Part 92: birthday presents, party food and windmilling

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After a while of being in the pool everyone got out and dried themselves off. "Are we going to do presents now?" Rebekah whispered in my ear. "Yeah, sure." I said and Rebekah spread the word around. "Brad, where do you wanna sit down?" I asked. "Why am I sitting down?" He asked. "You will see in a minute, do you wanna be in the garden or in the living room?" I asked. "The garden I guess..." He said and I nodded, I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and smiled. "I'm just going to get something, if you go and sit on the grass over there and then we will all be with you in a second." I said and Brad nodded, he called Jesse over and went to sit with her on the grass.

I ran inside quickly and slipped a top on so I didn't get chilly in just my bikini, I then got the envelope from my secret hiding place and walked outside to see everyone sitting in a circle with Brad on the grass. I smiled and walked over to them. "Do you wanna sit next to Brad?" James asked. "No, it's fine. You can sit next to him if you want." I said. "I can move, it's not problem." He said and I smiled, he got up and sat next to Amy in the circle. I sat next to Brad and he smiled at me. "Have you guessed why we are all here?" Tris asked. "Well looking at all of the presents in front of me I'm guessing I'm getting my presents now...?" Brad said and Jesse barked. "Yeah Jesse! We are gonna give Brad some birthday presents." I said and gave her a hug, she then jumped up at Brad and gave him a sloppy kiss. "That's Jesse's birthday present..." I said and Brad giggled. "Thank you my little girl." He said as she stopped licking his face, she sat on Brad's lap and I giggled. "Who wants to go first?" Sophie asked. "I will!" Connor said, he passed Brad a present and it wasn't a box. He picked it up and started to open it, once he had tore all of the wrapping paper off he pulled out a hoodie and he smiled. "Thanks mate." Brad said and they did that weird man hug thing, it was a black hoodie and it looked so comfy. "I thought you needed one because Chloe has got your other one." Connor said. "I can give it back if you want?" I asked. "No, you can keep it. I have this one now." He said and I smiled.

Rebekah then gave him a box, he looked at her confused and she smiled back at him. He started to unwrap the paper and then opened the box, he pulled out an Xbox controller and the newest FIFA game. "Oh my gosh! This must of been really expensive!" Brad said. "Well, I saw that we only have 3 controllers and their are 4 boys. It's not fair that one of you has to sit out and watch so I got one, the game came free with the controller." Rebekah said and Brad nodded. "Thanks Bekkie!" Brad said, he got up to hug her but Rebekah stopped him. "I'm fine with it." I said and so did Connor, they both hugged and then sat back down. "Thank you..." Brad said and gave me a quick kiss. "For what?" I asked. "For letting me and Rebekah hug." Brad said. "Your only friends so it's no big deal, and anyway you let me and James hug." I said and Brad nodded.

Brad opened up the rest of his presents, Sophie got him a photo of all 8 of us in America, Tris got him a new onesie, James got him the newest Call Of Duty Xbox game and Amy got him a new skateboard. "That just leaves you then..." Brad said and looked at me. "Do you want it now or later?" I asked and he looked around for a box or something but there wasn't one. "Now?..." Brad said and I leaned forwards and gave him a kiss, I pulled away after a while and he smiled. "Happy birthday." I said and he went a bit red. "Thanks." He said and I smiled. "Do you want your actual present now?" I asked and Brad nodded, everyone laughed a bit and I pulled an envelope out of my pocket. I passed it to him and he began to open it, now I am starting to feel a bit nervous. He opened up the sheet of paper and started to read it, everyone was watching him and waiting for him to say what the present was. "OH MY GOD! THANK YOU SO MUCH! YOU ARE THE BEST GIRLFRIEND IN THE WHOLE WORLD!" Brad said and I giggled, he hugged me and pushed me down so I was laying on my back. He kissed me hard and I giggled. "What is it?" Sophie asked as I sat back up. "Chloe got me tickets to see the Arctic Monkeys at the O2 and they are front row seats, then we are going to Nando's afterwards on a date and then we are going on the London Eye for a while." Brad said. "Aaawww! That's so cute!" Rebekah said and I smiled.

