Part 11: the truth comes out

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Brad held out his hand and I took it, his hand gripped on to mine like he never wanted to let me go.

We walked out of the door and Brad took me to a restaurant, it looked quite posh and highly rated. He told the waiter his surname and then we got taken to the balcony area outside, Brad pulled my chair back for me and I sat down. "This is nice." I said as Brad sat down. He smiled at me and nodded. "Why have you taken me here? I thought we were just going shopping or something. This is more like a date..." I said.

Brad stared at me for a moment, not really knowing what to say.

"Maybe I want this to be a date... I really want to prove to you how much I like you and I want to show you how much I would do for you. I'd risk it all for you." Brad said and stared at me.
"But you don't know me..." I mumbled.
"Today can be about getting to know each other then." Brad said and I reluctantly nodded.
"So, tell me about you." Brad said.
"What do you want to know?" I asked.
"When is your birthday?"
"April 4th."
"What is your favourite colour?" He asked and I giggled.
"Do you have any siblings?" Brad asked and I froze.
"Erm... No..." I replied.
"Oh, so your an only child then." Brad said.
"I guess you could say that."

I looked down at the table, things were going so well and now everything is about to be ruined.

"Are you ok?" Brad asked and I sighed. "Can I tell you something? You have got to promise not to tell anyone." I asked and Brad nodded. "I used to... Well... Live in... Care..." I slowly said and Brad stared at me.

Great. Now everything is ruined. I sat there awkwardly waiting for him to say something but he didn't...

I got up to walk away but Brad grabbed my wrist. "Where are you going?" He asked. "Back to the apartment, you probably don't like me anymore. Let's be honest, nobody likes a care kid." I said and started to walk away.

Brad got up and ran after me. "Chloe, stop! I still like you." I stopped and Brad stood in front of me while holding my hands. "I don't care if you lived in a care home. I still like you. It doesn't change anything at all." Brad said and a couple of tears fell down my cheeks. Brad wiped them away and sat me back down at the table. "You can tell me everything if you want." He said. "Can I tell you back at the apartment later somewhere private? I don't want to say when there are other people around." I asked and Brad nodded.

The waiter then came over and we ordered our meals. Brad cheered me up while we were eating and it made me forget about my problems. Brad makes me happy and I am glad that he likes me for who I am.

I am starting to really like him.

Brad paid for the bill after I begged him that I should pay but he wasn't having any of it. Then we took a walk down to the park. We sat by the lake and watched the water ripple.

"Did you want me to explain?" I asked. "Only if you want to. I'm not going to force you to do anything." Brad said and I smiled at him. I liked how caring he is towards me. "My parents died when I was 3 in a car crash. I don't really know them very well but I still miss them. I got put in care and I was there for 15 years. I finally got out last year at the age of 18 and I am so happy. People didn't really like me at school, I only had 3 friends: Rebekah, Sophie and Hannah." I explained and then Brad hugged me, I smiled and hugged him back.

We stayed in each other's arms for a couple of minutes and then Brad pulled away.

"I still love you, I don't care about your past. It doesn't make any difference." Brad said and I smiled. He just told me that he loves me.

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