Part 22: good morning

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After a while me and Brad went back inside so we could start the movie night. The boys got the girls together to tell them about America, I acted surprised and Brad winked at me. The girls were so excited and the boys were also excited to be touring some of America.

I went and sat on Brads lap and gave him a hug. "What was that for?" He asked. "Because I love you and you have made my life so much better. You care about me so much and you love me for who I am. I used to wake up everyday upset and depressed but now when I wake up and I am happy and excited to see what the day is going to bring. I love you so much and I never want anything to change." I said and Brad had a massive smile on his face by the end of my mini speech.

"I'm glad I make you happy and I love you too. You mean so much to me and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. We can move in together, get married, go on a honeymoon but for now we should focus on this film night and your birthday." Brad said and I nodded.

"Brad, can I ask you something?" I asked. "Sure, what is it?" He replied. "When we are older do you wanna have a family?" I asked. "Yeah, I do." Brad said and I smiled. "But not until we are a lot older and married." He continued and I giggled. "Of course." I sarcastically replied. "We have Jesse to look after soon. She is the start of our family." Brad said and I nodded.

"Chloe, come and choose the first film!" James said and I got off of Brads lap to choose a film. I then saw Hannah talking to Brad while I was looking at the DVDs, I'm so confused. I thought Brad didn't like Hannah?

I chose the film Maze Runner and put it in the DVD player, I then went and sat on the other sofa so Brad could talk to Hannah. Everyone looked at me confused but I just ignored them and pressed play on the remote. Like I said earlier to James, Brad can have a life away from me and he is allowed to talk to other people.

"Chloe?" Brad said and I turned to look at him. "Why aren't you sitting with me?" He asked. "You are talking to Hannah, you are allowed to talk to other people and I don't want you to feel like you have to be with me all the time." I replied and then went back to watching the film.

Brad got up and sat next to me. "I was telling Hannah to go away and I want to be with you all the time. I love you." Brad explained. " I love you too." I replied and stared at him. He winked at me and gave me a quick kiss on the lips before holding my hand and watching the film. I smiled at him and squeezed his hand before watching the film.

After a couple of films I felt myself drifting off to sleep and in the morning I woke up on the sofa with Brad laying next to me, he had his arm over me and his hair was a mess. We must of both fallen asleep on the sofa last night and everyone else just left us alone.

Shortly after Brad woke up, he smiled at me and ran his hand through my messy bed hair. "Morning." He said in his sleepy morning voice, he is so adorable. "Hey." I replied. "You fell asleep last night on the sofa and I stayed with you while everyone else went to bed, I must of fallen asleep as well." Brad explained and I nodded.

People always take it the wrong way when you say 'I slept with a boy'. They think you have made out with him or something but what it really means is you fell asleep with a boy, that's it. That is what just happened and I quite liked it that way. He is nice to cuddle up to.

"What are we doing today?" I asked. "I think we are doing something else for your birthday. You will have to ask James because I'm not sure." Brad replied. "I don't need anything else for my birthday. Yesterday was more than enough." I said. "Your worth it." Brad said and then pecked my nose.

"Aren't you getting hot?" I asked. "Yeah, shall I sort that out?" Brad said. He stood up and took off his top and then laid back down next to me, I giggled and Brad was trying to keep my quiet. "Shhhh! It's only 6am." Brad said and I nodded. I ran my hand down his chest and he smiled. "You like doing that." Brad said and I nodded.

He leant forwards and kissed me, his arms snaking around my waist and pulling me closer. I ran my hand through his hair and down his back. This is the furthest we have gone and I quite like it. We carried on like this for a while and then Brad pulled away. "Wow!" I breathed out and Brad giggled. "I love you." Brad said and I smiled. "I love you too." I replied, he was now breathing quite heavily and he looked so happy. I leaned forwards and kissed him again and then pulled away.

After a while we decided to get up before people came down the stairs and saw us. Brad made us both some toast and the boys started coming down the stairs, shortly after the girls started to walk into the boys apartment. We all sat at the table and James explained what was going to happen today.

"So, there is another birthday surprise for Chloe today." James started and we all stared at him. "We are going to Thorpe Park for the day!" James said everyone was so happy and excited. "I have never been to a theme park before." I said and Brad held my hand. "You will be fine, I'm with you." Brad said and I reluctantly nodded. I have never been on a roller coaster or on an airplane before.

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