Chapter 45

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Broken Lovers

Chapter 45

Will glared at the wall, his icy blue eyes burning with rage.

I sat curled up in a chair beside Mags, ignoring Sashene's sour attitude to the fact that I had my feet on the chair.

We sat in silence, all of us anxious but none of us willing to break it. I nibbled on a few crackers, staring mindlessly out the window as we passed through District 1.

"Okay guys, lets get serious," Finnick announced, drawing all of our attention to him. "We have a few things to discuss before we reach the Capitol, which should be in about an hour."

Will, who was pointedly ignoring Finnick, turned to face him, his expression changing completely.

"Now, we are one of the more fortunate Districts, as we have two living victors able to mentor the games," Mags said, speaking for the first time since I met her.

"That being said," Finnick continued, "we have some options for training. We could train-"

"Individually," Will barked.

"Let. Me. Finish." Finnick spat.

"Will, honey, just listen to Finnick. This is important stuff," Mags urged softly.

Will bit his lip, but said nothing.

"As I was saying, you guys can train individually, or together. Individual training will be beneficial, and can help with personal growth. If you have any secret abilities that you don't wish to share, that will be the best option. Training together will build a bond between you guys, along with promoting teamwork. You can learn a lot from eachother."

"Individual," Will repeated aggressively.

"Jendaiya?" Mags asked.

"Individual is fine," I agreed.

"Okay, now we split up. Each of you will get your own mentor, it doesn't really matter who goes with who," Mags said.

I opened my mouth to speak, but Will beat me to it. "I'll take Mags. I cannot put up with hours of one on one time with this sorry excuse of a victor."

I gulped. At that point, I completely zoned out the conversation. Only one thought ran through my head. I was with Finnick.

I couldn't breathe. My heart pounded so loud in my chest I would be surprised if everyone else in the room couldn't hear it too. "... Hours of alone time..." Just me and Finnick...

I jumped, whipping my head around to find Mags' hand touching my shoulder.


"Yea?" I replied quietly.

"Honey, are you alright?" Mags asked, a worried look etched on her face.

"Yea, I'm okay," I mumbled.

"If you would like, I can be your mentor. We can let the boys be together," she said, smiling kindly at me.

"No way," Will exclaimed. "No freaking way. Hell will freeze before I ever let some untalented disgusting child mentor me! I have a chance in these games, and I'm not letting him ruin it!"

"Back off if you know what's good for you kid!" Finnick snarled.

Will flared his nostrils, glaring venomously at Finnick.

"That is enough! Both of you!" Sashene demanded. "I have never had such an ungrateful and rude tribute. And Finnick, you are representing District 4, act with a little class!" She got up, straightened her eccentric yellow dress, and stormed out of the car, her sixth inch heels clicking loudly the whole way.

Finnick turned to me, his eyes softening. "Jendaiya, is this okay with you?"

"I guess so," I muttered.

"Now you listen here, kid," Finnick said harshly, his expression hardening as he faced Will again. "You give Mags any trouble, and I mean ANY trouble, I will personally pay the money to sponsor any kid who tries to kill you, got it?"

"Whatever," he spat.

"Jendaiya?" Mags asked softly.


"Your prep team prefers it if the girls have their hair down. How about I help you pull out that beautiful hairdo before we arrive?"

"Sure," I agree weakly. I know we will arrive in the Capitol any minute now. Part of me is scared. In six days, I will be entering the Hunger Games. But part of me is excited. Ever since I was a little girl, I've always wanted to see the Capitol. Even given the circumstances, this would be an unforgettable experience.

I shifted in my chair, facing away from Mags. Her nimble fingers immediately began pulling the pins out of my hair, slowly releasing wavy strands of my jet black hair.

"There it is!" Finnick exclaimed, moving to the window.

Will jumped up and ran to the other side of the window, pressing his hands against the glass.

"There you go, darling," Mags announced, setting the last pin on the small glass table. I slowly got up, moving to the window beside Finnick.

Beautiful was an understatement of what I saw. The train sped along the tracks, a waterfall directly below draining into a large pit. Colourful people walked the streets, screaming loudly as we drove past. Huge screens flashed on the sides of buildings, showing off the tributes, and recaps from each Districts reaping. Although I knew it was coming, I winced as my picture flashed onto the screen. The screen flashed, and the reaping began. Will walked so confidently up to the stage, beaming arrogantly the whole way. I knew sponsors would be lining up for him before the tribute parade even began.

Suddenly, Ariella's sobbing voice pierced my ears. I watched weakly as the peacekeepers dragged us apart, watching them dump her on the ground after the doors had closed. It killed me to see her like this. I loved her so much. I knew deep down I wasn't going home, and it tore me apart to know this would be the last real image I see of her.

I was jerked back into reality but the sudden halt of the train. Capitol citizens swarmed the train station, all potential sponsors eager to get a look at Will and I.

Finnick placed his hand on my lower back, gently urging me to the door of the train.

I met his eyes, and they were swarmed with an unfamiliar emotion. I glared coldly at him, jerking my body away from his touch.

Two years ago, I would have given my life for him. I could tell him anything, he was always there for me. The games changed him into something unrecognizable and horrible. No matter what happened, I vowed to myself that I would never let being in the Hunger Games change me into something I'm not. I would rather die and myself than live as something I'm not.

I turned swiftly around and stormed off the train, leaving a confused and offended Finnick behind.


Okay so I need help. I cannot think of an arena for this hunger games. I am honestly drawing a blank her. Please message/comment any ideas you have. It would be so helpful! Thanks!

FINNICK IS BACK !!!! I hope you guys are enjoying some of the new perspective. In the next few chapters, you guys will find out all about Jendaiya's past :)

~ Annabeth Mockingjay Weasley

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