Part 68: Virginia

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The rest of our time in Florida went really slowly but it is finally over and we are going to our last destination, Virginia. We are currently in a big taxi driving to our villa and I am tired but I have got used to the jet lag. "You ok?" Brad asked and held my hand. "Yeah. Are you?" I asked and he nodded. "Good." I said and gave him a kiss. "Guys!" Waddy said and covered his eyes, I giggled and Brad smiled at me as he pulled away. "What?" Brad asked. "Keep it in the bedroom." Waddy said and Brad smiled. "We will." Brad said and winked at me, I blushed and he kissed my cheek. "Love you." Brad said and I squeezed his hand.

"I don't feel well." We then heard Sophie say and we all looked at her, she had a pale face and she was clutching her bump. "Can we stop the taxi?" Tris asked and Waddy told the driver to stop, the driver pulled over and Sophie ran out of the taxi. The next thing we heard were sounds of throwing up and crying. "She is fine! It's just morning sickness!" Tris shouted and I smiled at Rebekah. "The things us girls have to through." I said and Rebekah nodded. "What things?" Connor asked. "We have to go through so much pain just to get you boys a baby." I said and Brad squeezed my hand. "But us boys are always there for you girls though, if I could do the pain bit for you then I would." Brad said. "You wouldn't want to." Rebekah said and I nodded. "It's not very nice." I said. "Well, us boys do feel a bit helpless. We can't really help you much apart from being there for you, we all wish that we could do more to help." Connor said. "I know." I said, Rebekah kissed Connor and I smiled at them. "Cute." I mumbled and Brad looked at me.

"Guys! Give it a rest!" We all heard Waddy say and I burst out laughing while looking at Brad, he giggled a bit too and held my hand. Sophie and Tris finally got back in the taxi and we drove the rest of the way to the villa, once we got there we all took our luggage indoors and walked upstairs to see the bedrooms. But this time it was different, there were double beds instead of single beds. Waddy had booked the wrong villa.

"Waddy!" James shouted and he ran over to us all. "Yeah?" He said. "Our rooms have double beds in them and there are only 8 rooms." James said. "Yeah, I know. One for Rebekah and Connor, one for James, one for Tris and Sophie, one for Brad and Chloe, one for Joe, one for Fin, one for Dean and one for me." Waddy said. "Why do we have double beds?" Tris asked. "Because I thought you would all like it?" Waddy said, everyone didn't seem impressed but I was quite happy with the idea. Now I get to be with Brad all the time because we will be sharing a room together, I will finally be able to see what it will be like when me and Brad have our own house.

"I'm fine with it." I blurted out and everyone looked at me. "Think about it, we will be with our couples, don't you guys all want that?" I asked. "I do." Brad said and walked behind me, he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed the top of my head "I would love to share a room with my girlfriend, thank you Waddy." Brad said, he then took my hand and we wheeled our suitcases up to the room that we liked the most. Brad shut the door behind us and I laid on the bed, he laid next to me and looked at me. "I'm going to enjoy this." Brad said and winked, I giggled at him  and smiled. "So am I." I said and held his hand, he rolled over so he was facing me and he kissed my forehead. "I can't wait for tonight." Brad said and winked. "Why?" I asked. "We are in a double bed, together." Brad said. "But we always sleep in the same bed, just a single one." I said. "I know, but it will give us a feel of what things will be like when we get our own house." Brad said. "Who said we are going to get our own house?" I sarcastically asked. "Me." Brad said and kissed me, the kiss deepened a bit and his tongue entered my mouth. I allowed entrance and he pulled me closer to him, I was now laying on top of him and I started to undo the buttons on his shirt.

*knock knock* Brad pulled away and sighed. "Just as we are getting to the good bit." Brad said and I giggled, I kissed him quickly and then he got up and opened the door. "Hey!" I heard Waddy say and I walked over to look out of the window, there isn't  a balcony in this room but I'm fine with that. "Hi." Brad replied, looking confused. "Are you sure you are ok with having a double bed?" Waddy asked, I walked over to Brad and he hugged me. "Yeah, I'm happy with it." Brad said, Waddy then saw that Brad's hair was a mess and that his shirt was half unbuttoned. "Right, well... I will leave you two to your... Business then." Waddy said and Brad nodded, he closed the door behind him and picked me up. He laid me down on the bed and laid on top of me. "Where were we?" Brad asked and I giggled. "Do you think we should wait until later?" I asked and Brad looked confused. "Why baby? Have I done something wrong?" Brad asked and played with my hair. "No, I just thought it would be better when we go to bed so we won't be getting distracted or anything." I said and gave him a quick kiss. "Sure." Brad said and kissed me back.

"What shall we do now then?" He asked and walked over to the window, he looked out at the view and I crept up behind him. I hit him carefully with a pillow and Brad jumped on the bed, he picked up a pillow and hit me back with it. I pushed him down so he was laying down on the bed and I sat on his stomach, we had a pillow fight and I ended up falling off of the bed and hitting my head on the floor. Brad heard a massive bang and an "ouch" from me. "Chloe!" Brad said and pulled me in to him. "Brad, I'm fine!" I said and giggled. "You need to stop getting hurt!" Brad said and I giggled. "I'm fine, I just hit my head." I said, Brad then started tickling me and my legs started lashing out. "Don't blame... Me if you... Get hurt..." I said between laughs and Brad giggled. "Stop!" I said multiple times and eventually Brad stopped, he pinned my hands above my head and leaned down so his lips were inches away from mine. "Say you love me..." Brad said and I cheekily shook my head. "Please?" Brad said and pretended to look upset, my lips collided with his and he made the kiss very forceful.

"I... Love... You..." I said between kisses and breaths, Brad smiled and kissed me harder. "Who do... You belong to..." Brad said between kisses. "You..." I said. "What's my... Name?..." Brad said. "Bradley..." I said between kisses and his hands ran down my stomach. "Say it again..." He said with a dominant and husky tone between kisses, I like the fact that he is doing this. It makes him happy. "Bradley..." I said again but this time I made it sound more like a moan. "Chloe... I... Love you..." Brad said and then started to kiss down my neck, I moaned a little at his touch and then I think he gave me another love bite. This means that it's my turn, I placed my lips back on his and kissed him forcefully. My hands tugged on his hair and then I undid the buttons on his shirt, he took his shirt off and then I started to kiss down his neck. I reached his soft spot and he moaned out in pleasure as I kissed lightly over it. "Chloe..." Brad moaned and I smiled.

I then pulled away and giggled at the mark I had left on his neck, he smiled at the mark he has given me and I ran my hands down his chest. "I liked that." Brad said and winked. "I loved that too." I said and smiled back at him. "We should do that more often." Brad said and I smiled. "Maybe, just for you I might go a bit further in our relationship..." I said and Brad's eyes lit up. "How much further?" Brad asked. "I will think about it and let you know." I said and Brad smiled. "I love it that every so often you take it a step further, it's cute." Brad said and I smiled. "I only do it for you, I know that you would quite happily get naked and I'm really grateful that you are waiting until I am ready, so I am giving you a treat by slowly going further each time." I said and Brad smiled. "Thank you, I would quite happily wait as long as you need." Brad said and I smiled.

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