Chapter 36

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Broken Lovers

Chapter 36

Finnick's PoV

Tanisha grins giddily as she leads me towards a table on the other side of the cafeteria.

"Guys, look!" Tanisha squealed, gesturing to me.

Three sets of eyes widened at the sight of me.

"Guys, this is Finnick," Tanisha giggled. "Finnick, this is Monica," she said, pointing at a lightly tanned, skinny blond girl with a look of awe still plastered on her face. I had to admit, she was beautiful. She didn't even compare to Annie though, no one could. I waved politely before returning my attention to Tanisha.

"And this," she pointed at a well built, pale boy with chocolaty brown eyes and chestnut hair, "is Caleb."

"Hey," he smiled, revealing two straight rows perfectly white teeth. He extended his arm to me, his bulging biceps rippling. I shook his hand hard, suddenly feeling very small and weak.

"And lastly, this is my amazingly handsome boyfriend, Richard," she blushed at the tall, tanned, sandy blond haired boy grinning at us.

"Call me Ricky," he laughed, shaking my hand.

"Welcome to the group," Tanisha smiled, slipping into the seat directly next to Ricky.

I stared blankly at the table, my lips slightly parted. Group? I had my own friends?

"Sit down," Monica said shyly. "There's a spot here."

Without saying anything, I plopped down beside her. The four of them engaged in conversation immediately, constantly drawing me in by casually asking me questions.

Monica kept nonchalantly moving towards me. She slid subtly closer until our knees were almost touching. I chose to ignore it, not 100% sure I wanted to know why she was doing it.

"Thanks for everything guys. I really need to get to survival. My gi-"

"Has already left," Tanisha pointed out, motioning to the recently abandoned table my friends has been at only minutes ago. "Just come with us. We're heading over there now."

I paused, desperate to find any possible excuse to leave them. Unable to create one, I quietly shuffled behind them, wishing I was anywhere but here.

Annie's PoV

I glared at the back of Tanisha's head as she strutted away with my boyfriend. She led him to the table where the rest of the Fire team was situated.

"Annie, it's okay," Landon said, noticing my staring.

"I guess," I grumbled, jabbing my plastic fork into my plate.

"He's a new victor, you said it yourself. He needs to step outside of his comfort zone," Lane reasoned.

"Damn it, Lane. I hate it when you're right," I sighed. I had said that. I guess now I was facing the consequences.

"Plus, everyone knows you two are a thing," Jendaiya added, sipping lightly from her water bottle.

I rolled my eyes, continuing to play with my food.

"Game, set, match," Lane whispered in my ear. I jabbed my elbow out, aiming for his ribs. My arm met the target with great force, extracting a grunt of pain from Lane's parted lips.

I smirked as I began eating, feeling slightly better. This would only last a few days tops before Finnick left them and began hanging out with us again.

"I'd give it a day tops," Landon said, reading my mind.

If only I knew at that point how wrong we really were.

~Annabeth Mockingjay Weasley

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