Chapter 7

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Broken Lovers

Chapter 7

My sneakers echoed softly through the busy corridor. Kids ran through the hallways, shoving their way through the crowds. No one wanted to be late on the first day.

"Where do we go Finn?" I whispered in his ear.

"I believe we go to room 21 and we will get further instruction there," he responded quietly.

I nodded my head quickly as we continued towards the classroom.

We entered the classroom just as the bell rang. The large, sun filled room was full of tables, enough for two people each. Finnick and I quickly scrambled to the nearest table and sat down. A deep blush rose to my cheeks as everyone stared at us. Thankfully, a small, plump woman with dark brown hair and a clipboard in her hands entered swiftly entered the room, drawing all attention away from us immediately. She stopped in the front of the class and began to speak.

"Welcome first years, to the District 4 training academy. Over the course of the next 4 weeks, you will be taught various things including survival skills along with physical training. After 4 weeks, you will all go through "The test". In this test, you all will show off your newly acquired skills to our trainers. If you score high enough, you will remain in the academy, if you do not, you will be asked to leave," she explained.

The room was silent, each student carefully hanging on to every word she said.

She opened her mouth and began talking again. "Today you will be sorted into your teams. This will be your team for the rest of the time you study at the academy, however long that may be. You will take your basic classes, such as survival and History of Panem, with this team. They will be your family while you are here. After that, you get to choose a few electives. This will mainly be what weapon you choose to learn.

Right now, I will assign you all your lockers. We will meet back here in 30 minutes where the teams will be selected."

She began reading off locker numbers slowly, mine being called third. After all the names were read, we left to our lockers.

Finnick's locker was on my immediate right, and a boy named Landon to my left. I quickly deposited my bag before scurrying back to room 21.

"Okay, students, this is how things will work. I will call your name and you will walk to the front and pick a slip of paper out of the bowl I am holding." she paused, extending the bowl into the air. "The paper will read either fire, water, earth, or air. These are the four different teams. If you are water, go to the blue flag, if you are fire, you go to the red flag. Earth will report to the green flag and air, the white one.

Once again, the lady began reading from her clipboard.

Jenny Bromus picked water.

Peter Carloomu selected earth before nervously walking to the green flag.

"Cresta, Annie," the lady called. I slowly rose from my desk, My knees clamouring. I crossed the room and approached the lady. I dove my hand into the bowl and dug around. Each slip of paper felt the same, I could feel every eye on me.

I pulled my hand from the bowl, a slip clamped tightly in my hand. I unfolded it and read aloud.


Stuffing the paper in my pocket, I quickly ran to the red flag, anxious to get out of the spotlight.

Soon, there were only a few people sitting, still waiting to pick. Landon, my locker neighbour, and his twin brother Lane had also become Team Fire.

"Odair, Finnick," the lady exclaimed.

Finnick ran up and pulled out a slip quickly. He unfolded it and read


Hope you enjoyed!

~Annabeth Mockingjay Wesley

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