Part 43: the airport

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I got woken up to Brad shaking me. "Chloe?" I heard Brad call my name. "Baby?" He then said and I groaned and rolled over. "It's time to go to America!" Brad said and I buried my head into the pillow. "Leave me alone, I want to sleep!" I mumbled into the pillow and Brad giggled. "I knew this would happen, I'm tired as well baby but all you need to do is get changed and get on to the mini bus that is waiting outside. Then you can go back to sleep." Brad said and I didn't move or say anything. Brad then wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my head. "Come on baby. Please?" Brad said. "Go away, let me sleep." I said and Brad smiled. "You don't really want me to go away." Brad said and there was silence for a bit. "Well shut up then!" I said and threw the pillow at his head, Brad laughed and grabbed me round the waist. He pulled me on to his lap but I was too tired to fight back. "Brad... Please let me sleep..." I said and Brad smiled. "On the mini bus I will." Brad said. "How are you not still half asleep?" I asked with my eyes half open. "I am still half asleep but I want to keep the spirits high!" Brad said.

He then carried me out of bed and got my clothes from the side, he walked into the bathroom and sat me down on the side of the bath. He passed the clothes to me and I reluctantly took them. "Get changed, I will be downstairs if you need me. Ok?" Brad said and kissed my head, I nodded and Brad walked out of the bathroom and shut the door behind him. I got changed reluctantly and slowly into my clothes, I put on some leggings and my Vamps top that says Simpson on the back of it. I then put on Brads hoodie that he gave to me and put my hair into a pony tail, I looked in the mirror while I brushed my teeth and saw that my eyes were still half closed and I looked ugly. "How does Brad still like me?!" I asked myself and then rolled my eyes. I finished brushing my teeth and put my toothbrush in my suitcase, I then zipped up my suitcase and I decided to carry mine and Brads suitcase down the stairs to be helpful. I got half way down the stairs and then Brad ran up. "What are you doing?" Brad asked. "Being helpful..." I said and Brad smiled. "I know baby but they are massive suitcases, you could fall down the stairs." Brad said. "I can do it, I'm not a baby." I said. "I know you aren't but I don't want you to hurt yourself." Brad said.

I left the suitcases on the stairs and then walked down the stairs, I sat on the sofa and crossed my arms. Brad carried the suitcases down the stairs and then came and sat with me, he put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. "I'm sorry baby, I just care about you..." Brad said. "I know, I'm sorry. I just get really grumpy when I'm tired." I said and Brad nodded. "Same here." Brad said, he gave me a hug and I hugged him back. "What airport are we going to?" I asked. "Heathrow." Brad said. "How long will it take to get there?" I asked. "About and hour and 40 minutes." Brad said. "And how long is the flight?" I asked. "About 11 hours." Brad said and I groaned. "Don't worry baby, I will be there to entertain you." Brad said and I nodded. "I'm nervous..." I said. "Don't be, it will be fine. I promise you." Brad said and I nodded.

Everyone else then started to walk down the stairs and walk into the boys apartment. There was then a knock on the door and I went to open it, it was Jack. "Hi." He said. "Hi..." I replied. "Erm... I hear you are going away for a while?" Jack asked. "Yeah, 10 weeks... We are going to..." I started but then Brad called for me. "Chloe! Who is it?" Brad asked and then walked up behind me to see Jack, his arms wrapped around me protectively from behind and pulled me close. "Why are you here at this time of the morning?" Brad asked with quite an aggressive tone but I nudged him in the ribs to tell him to stop. "Erm... I just wanted to say goodbye to you guys." Jack said. "Well bye. And also, don't even think about trying to get into our apartments." Brad said. "I'm not going to and I wanted to tell you guys that I'm moving away." Jack said. "Were to?" I asked. "Ireland..." Jack said. "Why?" I asked. "Because I got a job up there. I just wanted to say goodbye." Jack said, I kind of started to feel sorry for him a bit. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I guess it's goodbye then..." I said and I could feel a smile growing on Brads face from behind me. "Yeah." Jack said and then there was silence for a minute.

"Can I have a hug?" Jack asked and I looked a bit shocked, Brad went mental. "What did you just say...?" Brad asked in his aggressive tone. "I asked if I could have a hug from your girlfriend, to say goodbye." Jack said. "BRAD! CHLOE! WE NEED TO GO NOW!" James shouted from the living room. "OK!" I shouted back and then looked at Brad. "No, you can't have a hug!" Brad said and I turned round to face him. "Brad, please stop being so horrible?" I whispered. "But he just asked for a hug!" Brad said in a loud whisper. "I know, can I just deal with this?" I whispered back and Brad nodded. "Just don't hug him..." Brad said and I nodded, I gave him a kiss and then he walked off.

