Part 27: collecting Jesse

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We put our shoes on and walked down to the shopping centre, we found Pets At Home and got a dog bowl, a dog bed, a lead, dog food and all the other essential dog stuff. We then got on a train and found some seats. "Do I get to choose the dog or have you already picked one?" I asked. "You get to choose out of all the girl Golden Retrievers." Brad said and I smiled. "I am so excited. Thank you so much!" I said and Brad smiled. "No problem, Jesse is the first step to us becoming a family." Brad said and I smiled and held his hand as the train began to move.

Eventually we got to our stop and we got off the train. I was starting to get a bit nervous, this day means a lot to Brad and I don't wanna mess it up for him. What if I choose a really bad dog? Then it will be all my fault. For once in my life I need to get something right, but knowing me I will mess it up, I always do.

Brad held my hand while we were walking along and I snapped out of my thoughts. "Are you ok?" Brad asked and I nodded, he smiled at me and I smiled back.

We got to the kennels and I just felt like I needed to talk things through quickly with Brad so I stopped him just before he was about to walk through the door. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I just... Don't want to mess anything up for you today. I know how much this all means to you." I explained. "You won't mess anything up." Brad said and put the bags from Pets At Home on the floor, he held my hands. "We are going to go in there, choose a dog, I will pay and then we can go home." Brad said and I nodded.

He gave me a quick kiss, picked up the bags and then we walked through the door. A lady walked over to us and showed us to the puppies, my mouth dropped open at how adorable they all are and Brad giggled at me. He put the bags in the corner and the wrapped his arms around me from behind. "What one do you want?" Brad asked. "I don't know! Can you help me choose?" I asked and Brad nodded.

We went and sat in front of the puppies and they all ran over to Brad apart from one, she stumbled over to me and sat on my lap. She had a lovely soft and golden coat of fur and she was about the length from my elbow to the top of my fingertips. "She likes you." Brad said and smiled. "I like her." I said while stroking her lovely golden fur.

Brad came and sat next to me and I passed the puppy over to him. "She is sweet." Brad said and I smiled. "Can we have her?" I asked. "Yes, if you are sure she is the one you want." Brad said. I looked around at all the other puppies and they were all play fighting and looked a bit too rough. "I'm sure." I replied.

Brad leant over and kissed me on the lips, the kiss lasted ages and we moved slowly in sync. He pulled away after a while and smiled. "Today we have started our family." Brad said and smiled. "Thank you." I whispered and pecked his lips, Brad smiled and hugged me.

We gave the dog to the lady and she weighed her, gave her some injections and checked her over before handing her back. Brad paid and I couldn't help but feel sorry for him, we then put Jesse on her lead and walked back to the train station.

Eventually we got back to the apartment, we walked into the boys apartment and everyone ran over to the dog and gave her lots of attention. Before I knew it Jesse had been taken away from me and I was standing by myself at the front door. I felt a bit upset that my own dog had been take away from me so I walked into my apartment and sat on the sofa.

"I can't even have my own dog for more than an hour before it gets taken away from me!" I said to myself. There was a knock at the door and I got up to open it, it was Brad and he had Jesse in his arms. "Why haven't you got Jesse?" He asked. "I walked through the door and she got taken away from me. I can't even have my own bloody dog for more than an hour!" I said, I was beginning to get angry now. "Woah! Baby, calm down! Here's the dog." Brad said and put the dog down. "Sorry, I'm just annoyed." I said and sat back down on the sofa.

Brad sat next to me and I snuggled in to him. "I love you." He said and gave me the puppy dog eyes, I can never resist those adorable eyes! "I love you to." I replied and smiled at him.

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