Chapter 72

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Chapter 72 of Broken Lovers

Head high. Chin up. Shoulders back. Smile. Laugh. Play with your hair.
Things that I have been repeatedly taught today by my escort Sashene. Honestly I'm ready to punch her so hard that her head goes high, her chin is up but that pearly white smile will definitely not be present and she will be doing the opposite of laughing.

"My turn." Maggs comes into the living room distributing my lessons.

"Oh thank-"

"We really need two more minutes hun." Sashene interrupts my praise.

"I think I'll take it from here Sashene. Why don't you go check up with the stylists and see how the outfits are going?"

"Oh your right! We need to make sure these two angle's look the best on that stage." And with that she's gone. Looking at Maggs I role my eyes which earns me a laugh.

"So have you figured out your angle for tonight yet?" She asks.

"I want to be as far away from myself as possible. I may be in their stupid twisted games but that doesn't mean they get all of me."

*Landon's Pov*

"Can I make tonight about Lane?" I ask FInnick.

"Why do you want to do that?" He asks frowning slightly.

"Lane was the one who kept me strong and alive. I owe him... and myself this. I want the Capitol to know about the great the person they watched get killed and I want them to know that I am going to do everything in these games to honor Lane."

"If that's what you want."

"It is."

*Annie's PoV*

After a few hours it's finally come to time where Mist will do her magic on me. I'm already washed and have been sitting in the same chair getting my makeup and hair done for the past two hours... TWO hours.

"So have you figured everything out for tonight?" She asks while she does my hair.

"Yes. Don't expect to see the Annie you know." I reply quietly.

"Don't you think you owe it to yourself to be as real as you possibly can be? To show them that they won't change you?" She asks.

"I am doing this for me. The people who mean the most to me know who I am and that's all I need. The Capital wants a good show so that's what I'm giving them. I need sponsors too." We both remain silent for the rest of the time. At the end she gets me into a tight white dress with light blue and silver detailing of waves on it. My hair is in long curls and is covered with glitter. My makeup is dark, making me features look sharp.

"My work is done." Mist smiles as she and her team smile at their work.

"Thank you." I smile.

We leave for the elevator where I meet Landon and Finnick who instantly stop talking and stare. Finnick meets my eyes and smirks making me blush and Landon gives me a sweet smile. Taking Finnick's hand in mine I go up on my tippy toes and a place a gentle kiss on his lips.

*Third Person PoV*

Looking back, I see that night was a winning night for District 4. We saw Landon's love for his twin brother. We saw his anger, his passion and his drive. Ceaser helped a great deal which I thank him still to this day for. He helped Landon leave a mark and show how much they had lost when Lane's cannon went off.

Now for Annie. She definitely gave the capital a show with her cockiness and flirty eyes and smiles. Every man was wanting her after that interview and every women was wanting to be her. The audience was left with excitement for the games to come in the morning, to see this girl tear the other tributes to shreds.

*Finnick's PoV*

"Who the hell was that Annie?" I yell as she let's me into her room.

"I did what I had to Finn..." She replies with tears in her eyes.

"Annie if you win these games you are going to have to stay that person... do you really want to be a cocky slut for the rest of your life? Do you really want to get anonymous calls for evenings of meaningless sex?" I snap.

"Who says I'm coming out of there alive Finnick?" She screams at me with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Annie..." The words leave my mouth softly defusing the tension between us immediately.

"I know you don't want to hear this. I know your going to tell me what I have things worth living for but please dammit take a minute and listen to me." I remain silent dreading the words to come. "Finnick I don't think I personally, emotionally and mentally can make it through. With so many people I love dying my heart is almost at it's end. If I come out of these games alive my life isn't going to be worth living anymore because I won't be the Annie that I know and that you love. My mind is going to kill me."

"I know I'm being selfish as hell but what about me? Aren't I worth living for Annie? I have no one Annie. No one. You are the one person keeping me here today. I will fight for you forever. I will love you forever and I will always be with you Annie."

"I have no control with what happens in there Finnick."

"You can't leave me." Now the tears are streaming down both of out faces. Her hands hold the sides of my shirt tightly and I hold her waist in mine.

"I love you Finnick O'dair and nothing is going to change that. Weather I'm alive and here with you or gone, I will forever love you."

"Don't leave me." We spend the night together vowing our love but it doesn't change the gut wrenching feeling in my stomach. I'm losing her tonight and by tomorrow I will have lost her. Do you ever get that helplessness feeling in your chest? It gets tight and painful, panic fills your every being and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it?

Annie will forever be the one who holds my heart but that doesn't mean Snow can't be the one to crush it.

|New chapter for ya'll! Happy New Year! (late I know....) Hoping you liked this chapter. I know it's a bit depressing but what can I say? I like making myself cry while writing I guess.... Habit I wish I really could break. Annnnnyway! Comment and vote???|~ Tasha X&O's

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