Part 70: going back to the UK

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Today is the day we are finally going back to the UK and I am so excited! I am currently packing the last of my things and it is 3:30am but I don't care, I just wanna get home. "Someone is in a rush." Brad said while walking into our room, I nodded and he hugged me from behind. "We aren't leaving for ages yet." Brad said and I nodded. "I know, I'm just getting ready." I said and Brad kissed my cheek. "Aren't you tired?" Brad asked. "I am yeah, are you?" I said and kissed him back. "Yeah, can we just lay in bed for a bit?" Brad asked. "But I'm dressed now." I said. "So?" Brad said and hugged me. "Please? I'm so tired." Brad said. "Ok." I said, we both got into bed together for the last time and Brad stared into my eyes. "The next few days is literally just going to be me sleeping." Brad said and I smiled. "I'm fine with that." I replied and ran my hand through his hair.

"I am going to miss America though." Brad said. "I will yeah, but I will be glad to be at home." I said and Brad nodded. "I love you." Brad said and I kissed him gently. "I love you too." I said and smiled. "What time will it be when we get back in the UK?" I asked. "About 1am." Brad said and I sighed. "We get more sleep!" Brad said and cheered, I giggled at him and placed my hand on the side of his cheek. "I'm going to miss sharing a bed." I said and Brad smiled. "We still can but it will be a single bed." Brad said and I nodded. "I know but I prefer a double bed." I said and Brad smiled. "One day baby, one day..." Brad said and pulled me in close to him.

An hour went by and it was finally time to leave and go back to the UK, I checked the room once more to make sure we hadn't left anything behind and then me and Brad walked downstairs with our suitcases. We put them in the boot of the taxi and then we all got in. "I'm so excited!" Rebekah said and we all nodded, me and Brad slept for most of the journey and once we got to the airport we went through security and all of that stuff before we got to duty free and Sophie went to do a bit of shopping. Everyone else sat and looked out of the window, Connor went to sleep. Brad was looking at a bit of paper and constantly reading what was on it over and over again.

"Brad, what are you doing?" I asked and Brad looked at me. "I am learning the lyrics to our new song." Brad explained. "What's it called?" I asked. "Last night..." Brad whispered so nobody else heard in the airport. "That's cool." I said and Brad nodded "it's based on Tristan's drinking habits at party's." Brad said and we both started laughing. "Shut up!" Tris said and then Sophie came back and sat with Tris. "I can't wait to hear it." I said and kissed Brad's cheek. "Thank you, do you want a drink?" Brad asked. "Are you getting one?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm gonna go over to Starbucks and get one." Brad said. "Yeah ok then." I said. "What do you want?" Brad asked. "Hot chocolate? If not just a bottle of water." I said and Brad nodded, I kissed him and then he got up to get the drinks.

"What are you gonna do on the flight?" Rebekah asked as she sat next to me. "Probably sleep and listen to music. You?" I asked. "Same." Rebekah said and I nodded. "How are you?" I asked. "I'm good thanks. You?" Rebekah asked. "Tired but glad to be going home." I said and Rebekah nodded. "We need to have a day out together in the UK. Me, you, Sophie, Alisha and maybe Amy if she is ok." Rebekah said and I nodded. "Sounds like fun." I replied and Rebekah nodded, we then hugged each other for what felt like forever and I smiled in the hug. "I have missed these." I said and Rebekah giggled. "Same." Rebekah said as we pulled away. "We need to look in our memories box." I said. "Huh?" Rebekah said. "You know, the box that we made when we were in year 3 and carried on until we were in about year 12 with all of our memories in?" I explained. "Oh yeah! Have you still got that then?" Rebekah asked. "Yeah! Of course I have. I would never get rid of it." I said and Rebekah smiled. "I'm so glad I met you. We have been through everything together." I said and Rebekah nodded. "Same, I'm so glad that you are my best friend." Rebekah said and I smiled.

