Chapter 47

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Broken Lovers
Chapter 47

The horses trotted along steady, dragging our chariot behind.
The second the light hits us, a wave of nausea rolled over me. I wrapped my fingers around the steel wall on my side, squeezing until my hands turned white.
"Smile," Will hissed.
I mask my discomfort with a fake grin, raising my other hand to wave. Will seemed satisfied with my performance, but I didn't care. It wasn't him I was trying to impress. As the horses pulled us into a large cobblestone circle, they stop. President Snow waits on a podium above, a small glass of champagne in hands. He stares intently at one of the tributes, sending shivers down my spine. It's me.
I force my body to stand taller, glaring coldly at him. I need to show him he doesn't scare me, no matter how frightened I feel.
As the District 12 chariot comes to a halt, he flashes a quick wink in my direction, then stares straight ahead. I don't know what game he's playing, but I know that like the games I'm already involved in, I won't be emerging victor.
"Tributes!" He bellows. "We welcome you! We salute your courage, and your sacrifice! Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favour!"
As soon as he finished talking, the horses began moving, pulling us back into the training centre one by one.
"There they are!" Sashene squealed as we rode in. "You guys were fantastic!"
"Great job, darling," Mags said, extending her hand to help me off the chariot. Gratefully, I take it.
"Lets get out of here," Will demanded. "We're getting laughed at by District 11, and they're dressed as wheat stocks."
"Agreed," I said quietly.
The five of us immediately begin moving towards the elevator, not even bothering to wait for our stylists.
As we assemble in the elevator, Finnick moves to stand directly behind me. Leaning in, he whispers something only audible to my ears. "You did great."
I forced myself not to look at him, but to keep my eyes trained on the door.
I stood taller, my entire body tensing as I felt his warm breath on my neck.
The second the elevator doors breathed open, I darted out.
The room surrounding me was completely breathtaking. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, elegant furniture was spread throughout the huge room. The dining room held a large table loaded with food, but I didn't give it a second glance. Soon, I found an opening leading to a hallway, which was exactly what I was looking for.
"Night," I called quietly, making my way towards the hall as quickly as possible.
"Dear-" Mags began. Not bothering to stop, I ran to the farthest room at the end of the hallway, ducked in, and slammed the door behind me.
Weakly, I collapsed onto the bed. I was too exhausted to cry, too tired to care. In five days, I would begin the end of my life. I would be forced into a fight I couldn't finish, and I didn't have the strength to fight back.
I was so consumed in myself I was oblivious to the continuous knocking at my door.
"Jendaiya," an irritated voice called.
"What?" I asked.
"Open the door," the voice demanded.
"We need to talk."
I slowly got to my feet. Whoever was outside was getting impatient.
I should have been more surprised to find Finnick waiting on the other side of the door, but deep down I knew it was coming.
"Hey," he murmured.
"Hey," I replied.
"Can I come in. We need to talk," he said.
I said nothing, but moved out of the way. He quickly strode in, slamming the door behind himself.
"What do you want?" I asked harshly.
Smirking, he asked. "Are you gonna change, or will I have to pretend to take you seriously? I honestly can't have a conversation with a fish, so please go... deal with that." He gestured at my body.
Scowling at him, I walked over to the closet. I pull out the first few things I can find and walk into the bathroom.
I wiggle out of the dress, leaving it in a pile on the floor. It would be a miracle if that hideous piece of fabric never has to see the light of day again.
I pull on a pair of black yoga pants and an orange tshirt, then attempt to pull a brush through the disastrous mess I call my hair. Giving up, I pull the long, black, thick strands into a messy bun.
Grabbing a towel from the shelf beside the sink, I wet it in the sink, then begin forcefully scrubbing my face. No matter how hard I scrub, an eery blue tinge remains on my skin. Ignoring the fact I look like a washed out blueberry, I drop the towel in the sink and walk back into my room.
I pointedly ignore Finnick's failed attempt to hide his smirk, curling up in a comfortable sitting position at the top of my bed.
"Now I'm done playing games, Odair. Either tell me what you want, or let the door hit you on your way out."
"Isn't it-" he asked slowly.
"I know what I said."
"Jendaiya," he said, moving to sit at the end of my bed, directly across from me. "We need to be friends again."
"You ended any chance of that when you broke Annie's heart two years ago," I snapped.
"Jendaiya, you don't understand."
"Stop! Stop treating me like some oblivious child! I know enough to know you are a no good arrogant liar who deserves to get pushed in front of a train!"
"No! I'm tired of this Finnick! You think you're more important of a person because you're holding some secret over all of our heads! Well newsflash, Odair, we don't care! Just because you're part of some exclusive victors club because you murdered innocent children doesn't make you better than the rest of the world!"
"I never meant to hurt you. Any of you," he whispered weakly.
I had never seen this side of him before. He looked so scared, so exposed. Whatever I said hurt him, but I knew I was finally about to get the answers I had been asking for.
"Well you did. Annie especially."
"I was only trying to protect her..."
"Because... Because I'm still in love with her."

Hope you enjoyed! Sorry for the shorter chapter, I just felt like it was a good place to end. Like/vote and comment :)
~ Annabeth Mockingjay Weasley

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