Part 38: The dry cleaners

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We walked down the stairs holding hands and everyone was sat in the living room talking to each other. Everyone looked over to us and saw that we were holding hands which made them smile. "So, you two made up then?" James asked and Brad nodded. "I can't stay angry at her, I love her too much." Brad said and pulled me in for a hug, he kissed the top of my head and I smiled. "That's cute." Sophie said and Brad smiled.

Me and Brad then walked over to Sophie and Tris and sat on the sofa with them, everyone else carried on their conversations. "Are you ok?" I asked Sophie and she nodded. "I'm fine." She said. "How many weeks are you?" I asked. "Just gone 2 weeks." Sophie said and I nodded. "Did you plan for this to happen?" Brad asked Tris. "I didn't no but I think Sophie was trying to have a baby. But I'm happy for her." Tris said. "Aren't you both a bit young? Your both only 19..." Brad said. "I know but I don't think that is too young. We feel ready." Tris said and Brad nodded. "If you need any help with anything then just let me know, if your in pain, if you need something from the shops, if you need help with the baby when it is born, anything! Just let me know." I said and Sophie giggled. "Thanks, I'm glad to know I have you just incase but I'm gonna be getting Tris to do most of that stuff." Sophie said and I nodded.

"Do you want kids?" Sophie asked, I looked up at Brad and saw that he was staring at me. He had obviously heard the question. "Yeah, but not now. Maybe in a few years, I'm not ready yet." I said and Sophie nodded, Brad smiled at me and I winked back. "What are we gonna do for the rest of the evening then?" James asked and everyone turned to look at him. "Well, I need to go to the dry cleaners because until I have worked out how to use the washing machine that's my only option." I said. "I can work it out for you baby." Brad said. "Are you sure. It's more complicated than it looks." I said. "It will be a piece of cake. Don't you worry." Brad said and I rolled my eyes. "I'm still going up to the dry cleaners though. Do you boys need a trip up there?" I asked. "Can't be bothered." All the boys said in unison and I giggled. "Ok then." I said.

I got up and walked into the girls apartment, I got my dirty washing and put it in a carrier bag. I then walked out of the door and bumped in to Brad. "Oh, sorry." I said as I went to pick my clothes up off of the floor, Brad bent down to help and he couldn't stop smiling at me. "Just like when we first met." Brad said and I smiled. "Well, I'm off." I said. "Can I come?" Brad asked. "Are you actually going to clean your clothes?!" I asked. "No! I just want to make sure that Jack boy doesn't get his hands on you." Brad said. "I'm sure I will be fine, do you want me to wash your clothes?" I asked. "Nope, I will come with you and wash my clothes, one second." Brad said. He ran into his apartment and a couple of minutes later he came out with a massive bag of washing. "Are you sure you don't want me to do it for you?" I asked, Brad leant forwards and kissed me. "I'm fine. I can do it." Brad said and I smiled.

Jack then walked out of his apartment and saw us kissing, he walked over to us and coughed so he could get our attention. "Really, in the hallway?" Jack said. Brads face started to turn red but I grabbed his hand and squeezed it to tell him to calm down. "Yeah, we are. Why do you care?" Brad asked. "I don't, I just don't think it is very appropriate for you to be kissing in a public hallway." Jack said. "I can kiss my girlfriend where I want." Brad said and then I stepped in before he got too angry. "Jack, I'm sorry to have inconvenienced you. Next time we will go in the bedroom and make out? Would you prefer that?" I asked and Jack's face went bright red, I know he has a little crush on me and I know he doesn't like the thought of me being with another boy. "No..." Jack said and I nodded.

Me and Brad walked away and Brad had a massive smile on his face. "Well done baby." Brad said and I smiled. "For what?" I asked. "That told him." Brad said and I smiled, we stopped and kissed each other again just to annoy Jack and then walked away. I think Brad liked proving to other boys that I'm his.

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