Chapter 32

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Broken Lovers

Chapter 32

"Titan," I spat, along with various curse words.

"We're done. Good as dead," Kenzie sighed, collapsing against the opposite wall.

"No. We aren't. We just need to adjust. Find a new place to live, since he found us, as get some new weapons. We can make it, Kenzie. We're smarter than he is, we can do it."


She was interrupted by a soft beeping noise, along with a small black dot descending from the sky. As it came closer, I realized it was a parachute. Excitement flared inside me as I realized what it was. A sleek black trident landed with a soft thud on the cement, the beeping slowly faded away.

I lunged down, scooping up the weapon. A small rectangular paper was attached to the the handle. It read:

Use it well. Stay strong, I will see you soon


I grinned up at the sky. I guess Ryto was looking out for me after all.

We silently crept through the forest, keeping a sharp lookout for Titan. He was no doubt looking for us, and we had just entered his turf.

As we walked, four consecutive cannons fired. 4 left. Me and Kenzie vs Titan and Chrissy. It would end today, one way or another.

Just as I was about to collapse from exhaustion, I heard a soft snap behind me.

"Hide!" I hissed at Kenzie. "He's here!"

She quickly ducked behind a tree, leaving me alone.

"Well, well, well. If isn't the famous Finnick Odair," a deep voice taunted from behind me. Spinning around, I came face to face with Titan.

I squeezed my trident in my hand, my breaths quickening. It all came down to this.

"Where is your little alliance member? That scrawny kid from 10, right?"

I clenched my teeth, using every morsel of self control in my body to keep silent.

"Look, I had no trouble killing the little red head. All I wanted was information but she kept silent. I tortured her but she didn't speak. All I want to know is where your little friend is. I will kill you both quickly, it will be easier. Now, tell me where she is!" He snarled

"Over my dead body," I growled.

A n arrogant smirk appeared on his face. "That can be arranged." Titan stalked towards me, a large sword clutched in his fist.

I readied my trident, bouncing on the balls of my feet. This was it.

Just as he was about to reach me, a panicked cry came from behind. "Titan, don't!" Chrissy stepped into the small clearing, sporting a small knife. "We'll never find her without his help. She could hide forever, outlast us. This needs to end today or we will all start dropping dead."

"Good point," he muttered, a malicious grin taking over his face.

Chrissy extracted a coil of rope from her pack and tossed it to Titan. Without turning around, he caught it in his hands, his smile only growing bigger.

As hard as I fought, I was no match for Titans strength. Within a minute, he had my body tightly bound to the nearest tree. I struggled and squirmed as hard as I could but it was no use, I couldn't free myself. He wrestled my trident away from me and leaned it against a tree directly across from me. He didn't find the small dagger concealed in my pocket, it was small, but it was my only advantage.

"Now, we can make this easy, or we can make this hard. Just tell me where she is."


"If that's how you want it to be," he laughed. Taking Chrissy's knife, he approached me, grabbing my left hand and pulling it towards him. He slowly dragged the knife horizontally across my palm. I bit my lip, keeping myself from crying out in pain. A small mangled whisper escaped my lips as he drew a vertical line. I winced as blood flowed steadily from my palm, drowning the letter "T" in sticky crimson liquid.

"Where is she?" He repeated.

"I won't tell you," I managed, attempting to keep my voice strong and even.

"Works for me."

He brought the knife back to my hand, deepening the cut.

I clenched my jaw, trembling with pain.

"Tell me!" He demanded.


The minutes passed slowly, every one more excruciating then the last. I had various cuts all over my body, along with the now very deep "T" on my left palm. I felt light headed but I forced myself to stay awake, no matter how much I wanted to welcome the darkness.

"Look, Titan, this is getting pointless. He's not going to tell us anything. Let's just kill him and go find her ourselves," Chrissy said. It had been an hour and I hadn't broken, no matter how much I wanted to.

"I guess you're right," he sighed. He slowly walked towards me, swinging his sword around. "Any final words, Odair?"

I opened my mouth to tell him off when I heard a shrill shriek from behind Titan. Panic coursed through my veins as I saw Kenzie, holding my trident. She pointed it forward and broke into a run. My eyes widened as she drove the trident right through Titan's abdomen. She slowly ripped the weapon from his flesh, breathing hard. Titans eyes rolled back, and he fell limp. His huge frame crashed into the ground, a cannon sounding as soon as he hit the ground.

"No!" Chrissy cried, staring frantically down at Titan. Tears filled her eyes as she looked at Titans now forever still body.

Kenzie used her moment of shock to slice the rope with the trident, freeing me. I pulled her into my arms, hugging her as tightly as possible without hurting her. The smallest girl in the games just saved my life, along with murdering the strongest. She was truly extraordinary.

Her arms were squeezing me tight for a few seconds before falling limp. Her body fell away from mine, it would have crashed down beside Titan if it hasn't been for my tight grip around her waist. Looking down, I saw Chrissy's knife plunged deep into her back. Blood soaked the hole in seconds, causing her to cry out in pain.

Supporting Kenzie with one arm, I used the other to whip my trident. It sailed through the air, soaring in the direction of Chrissy. It made its mark in her throat, stabbing right through. Her cannon sounded immediately.

"Finnick," Kenzie croaked.


"I see him. Trevor," she whispered. "See.. Trevor."

She didn't speak again.

A single tear rolled down her cheek as she lay. Her blood soaked my pants but I didn't care. I cradled her in my arms until her cannon sounded. I was sobbing hard as her breathing slowed. I loved her, I really did. Just another person I loved that was taken away too young.

A loud buzzing sound came from above followed by the voice of Caeser Flickerman. "Ladies and gentlemen, the victor of the 65 annual hunger games!"

The games are done!! I loved this chapter, even through Kenzie died. I really loved her </3

~Annabeth Mockingjay Weasley

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