Chapter 40

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Broken Lovers
Chapter 40

"WAKE UP, ANNIE!" A distant voice called. I moaned, rolling onto my stomach and burying my head under my pillow.
I squeezed my eyes shut, attempting to ignore the yelling from above. Suddenly, the pillow was removed from my grasp, allowing the morning sunlight to flood my eyes. I swiftly covered my head with the blanket, enveloping myself in darkness once again.
A quiet, maniacal grin sounded from above before something slammed into my back. I groaned, bracing myself for the second hit. I felt the impact of the pillow between my shoulders, then again on my back. I screamed in frustration before pulling the blanket off my head and sitting up, delivering each of the twins long, cold death glares.
"You have exactly three seconds to explain to me precisely WHAT THE HELL that was about before I stab you in the throat with a fork," I demanded.
"It's July 29th," Lane grinned, as if that should answer my question perfectly.
"So?" I asked.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ANNIE!" They yelled in unison.
It was that moment that my brain registered what was going on. Today was my 14th birthday.
"Thanks," I murmured weakly.
"I got you something," Lane laughed, wiggling his eyebrows as he pulled a large box out from behind his back. It was wrapped in shiny golden paper with a sliver bow in the middle.
I smiled, snatching the box from his hands. It only took my seconds to remove the paper. Excitedly, I lifted the top off.
"Lane, it's beautiful!" I cried, extracting the picture frame from its place, nestled deeply in tissue paper.
It was a shiny silver frame, etched with flowers and hearts along the sides and top. The bottom had the words "BEST FRIENDS" engraved into it. The frame held a picture of me, Landon, and Lane from a few months ago, laughing at the beach. It's one of the only pictures of the three of us together, without Finnick.
I jumped up, throwing my arms around Lane's neck. "I love it."
"Okay, Landon, you're up," Lane smirked. "I know it's a pretty tough act to follow but, hey, saving the best for last is a bit to cliche so I just had to go first."
Landon walked forward, handing me a small, rectangular black box. I pulled the top off, unable to conceal the gasp that left my lips.
In the box lay a silver necklace, with a heart shaped pendant. The heart was encrusted with jewels, the sunlight glinting off to create rainbows on the roof.
"Look on the back," he urged.
I flipped it, studying the engraving carefully.
Forever Together"
"Landon," I whispered, tears forming in my eyes. "I love it."
"We'll never leave you. We're not like him. I promise you," he replied.
I wrapped my arms around him, allowing the tears to spill.
"I love you guys," I whispered into his shirt.
"Come on. Lets go have a great day."


The three of us stayed at the beach for the rest of the day. Ariella and Jendaiya met us there, and it was over all one of the best days in my entire life.

"Thanks again," I said to Landon as we walked alone the shore of the ocean. The salty spray waded against our ankles, the setting sun reflecting beautifully off the crystal like water.
"Do you still love Finnick?" Landon blurted out.
I was taken aback by his question, but I felt the need to answer it. I needed to answer it for myself.
His face contorted with disappointment, and I felt the need to continue. "I mean, I think I always will. No matter how badly he hurt me, I will always love him. But not in a romantic way, I guess. He's moved on, and I guess I have too. I don't love him like that anymore."
He stopped walking, and pulled me to face him.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes," I answered confidently.
"Then I hope you don't mind if I do this," he whispered, before leaning down, and capturing my lips in a kiss.

~Annabeth Mockingjay Weasley

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