Chapter 12

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Broken Lovers

Chapter 12

I stared at the doctor, mouth agape. My eyes, along with the other boys, were wide as tennis balls.

"W... W... What?" I stuttered.

"After multiple hits to the head, he began losing consciousness. After a while, due to injuries, his body shut down in order to preserve the life he had left inside him. We've tried everything but he refuses to wake, his body isn't ready. I'm sorry, but there's really nothing we can do," Dr Matson explained.

"Is he ever gonna wake up?" Lane asked slowly.

"We really don't know at this point. Again, I'm very sorry. It doesn't look likely my boy."

"I want to see him! Can I see him?" I asked frantically.

"I'm sorry, but not yet. He is not ready for visitors. Come back in a few days, we'll see then," Dr Matson replied.

"No! I refuse to leave. I want to see my friend now! Bring me to Finnick! Please! I NEED TO SEE HIM!" I shouted. I was on my feet now, screaming at the doctor. The entire room was silent, all eyes on me.

"My dear-" the doctor began.

"No. I don't want your excuses. I was with Finnick when he was in much worse condition than this. I need to see him. Show me him or I'll go find him myself!" I screamed, tears streaming down my red face.

Two nurses immediately rushed forward, a syringe in hand. They jabbed it into my arms and I immediately began feeling dizzy.

"Please... I need him... please..." I remember saying before falling into Landon's outstretched arms. The feeling of falling never left my body, up until my world went completely black.


Beep... Beep... Beep...

The sound filled my ears, my brain pounded against my skull. I needed not to open my eyes, immediately registering I was still in the hospital. The recent events replayed in my head. The peacekeeper, the blood, Finnick, the hospital, the coma.

Pain shot through my head as I tried to concentrate. A mangled moan escaped my lips as the pounding intensified.

"Thanks god," someone sighed.

"She's awake," another exclaimed.

The familiar voices belonged to Landon and Lane, my two new friends.

"Annie, my dear. Wake up," Dr Matson gently urged.

I slowly pushes my eyes open, bright light immediately filling them. I squinted, desperate to block out the blinding lights. I felt the lights immediately dim. I reopen my eyes and study my surroundings intently. I am lying on a hospital bed, still dressing in my bloodstained clothes. An IV was attached to my wrist, the pounding in my head subsiding slowly. Landon, Lane, and Dr Matson all surrounded my bed.

"Welcome back Annie," Dr Matson greeted.

"What happened?" I asked slowly, my voice cracking from immense dehydration.

"After I wouldn't allow you to see Finnick, you had a major panic attack. Nurses rushed to sedate you, but thy used way to strong a dose. You've been out for 3 days," he explained.

"3 days, that's a few right. Can I see Finnick now? Please!" I questioned excitedly.

"Yes you may, as long as you drink some water first," he reasoned. "You really need it."

I happily agreed, I'd do anything to see Finnick right now.

After I was finished my fourth glass of water, a carelessly yanked the IV from my arm and set out to find Finnick. Dr Matson escorted the three of us into a plain white room, one bed in the centre. A large window allowed sunlight to pour into the room, three chairs were placed at his bedside. Carefully wrapped on the bed, still and silent, lie my best friend. He was covered from head to toe in cuts, scratches and bruises. The deep cuts in his upper arms looked fresh, though clean. I bit my lip to keep from screaming at the sight of my friends mangled body.

"Oh Finn," I whispered.

"He's lost a lot of blood. It's really a miracle he's still alive. You're very lucky," said dr Matson.

I quickly crossed the room, the twins on my heels, and sat on a chair on Finnick's bedside. I rested my head on his chest and began to cry. He was lost in his own world, trapped for who knows how long. I sobbed uncontrollably, for I would probably never see my best friend again.

Hope you like. 4 likes/votes for chapter 13

~Annabeth Mockingjay Weasley

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