Chapter 13

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Broken Lovers

Chapter 13

A month slowly passed with no signs of hope. I visited Finnick every day after training, usually accompanied by Landon and Lane. I spoke to him often, staring into his dull, distant eyes with no response. It was disheartening staring at his emotionless face, that being the last I would remember of him. As I sit with him, I recall the happy days, before we knew about the games. Before we were burdened with the reapings.I wondered how I'd never met Keenan, though I'd known Finnick for two months while Keenan was still alive. I would have to ask Finnick when he woke up, that being if he woke up at all.

I've grown closer to the twins immensely, Landon in particular. They have been my rock in these stormy days, the only thing I can hold onto for support. Despite Finnick's condition, I trained 5 days a week. I put my heart and souls into learning, for my mind always wondered to Finnick during any down time. My three electives were knifes, swordplay, and archery. I took knifes and archery with the twins, but they did spears instead of swords.

"Landon," I asked while on our way to the hospital. "Do you think he'll ever wake up?"

"I don't know Annie. It doesn't look good. I didn't want to tell you, but the hospital contacted the school today. They asked for the three of us to get there immediately after training. That's not a good sign," he replied.

I stayed silent the rest of the way, for I knew if I continued to talk, I would break down. I couldn't bare to think like this, I'm not losing him. I won't let him slip away from me.

We reached the hospital in record time, plowing through everyone in the waiting room. Dr Matson greeted up quickly before taking us to his office.

"Look kids, I got some bad news. Finnick's heart rate is very low. Too low in fact. The life he's held onto for the past month is slipping away. He's slowly wasting away from the inside. We've decided it would be best just to let him go. You've all been called here to say goodbye," the doctor said.

Shouts of protest immediately came from all three of our mouths.

"Calm down!" The doctor ordered. "I know it's not ideal but its happening. The boys father has already said goodbye. He understands that it's what's best for Finnick. I expect all of you to act in the same manor."

Tears immediately welled up in my eyes. They weren't going to let Finnick go, not while he still has a chance at life. It just wasn't fair.

We quietly exited Dr Matson's office and headed for Finnick's room. My entire body felt numb, my brain froze. Salty tears rolled down my cheeks, my chest racked with sobs.

Lane soon pushed the door open and we all entered the room. My golden haired, sea foam green eyed best friend lie in the same position we left him. The only notable difference was the heart monitor. His heart beats per minute were low, lower than they ever should be. He was slowly letting go, slowly leaving me forever.

Obeying my wishes, Landon and Lane said their goodbyes first and left me alone with Finnick.

"Hey Finn. It's Annie again. You don't understand how much I miss you, how much I need you. This is the last time your ever going to hear my voice, and the last time I'll see your face. I love you Finnick, I'm sure of that. What I'm unsure of us what kind of love that is. Whether is brother sister love, or something more than that, only god knows. Goodbye Finnick. I'll see you soon. Promise you'll wait for me? Cause I'll wait for you. Our future is each other Finn. Together or not at all," I cried softly. Slowly, I leaned down and placed a soft kiss on his chapped lips. A loud beeping sound forced me to pull away. My eyes immediately darted to the heart monitor. His heart was beating at an irregularly fast pace. The twins, flanked by two doctors rushed into the room.

"Annie! What's going on?" Dr Matson shouted.

"His heart!" Lane exclaimed.

Suddenly, a deep moan came from Finnick's bed. Silent, all five of our gazes darted to Finnick's bed. His eyes closed for a few Seconds, then popped open. Their regular shade of sea foam was back, though hazy, , the dull grey was gone. He scanned the crowd, a dazed look on his face.

"Finnick!" I exclaimed, rushing towards him.

"Hey," he responded hoarsely.

"I missed you so much!" I squealed.

"Umm one question," he said slowly.

"Anything," I replied quickly.

"Who are you?"

Sorry for the short chapter but it works to end here.

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~Annabeth Mockingjay Weasley

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