Brad then came back and sat next to me. "I got you a hot chocolate and a bottle of water for the journey." Brad said and I gave him an unexpected kiss. "What was that for?" Brad asked. "Because I love you." I said, he smiled at me and then kissed me back. "You two are so cute!" Rebekah said and I giggled as Brad hugged me. "So are you and Connor." I said. "Well, he is asleep right now." Rebekah said. "Go and wake him up then." I said. "Nah, I will leave him to have his beauty sleep." Rebekah said and I laughed, I took a sip of my drink and then sat back in my chair. "What drink did you get?" I asked Brad. "Tea." Brad said. "Do you want a bit of my hot chocolate?" I asked. "Yeah sure." Brad said, he took a mouthful of my drink and then gave it back to me. "That is a nice hot chocolate." Brad said and I giggled. "Can I have some of your tea?" I asked and Brad nodded, he passed me to cup and I took a sip. "That's nice tea." I said and Brad nodded. "Can I have a kiss?" Brad asked. "Maybe..." I said. "Why?" Brad asked. "Can you do something for me first?" I asked. "What's that?" Brad asked. "Go and wake Connor up in a funny way, Rebekah needs her boyfriend." I said and Rebekah giggled. "Ok." Brad said and I high fived him.

I held his tea and he walked over to Connor, he filled a plastic cup with come water and dripped it on to his face. He still didn't wake up so Brad poured some of it down his back, Connor shot up and screamed a little. "That's cold!" Connor said and me and Rebekah were in hysterics. "Maybe you should spend more time with your girlfriend than you do sleeping?" Brad said and patted Connor on the shoulder. "Bekkie, if you wanted me then you could of just woken me up." Connor said. "I know, but it was funny getting Brad to do it." Rebekah said. "And I get a kiss out of it" Brad said as he sat back down next to me, I carefully placed my lips on his and gave him a gentle kiss my hands went up his top and he pulled away. "Not here baby." Brad said and I gave him the puppy dog eyes. "Can we wait until we get home? So we are somewhere more private?" Brad whispered and I kissed him again, his hands sat on my waist and then I pulled away while passing him his cup of tea back. "Later?" Brad asked. "Promise?" I said. "Promise baby." Brad said and I smiled.

Will flight number 142 please board the plane, flight number 142 please board the plane

"That's our flight guys! Let's go!" Waddy said and we all got our bags. "But I didn't get time to buy some sweets for the flight." Sophie said. "I will buy you some on the plane, let's just get on." I said and Sophie nodded, Brad held my hand and smiled at me. "That was a nice thing to say." Brad said. "She is my friend and she is pregnant, you can't mess with a pregnant girl." I said and Brad giggled. We all boarded the plane and I managed to find some money to buy Sophie some sweets, I then sat in my seat next to Brad and he passed me my bottle of water. "Thanks." I said and Brad kissed my cheek. "No problem." Brad said and I smiled.

The plane took off after a while and me and Brad fell asleep pretty quickly, about half way through the flight I woke up on Brad's shoulder and he was staring at me. "Hey." Brad said and kissed the top of my head. "Hi." I croaked and started to stretch. "If you are wondering we are about half way there." Brad said and I nodded, he passed me my water bottle and I smiled at him. "Thank you." I said and took a sip of water. "Love you." Brad said and I hugged him. "I love you too." I said and he kissed the top of my head, we then watched The Hunger Games for the next 2 hours and once it had finished we only had an hour left of the journey to go. "I'm really excited." I said and Brad smiled. "Same, you do know that we won't be able to get Jesse until the morning because we can't turn up at my parents house at midnight." Brad said. "I know." I replied and Brad smiled. "Good good." He said.

We spent the next hour listening to music and talking and it went really quickly, the plane landed and we all went through security and all that stuff before coming out of the airport. I breathed in the English air and Brad giggled. "I'm glad to be back." I said and Brad smiled. "I'm not! It's freezing!" Connor said and Rebekah hugged him. "Let's just get in the taxi and get back to our apartments." Rebekah said and we all nodded, we got a taxi and the journey seemed to last forever. I looked up at the stars in the sky and I couldn't believe that it is the middle of the night, it feels like it should be morning but that's just the jet lag kicking in.

We got to our apartment and as soon as I walked in through the door I took in a deep breath and looked around, it looks exactly how we left in and I'm so happy to be back. I ran up to my room with my suitcase and flopped on to my bed with Sophie and Rebekah. "I'm so happy to be back in my own bed!" Rebekah said and we nodded. "It's so comfy!" Sophie said and I giggled.

We spent the rest of the evening unpacking our suitcases and we used the washing machine a lot but we got it all washed, dried and put away. "Sleep time!" Brad shouted and we all giggled, it is now 2am and I'm so tired now. We all went to bed and I can't wait to go and get Jesse tomorrow!

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