Chapter 30

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Broken Lovers

Chapter 30

*Finnick PoV*

I awoke abruptly to the sound of voices outside on the roof. A soft chorus of laughter floated through the air.

Looking around, I noticed I was the only one still in bed. Letting out a deep, satisfied sigh, I inched my way to the door.

Worming my way out of the hole, I smiled to find Janie and Kenzie sitting against the wall, joking around and eating apples. I slowly made my way over to them, careful not to disturb them.

"- was so scary. Honestly, I could never do it again," Kenzie was saying, bringing the fruit to her mouth and taking a bite.

"I know! If it happens again- Hey Finnick!" Janie exclaimed, leaning into her bag and digging out another large red apple.

"Here you go! That was our last one though. We need to find water like now. It's so hot, we won't last long without water."

I nodded, gratuitously accepting the food. "Anyphing appen ile I eeping?" I asked, my mouth full of apple.

"Yea, a lot actually. 2 cannons since we woke up. It's getting close to the end, Finnick. We almost made it," she grinned.

I grinned to, but a pang of sadness shot through my chest like a bullet. Janie wouldn't be going home, and she knew it too. "Yea, it's great. Any clue who died?"

"Yea, actually we saw it. District 6 girl snuck up on the District 12 girl. They fought it out over there," Janie paused, pointing in the direction of a huge red spot staining the sand. "12 was quick though. They fought but 6 was strong, very vicious. Before she delivered the final blow, 12 struck. 12 died quick, spear to the throat. 8 wasn't so lucky. She slowly bled out, it was too late to do anything."

I swallowed, not replying. Taking the last bite of my apple, I stood, leaving to retrieve the packs from inside our fort.

"Okay," I said upon returning. "We need to find water. If we don't find it today, we'll be dead by tomorrow in this heat. Now I-"

I was interrupted by the loud, echoing boom of a cannon, blasting through the whole arena.

A loud, hyena like laugh came from below. The three of us slowly crept to the edge, careful not to be seen or heard.

I wasn't surprised to find Titan and Chrissy strutting by, laughing loudly.

-see his face? It was so funny! 'Please don't kill me!' What a loser!" Titan boomed, flailing his sword around aimlessly in the air.

"I know right!" Chrissy squeaked. "Scrawny kids from 8, both of them. He's lucky he made it this far. Kids like them are a disgrace to the games. The Capitol deserves better!"

They slowly passed by, laughing and boasting about the life of the District 8 boy they pridefully took.

Once they were back in the living forest again, we resumed our conversation.

"We need to split up!" Janie exclaimed.

"No, we really don't. That's so unsafe! Plus, one of us would be alone," I argued.

"Yes, but there's two places we have to check. You said it yourself we will be dead by tomorrow without water, and we don't have the time to check both today. Plus I'll go alone, it would be better of Kenzie had someone to protect her," she retorted.

"Janie," I started.

"Finnick, she's right. It would be best. Janie is strong, she can take care of herself," Kenzie piped up.

A smug look formed on Janie's face as we both realized she had won the argument.

"Fine, we'll go to the cornucopia, you need to go back to the living forest. It will have to be in one of those places. Once the sun starts setting, come back. Any cannons, we need to meet up to make sure we are all okay. Understand?" I asked.

"Great," Janie grinned, swinging a pack over her shoulder.

"I still don't like this," I complained as we descended down the stairs.

"Well it's how it needs to be," Janie said. "If anything happens to me though, remember what we talked about before the games." She whispered the last part so only the two of us could hear.

"Okay, see you soon," Janie said, waving at us.

"I can't wait to find water! So thirsty! Bye Janie, see you in a bit," Kenzie said happily.

Kenzie truly astounded me. She was so strong, so mature, she understood dangers and things kids her age shouldn't have to even think about. Yet, she was such a happy person. She managed to be happy even in the darkest of times.

"Lets go," Kenzie said, tugging on my arm.

We slowly navigated our way out of the city, eager to find water soon. Within half an hour, we had reached the cornucopia. We slowly walked around the edge of the trees, scanning our surroundings for any signs of water.

"Hey look!" Kenzie exclaimed. I sighed, turning to look at her. It had been an hour and a half with no luck, and I was losing hope.

Spinning around, I found her pointing at a large rabbit, hopping out of the dead forest.

"What about it?" I asked wearily.

"Look at its snout!"

Examining the hare closer, I saw that its whole mouth and nose was sopping wet.

"That must mean-"

"A water source near by," I finished.

We sprinted in the direction the rabbit came for about a minute before we found it. A small, fresh water pond concealed by a circle of dead trees.

I fell to my knees, rummaging through my pack until I extracted a large water bottle. I dunked it into the water, eager to feel the cool relief of water running down my throat. I squirted a small amount of iodine into the water just to be safe before chugging the entire bottle. I handed the empty tin to Kenzie and she grinned, thrusting it into the pond. She sighed softly as she brought the bottle to her lips.

We had just finished putting iodine in the third time when a loud, distant scream carried through the arena. The screaming carried on for a few seconds before stopping abruptly, a cannon immediately following.

"Janie!" I screamed, jumping up and breaking into a sprint.

I didn't stop to wait for Kenzie for 20 minutes, when I reached the edge of the living forest.

Together, we plunged into the forest, searching frantically for our red headed friend.

We hurtled ourselves through the forest, needing to find the body before the hovercraft. We broke through the bushes into a small, treeless area, about five meters squared. Kenzie clamped her hand over her mouth to keep herself from screaming, I bit my lips, squeezing my knuckles so hard together they cracked.

Janie's body lay lifeless on the ground, all mangled and bloody. Her eyes were unfocused, as if she was looking right through me. Her waist length red hair was tangled an cut, her face full of scratches. Whoever did this wanted her to suffer, and they would pay.

"You think-?" Kenzie whispered, tears streaming down her face.

"No, it could have been anyone."

"It was him. Titan killed her. Look!" She sobbed, pointing at the corpse of my district partner.

Upon studying her, I looked to se her shirt was pulled up, revealing her thin, pale stomach. Deeply etched into her stomach, crimson from the blood, was a large letter "T".

I UPDATED!!!! I'm sorry it's been so long.

I have reached 1000 reads on this story, which thrills me. It was my goal to get 1K by 50, and I reached it with 30. I love all you guys. Please vote and give feedback, feel free to message me with any questions/comments you may have.

Love you all

~ Annabeth Mockingjay Weasley

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