Chapter 51

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Jendaiya's PoV

The snow slows me down but I keep running. Watching James fall to the ground dead is still replaying again and again in my head. I wipe my tears away and just when I think I've gotten far enough from the death scene I feel my feet slip from beneath me and soon I'm on my back sliding down a steep ice covered hill, and at the end is a huge cliff. I scream louder than I ever have in my life. The edge comes nearer and I close my eyes. This is it.

"Got you!" A deep voice yells. I feel a hard tug on my jacket and I jolt to a stop. Looking up I see a boy holding onto me with one hand and the other hanging onto a knife that is stabbed into the ice of the hill. He grunts in pain as he tries to pulls us both up with only one arm.

We somehow make it back up to the top of the hill. As soon as the boy let's go of me I take off running in fear that he will torture me to death for a good show.

"Hey come back!" He yells. I keep running but soon feel a force hit me and I go falling onto the snow with the boy on top of me. I struggle against him, he flips me onto my back and stares angrily at me.

"Please just let me go." I sob

"I just saved you do you really think I'm going to kill you now?" He growls. Getting off of me and offers his hand. I take it hesitantly than he helps me up.

"What exactly do you want?" I ask slowly frowning at him in confusion.

"We both are alone and need allies, Put the two facts together genius." He smirks.



"Do you have any shelter? It's getting dark out and colder.".

"I found a cave a little ways from here, we can sleep there. Also I got a pack from the bloodbath and it has a blanket we can share."

"Lead the way." He nods and starts walking towards the forest away from the cliff. Staring at his back I fight the urge to run away from him. But if I keep running he will just get annoyed and kill me. But through this alliance I must be careful, he is stronger, faster and heavier than me, he could kill me within seconds and I wouldn't stand a chance.

"Come on." He yells annoyed. I run and catching up to him then he leads me back into the forest.


Finnick's PoV

"If she only knew "I sigh. My phone rings which make me get up from the couch.


"Hello Mr.Odair I have a job for you tonight." President Snow's voice replies on the other end.

"And what would that be?"

"Someone desires you're... company this evening."


Natasha's PoV

Lane's lips pull away from mine but he rest's his forehead on mine. We both breathe deeply and take in each other's scents. I just kissed Lane but it didn't feel completely right.

"What are you thinking about?" He questions.

"About your last action and mine"

"And your thoughts"

"I don't really know."

"That's okay I'll be waiting right here for you when you know what you think." He says these words gently.

"Just give me some time." I say wrapping my arms around his waist. He hugs me back and rests his chin on top of my head. Maybe Lane is the one I need, I may not have fallen in love with him yet but I could with time couldn't I?


Hope you enjoyed another chapter written by the beautiful Fireknives :) I promise next chapter will be me!

Love you all! please vote and leave some feedback!

~Annabeth Mockingjay Weasley

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