"Jack, I'm sorry. I can't give you a hug because I have a boyfriend, but it was nice knowing you. I really have to get going now, good luck in Ireland." I said and then shut the door before he could say anything else. I walked over to Brad and hugged him. "All sorted. We can go now." I said. "Did you hug him?" Brad asked. "No, can we just go now? I'm getting nervous..." I said. "Yeah, sorry baby." Brad said and held my hand, we all got our suitcases and then wheeled them out of the apartments. We made sure everything was locked up and then walked downstairs and got into the mini bus.

Brad came and sat next to me and I smiled, I had a window seat and Brad sat next to me. Next to us was Connor and Rebekah, behind us was Tristan and Sophie and behind Connor and Rebekah was James. We are meeting the managers at the airport. We set off on the way to the airport and I held Brads hand the whole way here while looking out at the sunrise, it was beautiful and I got some really cool pictures to add to my America photo album that I am going to make.

We eventually got to the airport and the sun was now coming up properly, we got our suitcases out of the mini van and met Waddy, Joe, Dean and Fin inside. We then sorted out our luggage and then we started to line up for security checks. "Brad, I'm nervous now..." I said and Brad held my hand. "Don't be, all you need to do is take your hoodie off and put your hoodie and your rucksack in the tray." Brad said and I nodded, I did what he said and then I had to walk through the scanning machines. Luckily I didn't get beeped and I could just walk off with my bag and my hoodie but Brad did get beeped and I was getting really worried that he wouldn't be allowed on the plane.

About 10 minutes of worrying later Brad walked over to all of us with a smile on his face. "So?" Connor asked. "It was just my belt for my trousers." Brad said and Tris giggled, I breathed a sigh of relief and tried to stop shaking with worry. "Baby, you need to stop shaking. I'm fine!" Brad said, he held my hand and then we walked through to passport checks. I nodded and held his hand tight. We all got our passports checked and we were all fine, we then went to get a bit of breakfast from Starbucks but I wasn't hungry. "What do you want?" Brad asked. "Nothing, I can't eat or I will be sick." I said. "I will just get you a sausage sandwich for the plane ride then just in case. Did you want a drink?" Brad asked. "Can I have a bottle of water?" I asked and Brad nodded, the boys all walked off to go and buy the food while the girls sat at the table.

"Soph, are you ok?" Rebekah asked Sophie. "Yeah, I think I've got a bit of morning sickness..." Sophie said. "Have you taken your tablets?" Rebekah asked and Sophie nodded. "How are you?" Rebekah asked me. "Nervous..." I said and Rebekah smiled. "You will be fine." She said and I nodded. "Everyone keeps saying that." I said. "Well it must be true then." Rebekah said and I nodded again. The boys came back a few moments later with the food and drinks and then we all walked over to the waiting area to get on our plane. "We have to board the plane now!" Waddy said and we all made a run for it, we just made it and we all walked on to the plane with our food and drink.

I got in my seat and the nerves really started to kick in, I started shaking and Brad held my hand. "Baby, calm down!" Brad said. "I'm trying but I'm just scared!" I said and Brad gave me a sympathetic smile. "Have a drink and just keep looking at me." Brad said and I nodded.

After a while the plane started to move and I squeezed Brads hand tight, he smiled at me and kissed my head. "You will be fine." Brad said and I nodded, I put my hood up and snuggled into Brad, the plane started to rise up and I grabbed Brads hand and squeezed it tight. Once we were in the air I let go a little and looked at Brad to see that he was looking out of the window. "Do you want to look?" Brad asked. "Will I fall out?" I asked and Brad laughed. "No! You are totally safe!" Brad said and I smiled a little. "Do you wanna look?" Brad asked. "Ok, I will try..." I said. Brad put his hands on the sides of my waist and I leaned over to the window. " I have got you even though your not going anywhere." Brad said and giggled. The view was amazing and breathtaking, I never knew how beautiful things looked from up here. I then sat back in my seat and smiled at Brad. "So? It's not so bad is it?" Brad asked. "It's ok..." I said and Brad smiled.

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