Part 1: moving in

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"Finally!" I breathed out as I put the last box on the floor in my new apartment and collapsed on the bed. I had moved from London to Birmingham to try and start a new chapter in my life, but this time make it better. The one thing that I didn't want anyone to know here is that I have lived in care for the past 7 years, that's what started all the drama back in London.

*beep beep* I rolled over to look at my phone and saw that it was a message from Rebekah:
I am stuck in traffic so I may be a bit longer than expected xxx
Was all the message said.

I am sharing my apartment with my friends Rebekah, Sophie and Hannah. I have known them since junior school and they know about my past, they are the only people that know about it around here and I would like it to stay that way.

I wondered if Sophie or Hannah had already arrived as they had not messaged me yet, I opened the door and walked straight into a boy and landed on the floor, knocking all the boxes that he was carrying on to the floor. "I am so sorry!" The boy said and held his hand out for me to take, he pulled me up and I brushed myself off. He started picking up the boxes off of the floor and I bent down to help him. "You don't have to." He said and I smiled and looked at him.

He had brown curly hair and chocolate brown eyes, his smile was gorgeous and so were his tiny dimples which sat at each corner of his mouth and his button nose. He was wearing black skinny jeans, a white top and some DM's. His hair was perfectly styled and he has a perfect white toothed smile.

"Are you ok?" The boy asked and  I snapped out of my daze. "Yeah." I said, I couldn't wipe the ridiculous smile off of my face. He giggled at me and I blushed. "I'm Bradley by the way, Bradley Simpson." He introduced himself and I shook his hand. "I'm Chloe, Chloe Summers." I replied. I then realised that I had been shaking his hand for quite some time and awkwardly pulled away.

His hands were so soft but in a way they were protective. I then remembered why I had walked out of my apartment. "Erm, I should get going." I said. "Oh yeah, of course." Brad said and I smiled. "Bye then." I said. "Wait! One more thing? Can I... Maybe... Have your number?" He asked. We had only been talking for 2 minutes and he already wanted my number. "Yeah, sure. I will just get my phone." I know I probably should of said no to him as I barely know the boy, but there is just something about him that made me say yes...

I turned around and opened the door of my apartment. I picked up my phone off of my bed side table and typed in his number. "Thanks..." He nervously replied, running a hand through his hair. Woah, he is so hot!

"I really need to go now..." I said
"Sorry, yeah. I will text you later?" He asked, nervously biting his lip. He is so adorable. I nodded and walked down the corridor to try and find my friends.

It then occurred to me that this boy might be my neighbour! When I walked into him, he seemed to be heading for the room next to mine. In a way, I kind of hoped he was my neighbour. From what I have seem of him, he is perfect.

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