Chapter 2

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Broken Lovers

Chapter 2

I sucked in a sharp breath before the water swallowed me completely. I thrashed and flailed around hopelessly, attempting to rise back to the surface. Soon, The Ice cold water numbed all my limbs completely. My head started pounding and my throat felt tight as my body became fully oxygen deprived. Black spots danced across my vision as the last visible sunlight faded away. This was it. This was my end. I closed my eyes and breathed. I would suffer less this way. Water flowed through my throat and entered my lungs and I started to choke. Small pockets of air rose from my mouth as coughed. The last thing I remember is a thin pair of thin arms wrapping around my waist before I was completely submerged into the darkness.

My chest rose and fell slowly as I lie sprawled out on the ground. I could feel the sun beating down on my exposed skin, sand wedged deeply between my fingers. Was this heaven? No, it couldn't possibly be, I felt too much pain. A hard pounding shot through my head, a sharp pain came from deep within my chest. I groaned softly as the pain became too much to bear.

"Oh praise The Lord," I heard a voice sigh. The voice belonged to my father.

"It's going to be alright Mr. Cresta. She'll be fine," another voice said soothingly. This voice was unfamiliar.

"Thank you so much. I cannot imagine life without my little Annie. She's all I have left," my father said, choking back a sob. "I truly owe you my life. If you ever need anything, I mean ANYTHING, don't be shy."

"Don't sweat it sir. And you don't owe me anything, it was my pleasure," the voice replied. I racked my brain trying to remember this voice.

"I can never thank you enough. I will always remember you as a hero," father declared.

"She's very beautiful, you know" the voice said softly.

"Oh believe me, I know," my father chuckled.

"I should go," the voice announced. "She's waking."

"No, Stay. She's an extremely curious girl. She'll demand to know exactly what happened and want to meet the boy who saved her life. You're the best one to explain everything.

Plus, I need to go immediately. I left my shop unattended for hours now.I know I can trust you to bring her home, seeing as you just saved her life. Would you mind?"

"Not at all Mr. Cresta. I will have her home as soon as she is ready."

"Thank you so much, son. I really owe you," my father said.

Soon after, I heard loud footsteps crunching in the sand. They became fainter and fainter until I couldn't hear anything except the faint buzzing in my ears.

I lie there for a while before I became impatient. I needed to know who the voice belonged to. Using all the energy I had left in my body, I forced my eyes open. Sunlight immediately flooded my eyes, causing me to squint. A shadow slowly moved over my head, blocking the piercing rays of light. I soon realized that it was a person.

"Hello," the boy soothingly greeted.

This was the boy I heard speaking with my father.

Heat rose to my cheeks, staining them a faint crimson colour, as I remembered him calling me beautiful.

"Hey," I grunted in a strained voice. My throat was dry, my voice cracking.

"My name is Finnick Odair. And you must be Annie."

There is chapter 2! Please leave feedback :D

~Annabeth Mockingjay Weasley

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