Chapter 9

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Broken Lovers

Chapter 9

I immediately run to Finnick and wrap my arms tightly around his neck. He pulls me close to him and we stand like that for a while, I don't know nor care how long. He needed me, and I would be there.

"Finn," I said, breaking the seemingly endless silence.

"Yea," he replies, his voice cracking.

His sadness tears me apart, his pain is my pain.

"We should go."

I grab his hand and lead him to the door. As we cross the threshold, I hear a voice call out from behind us.

"See you on Monday, Annie."

I spin around to find the aging face of Ms Brooks.

I try to speak but words refuse to form. I have such mixed emotions towards her. She liked me and I am staying, yet she let Finnick go, who is immensely more talented than me. I wanted to hug her and punch her at the same time. It really wasn't a good combination.

She crossed the room and came to stand in front of us.

"Look, Finnick. I'm really sorry you didn't make it. I believe you to be very promising. You had a score of 7.9. That's a fantastic score Finnick, most people only passed with an 8. You were so close to making it, it's ridiculous. Ive tried convincing the others but they wont budge. Rules are rules I guess," she explained.

"It was my swimming wasn't it?" Finnick questioned quietly.

"Afraid so," she murmured.

"What?" I exclaimed. "He's only gone cause he messed up at swimming? I can't swim at all and I passed!"

"Annie, I messed up. I was trying to clear the entire distance if the pool in one breath. I pushed myself too hard and I failed miserably. I started choking on water, it was dreadful really. It's all my fault," Finnick replied. "If I didn't get so cocky and show off, I could be staying here."

Ignoring Ms Brooks attempt to talk, I wrapped my arms around Finnick and rested my head on his shoulder. He must feel terrible. To lose out by that narrow of a margin must be crushing.

"I think it's time we go," Finnick said at last, pulling away.

"Okay," Ms Brooks agreed, " A quick word Annie?" She stared at Finnick who stood there, hands shoved in his pockets. "Alone?"

Finnick nodded bashfully before leaving the room quickly.

"Yes Ms Brooks?" I asked.

"Annie, I understand how hard this is for you. I see how important Finnick is to you. Your love for him, whatever kind of love you choose it to be, is strong. Keep him close.

Now, on a different note, it's a very nice day outside, perfect for a swim. I'm going down to the main beach right now, I'll relax on the sand and watch the swimmers. You should head down there," she suggested.

"But Ms B..." I stopped once I caught on to her words. What a well hidden hint she gave me. I hung onto her words, knowing how important what she said was. A plan immediately popped into my head and I ran out the door. Finnick followed and together we printed back to my house.

Finnick and I arrived at the beach about a half hour later. I spread out a towel on the sand and we both flopped down on it.

"The waves are beautiful today, perfect for a swim," I commented.

"I don't really feel like swimming right now, Ann," Finnick replied gloomily.

I took a few deep breaths and gulped back the lump that was forming in my throat. I can't bail now.

"Not just you Finn," I whispered the last part. "Me too."

He opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off.

"I'm 10 years old, it's time I finally learned. I'm ready Finn, and I want you to teach me. You're the most talented 11 year old I've ever seen. I need it to be you. I'll only let it be you," I reasoned.

Finnick's eyes widened with shock but he said nothing. Soon, he rose from the towel and offered me his hand. Nervously, I grabbed hold and let him yank me from the ground. He led me along the sand towards the water, curiously eyeing me up the entire time. As my feet squished into the wet sand, I paused. Was I ready for this?

A small gust of wind blew the salty scent at my face. As much as I despised water, I loved the smell. Ms Brooks was right, this sunny day was absolutely perfect.

"You alright Annie?" Finnick asked, his eyes flooding with concern.

"Yea," I lied, taking another step forward.

I was far from alright. I was scared out of my skin, but I was doing this for Finnick. He needed a confidence booster and I knew just how to give it to him.

As the ice like water sprayed my feet, a large shiver shot through me. The deeper I submerged myself into the water, the wider Finnicks grin got. Once I was in up to my waist, we stopped moving.

"Okay Annie, lets start. Swimming is super fun and really easy! Now, come here," he ordered. He was about a meter deeper, his arms spread wide.

I waded across to him, fearful for what was to come. Once I reached him, he instructed me to lay back. I slowly lowered my body into the water, shaking with a mix of fear and numbness. He placed his hands on my back and I let my feet leave the mucky ground. As I lie still in the water, every fear I ever had about swimming just melted away. I wouldn't drown and nothing would hurt me. This moment us truly perfect.

Finnick showed me how to move my arms to keep afloat. It was only after that I realized he had let go of me. I grinned widely as I learned for I had never felt such a joy before in my 11 years of life. Soon, I was confidently swimming around in the water, fully submerging my body into the deep blue water. Hours later, Finn and I left the water. We were about to flop back down on our towel when a familiar voice rang out from behind us.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

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~Annabeth Mockingjay Weasley

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