa and tried to get the knots out of my hair but it wasn't working, instead my hair brush got caught up in my hair and I couldn't get the brush out. I then heard someone knock on the door and went to answer it with a brush in my hair, Brad was standing there and my mouth dropped open. "How are you ready?!" I said and Brad giggled. "I can see you aren't." He said and I remembered the brush stuck in my hair, I blushed a bit and Brad hugged me.

"Do you want some help?" Brad asked. "No, I wanna do this myself. How is this day meant to go right if I can't even get a brush out of my hair?!" I said and sat back down on the sofa, Brad sat next to me and helped me carefully untangle the brush out of my hair. We finally got it out and then Brad carefully brushed the knots out of my hair, he tried not to hurt me but it really was hurting. "How did you get your hair like this?" Brad asked. "It just happens when I wake up!" I said and Brad giggled. "Is this the sort of thing I am going to have to deal with when we get married?" Brad asked and I felt really bad for him. "I'm sorry..." I said, Brad got the last knot out of my hair and then turned me round to face him. "You don't need to be sorry, all of your imperfections are perfections to me!" Brad said and gave me a quick kiss. "Thank you..." I said and Brad smiled, he turned me around again so he could brush my hair properly. "I quite like it because that means I will get to spend more time with you." Brad said and I smiled.

He finished brushing my hair and then gave me back the brush. "Thanks." I said and hugged Brad. "No problem." He said and I gave him a quick kiss. Rebekah and Connor then walked into the room from upstairs, I don't think they realised me and Brad were sitting on the sofa because the laid down on the sofa and started to make out. I giggled at Brad and he held my hand, he took my upstairs and when we got to the girls room Tris and Sophie had gone. "I'm not even ready yet Brad, I'm so sorry." I said and Brad hugged me from behind. "Baby, I don't mind. We have all day and it's only 10am." Brad said and I nodded. "What else do you have to do?" He asked. "Wash my face, brush my teeth, put some socks on, put my shoes on, make sure my phone is charged, sort Jesse out. So much stuff!" I said and Brad turned me around to face him. "Why don't I make sure your phone is charged and sort Jesse out while you get ready?" Brad asked. "Do you mind?" I asked. "Not at all, I love you." Brad said, he pulled me closer to him and rested his forehead against mine. "I love you too." I said and we both kissed for a little while, he then pulled away and smiled at me.

"I can't wait until we are alone later, I really wanna spend some time together but as just us." Brad said and I nodded. "I best get started then." I said and Brad nodded. "I will check your phone and get Jesse." Brad said and I nodded, I pecked his lips and then he walked over to my bed side table to get my phone and put it on charge for a while. I put my socks on and then walked into the bathroom to get my face washed and to brush my teeth, Brad walked downstairs and then came back up with Jesse about 5 minutes later. I then put some shoes on and unplugged my phone. "Ready?" Brad asked. "I think so." I said and Brad nodded. "Your hair does look nice." Brad said and I smiled. "You must be good at it then." I said and Brad giggled. "I don't think so." Brad replied. "I'm sure you will get the hang of it if we have a baby girl." I said and walked downstairs.

"Do you want a boy or a girl?" Brad asked. "One of each I guess, then it's fair." I said and Brad nodded. "What sort of clubs do you want them to start doing? Because if kids start things at a young age then they get a talent for it." Brad said, he held my hand as me, Jesse and Brad walked out of the door and made our way to the park. "I guess I would get the girl to do gymnastics, maybe you could get the boy to play the guitar?" I asked and Brad nodded. "Sounds cool." Brad said and I smiled. "Would you want that? I don't wanna get her to do gymnastics if you don't want her to do it. After all, you probably will be paying for it..." I said and Brad held my hand a bit tighter. "I don't mind, your the one who will know them the best." Brad said and I nodded.

