Chapter 8

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Broken Lovers

Chapter 8

"Fire," he announced proudly. Finnick grinned broadly before crossing the room to stand next to me. He linked his hand with mind as we waited for the rest of the students to choose their team. I tightly clutched my hand against my knee, not daring to release Finn's hand. He made every nervous vibe and feeling just melt away.

Once all the teams were selected, we began training. The different classes I took with my team were survival, history of Panem, fitness, and strategies.

The electives included archery, knives, swordsmanship, spears, tridents, swimming, maces, sickles, blowguns, axes, and hand to hand combat.

For the first month, we learned all of them. If we were selected to stay, we would get to choose which few we would pursue.

Over the next month, I learned a lot of new skills.

Survival was enjoyable, keeping in mind it was difficult at times. Berries were difficult to tell apart and I cut myself multiple times on my snares.

I detested History of Panem with every fibre in my being. It was very boring and I knew it all aready. Father taught me long ago about the dark days.

Fitness was a horrid class, we ran pretty much the entire time. I often ran until I puked, along with everyone else in the class. If we were reaped, we needed to be able to run from any threats.

Strategies was only for geniuses who could devise the perfect plan in seconds. Quick thinkers and improvisers excelled in this class. I was definitely not one of those people. Thankfully, Finnick was so he could aid me with everything.

After experimenting and almost killing people with every weapon, I found that throwing knifes was my best subject in the academy. They were small and precise, their slender, aerodynamic blade with a perfect sized handle. The moulded perfectly into my flexible palm. They gave me a new feeling, a successful feeling.

A month passed quicker then expected. I dreaded every day that went by, knowing it was possibly counting down to my last day forever.

*Testing Day*

"Okay kids, listen up! Each of you will be called up individually to be evaluated in front of a small panel of judges, the trainers you have been with for the past 4 weeks. Depending on your skills, you will be ranked. Make sure to show us everything you got, cause it could be your last chance. You MUST score an 8 or higher to remain at the academy! Anything lower and you will be asked to leave. Now, Jenny Bromus, you're up first."

A nervous looking flame haired girl followed quietly behind Ms Brooks, our instructor.

"Finn-" I began.

"No Ann, you need to calm down. Please just relax and believe in yourself," he ordered, wrapping his arms around my neck. "Cause I believe in you. You can do anything you put your mind to. As long as you try, you're sure to succeed."

My breath hitched as Peter exited the room slowly.

Finnick's arms remained around me as we sat in silence until my name was called.

"Go get em Annie, I know you'll do great!" He smiled, ushering me towards the door. My feet felt like cement, my throat like sandpaper. I have him a weak smile before entering the training room.

The room was set up exactly how it had been every day so far, each station looking very inviting.

Clearing all thoughts from my head, I walked briskly towards the knife station. I slowly removed one from the holder, positioning it firmly in my hand. I centred myself in front of the target, breathed deeply, then sent the knife soaring through the air. A loud echoey boom filled the room as the blade wedged itself deep into the head if the target. I threw a few more knifes before showing off my survival skills. I set snares and identified poison, I threw spears and I ran.

After I showed then everything I could, I bowed politely and exited the chamber.

***** After all testing *****

"Okay everyone, listen up," Ms Brooks yelled. "Congratulations to all of you. I am immensely impressed by the skills of such young people. Every single one of you should be proud. Unfortunately, some of you did not make the cut. If you hear your name, you are safe and have been accepted into the academy. If you do not, this will be your very last day. Now, for the water team..."

I chewed impatiently on the inside of my lip, anxiety flooding my body. After seeing how many people didn't make the cut, my odds didn't look good. The taste of iron filled my mouth as I chewed harder, I small gash on the inside of my lip.

"Now! Last but not least, the Fire Team.

Lane Walker

Landon Walker

Caleb Price

Monica Leevy

Richard Moor

Annie Cresta

Tanisha Louis

Jendaiya Jackson

And lastly,

Ariella Kabe.

"Congratulations to all! You all may leave now, regular training starts on Monday. Have a great weekend!" Ms Brooks announced.

No, this can't be happening. Finnick didn't cut. Finnick wouldn't be coming back. I was alone.

Sorry for the filler chapter guys :(

Hope you still enjoyed it though! ~Annabeth Mockingjay Weasley

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