"Thank you so much!" Brad said and kissed me again, I kissed him back and he smiled. "Yuck! Get a room guys!" Tris said and Brad pulled away. "Like you and Sophie haven't kissed before..." Brad said while looking at Sophie's bump. "Shut up." Tris said and rested his hand on his girlfriends bump. "This is the best birthday present ever!" Brad said and I giggled. "I'm glad, for a minute I thought that you wouldn't like it..." I said and Brad smiled. "How can I not like that?!" He said and I giggled. "Also later we can make out and I will go a bit further for you..." I whispered in his ear and he smiled. "What shall we do now?" Tris asked. "What's next on the list of things to do?" I asked. "Well later on this evening we are gonna set the campfire up and cook some marshmallows, we can have some lunch now and then Brad can choose something to do for this afternoon?" Rebekah said. "Sounds like a good plan..." Brad said and held my hand, he then pulled me into a hug and hugged Jesse as well. Connor got a picture of all of us and then texted it to Brad with the caption 'one happy family' and I smiled. "We are a happy family." Brad said, he kissed me and then kissed Jesse on the head. "Yeah, we are." I said and he smiled.

We all got up and walked into the kitchen to see food everywhere, there was things like pizza, sausage rolls, mini sausages, sandwiches, crisps, sweets, biscuits, Coke, lemonade and much more. Everyone tucked in and I looked at Brad to see him stuffing his mouth with pizza. "You like the pizza then?" I said and giggled, he nodded and stood next to me. "What are you going to have?" Brad asked after he swallowed his mouthful of pizza, I got a napkin and wiped the pizza sauce off of his mouth. He giggled and pecked my nose. "Your like a child and I'm not sure, I might just get some fruit." I said. "Why? There is so much nice food here!" Brad said. "Because we had pizza a couple of weeks ago, all I ever seem to live on these days is pizza." I said. "How about a sandwich and some crisps then?" He asked, he got me a plate and picked me up a ham and cucumber sandwich. "Now that's healthy." Brad said as he passed the plate to me, I giggled and smiled. "Have you asked James about advice on how to keep healthy?" Brad asked. "No, why?" I asked. "Maybe he can give you some tips on how to have a balanced diet but still be healthy?" He asked. "Maybe." I said and smiled, I then walked over to the fridge and got out the last strip of the massive Galaxy chocolate bar that Rebekah got for me for my birthday. "Would you like to help me eat the last bit of this chocolate bar?" I asked. "Yeah, sure." Brad said, I broke it in half and then fed it to him because I thought that it was cute. "Happy birthday baby." I said and kissed him while he was eating the bit of chocolate, right now I don't really care. He tried to chew on the chocolate and swallow it but I stopped him. "Just leave it..." I said between kisses and by the end of our kissing session I had some of his chocolate in my mouth but I don't care, I love him too much to care.

I giggled as I wiped the chocolate off from around our mouths and Brad smiled. "I didn't think you were into kissing with food in our mouths..." Brad said and I laughed. "Well... I am." I said and Brad finally finished his chocolate. "I quite liked that." He said and I giggled, we ate our food and then walked outside to see Tris and James were in the pool. All of the girls were sunbathing and Connor was playing some songs on his guitar. "What do you wanna do?" I asked and Brad wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. "I don't mind." I said and he smiled. "You are choosing because it is your birthday." I said and he smiled. We both started to kiss a bit and then the kiss deepened as his tongue entered my mouth. "This still tastes... Of chocolate..." I said and Brad giggled, we then felt a lot of cold water hit us and Brad pulled me into him to protect me but I still got soaked. We looked up to see Connor with a bucket in his hand. "Connor!" Brad said and I started laughing. "You are in your swimming trunks anyway." I said and giggled, Brad smiled and kissed me again. I then walked over into the sun on the grass and tried to dry off by doing a move that Connor knows best as The Windmill.

Connor was laughing at me and he joined in, Brad just went and laid on a sun bed to try and dry off. After about 5 minutes of windmilling I began to feel very dizzy and I decided to go and sit with Brad, he laughed at me as I laid down next to him on the sun bed. "You look cute when you are windmilling." Brad said and I giggled, his hands then found their way on to my stomach and he gave me a kiss. "I love it when you are in your bikini." Brad said and winked, I smiled and ran my hand down his chest. "I love it when you are topless." I said and winked. "What about when I am trouser less?" Brad asked. "I like that too." I said and he giggled.

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