"About your job, are you sure that you want to do that for me?" Brad asked. "I'm positive." I said and Brad looked at me. "Only for 3 weeks, right?" Brad asked and I nodded. "I should have enough money after 3 weeks and then I can stop." I said and Brad smiled a bit. "Thank you so much baby! What are you going to do for my birthday?" Brad asked. "That's a surprise." I said and Brad gave me the puppy dog eyes. "I'm not telling you." I said and Brad kissed my cheek. "Ok, but it better be good." Brad said as a joke but I took it seriously. "Oh. Well... I hope you like it... I mean..." I said and Brad started laughing. "What?" I asked, a bit confused. "I was joking! I would be fine with a kiss for my birthday. I don't need anything else." Brad said. "Your getting more than a kiss, but you can have a kiss now if you want." I said and Brad smiled, we got to the park and then sat on the bench. Jesse took a break from walking and laid down on the grass in front of us. "I would love a kiss right now." Brad said, he leaned forwards and gave me a kiss. I kissed him back and ran my hand through his hair, his hands sat on my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Brad?" We both heard someone say, I turned my head to see a girl with long brown hair. She has black eyes and she is quite skinny, she also has a girl who looks about 6 with her and she looked really cute. "Molly?..." Brad said, he stood up and walked over to her. "Is it really you?" Brad asked and she nodded. "Oh my gosh! How did you?... Why are you?... Huh?!" Brad said, he gave her a hug and I felt a stabbing pain in my heart. I looked away and stared at Jesse, I then stood up and started to walk Jesse around the park a bit. "Chloe, where you going?" Brad asked. "I'm walking Jesse." I said bluntly and walked off, Brad looked at me confused and then looked back at Molly. "Is this your child?" Brad asked and she nodded, Brad bent down so he was at the little girls level. "What's her name?" Brad asked. "Jodie." The little girl said and Brad giggled. "Hello Jodie." Brad said and she smiled back at him, Brad then stood back up and looked over to the other side of the park to see me walking around with Jesse while looking at the floor. "Is that your girlfriend?" Molly asked and Brad nodded. "She looks pretty." Molly said. "She is... She just doesn't know it..." Brad said and looked at the floor.

"I can go if you want? I didn't mean to interrupt you or anything, I just wanted to say hi." Molly said. "I do really want to catch up with you and talk to you but this is meant to be mine and Chloe's day today, I have a feeling I have upset her by hugging you... So I need to go and see her... I'm sorry." Brad said. "That's fine, can we meet soon?" Molly asked. "Erm... I would love to... But I can't. I'm sorry..." Brad said and looked at the floor. "It's fine, I understand that you have your own life now." Molly said. "But I just wanna make sure your ok now, I know how hard your life was in school." Brad said. "Brad, you helped me so much during school. I don't know how I could ever thank you! I am fine now, I have my own happy life and I have Jodie." Molly said and picked her daughter up. "Do you have a boyfriend?" Brad asked. "Husband..." Molly said and Brad looked shocked. "Oh! Right. Well, I'm happy for you." Brad said and smiled, he looked around the park to try and find me but he could see me. He started to panic a bit and Molly could tell. "Erm, Brad? Are you ok?" Molly asked. "I can't see Chloe." Brad said, Molly looked around and she couldn't see Chloe either.

"What have I done!" Brad said and kicked a stone across the park. "Brad, calm down. She has probably just gone to walk the dog somewhere." Molly said. "But you don't understand, she hates it when I talk to other girls." Brad said, still panicking. "Well, you can talk to who you want..." Molly said. "But I don't like it when she talks to other boys, so we made a promise that we would try not to do it. I have told her about you and she understands, she doesn't mind me talking to you but I think it's the fact that I hugged you. It upset her, I could see it on her face and I didn't do anything about it." Brad said. "Brad, calm down. I will help you find her, I'm sure she hasn't gone far." Molly said. "I'm such an idiot." Brad said, he put his head in his hands and some tears rolled down his face. "Bradley, calm down. I'm sure she is fine. Just go and look for her." Molly said. "Ok." Brad said and he walked off over to the other side of the park to try and find me.

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