Chapter 66

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Chapter 66 of Broken Lovers
*Natasha's PoV*
My hearts beats at a violent pace in my chest.
Something or someone is watching us and it's only a matter of time before they make their appearance. Lane moves silently and puts a hand on Luke's mouth waking him. Luke looks around panicked but Lane motions for him to remain silent but a voice breaks the deafening silence.
"What's going on?" Ali asks sleepily fear filling her voice. With those three simple words all hell breaks loose within seconds.
After she speaks something jumps out of the tall grass and I have no word to name it but it is a deathly black, has four legs, hundreds of razor teeth filling its gigantic mouth, blood red eyes, it's the size of a huge bear towering over us all.
"RUN!" I yell. The others wake and we all scatter. I take off into the grass only thinking of my own life. I hear screams and loud howls from behind. My legs move faster than they ever have.
"NATASHA!" Lane's voice stops me dead in my tracks. I left him.
"I'M HERE!" I scream. Within seconds he comes racing towards me through the grass. Taking my hand in his he drags with him as we run blindly through the grass and into another field.
"THERE'S MORE!" He yells as he looks behind us. Looking back I see 4 huge black figures racing behind us. Mutts. I stop dead in my tracks pulling Lane with me. Taking my bow off my back I quickly load an arrow in, aim and fire. It hits one of them in the eyes earning a howl of pain. I keep ring the arrows but within seconds they are at us and Lane is hacking away at them with his two long knives he chose.
The howls of the beast and the yells from Lane and I fills my ears. Adrenaline pumps through my blood and my main focus and purpose in this moment is to kill.
I don't know how long we hack away at the mutts. I don't know how many cracks and wounds I receive but finally we take down the last one.
"Natasha, you're bleeding." Lane's voice is heavy. Looking down I see my whole front is full of my blood, both mine and the beasts.
"I don't think it's bad." I say softly examining myself.
"We need to get somewhere. The Cornucopia." He says taking my hand.
"We have no supplies Lane. We left everything at the pond." I say.
"The Cornucopia probably still has more."
"Someone has probably claimed it. We need to find a place for ourselves. We need a gift from a sponsor."

*Finnick's PoV*
They made it. I thought for sure we were going to lose them but somehow they made it.
"No one is willing to give them anything yet. They say it's too soon, it's only the first night." Maggs says.
"They're going to need bandages and water." I state.
"What do you suggest we do then?"
"I know what I can for them." My stomach suddenly turns.
"You don't need to do that Finn..."
"Yes I do." Leaving her side I head over the group of sponsors. Making eye contact with one of the beautiful ladies I give her a slight nod and she smirks. Getting up from her spot she leaves the room and I fallow her.
I leave her room with the promise for supplies for my friends, with dirtiness filling my mind and body and with something I have been collecting, secrets.
Getting back to my floor where Maggs is I watch the screen and wait for the parachute to arrive for my friends.
"Why do you do it?" Maggs asks.
"I do it because I know it's protecting Annie and if it means making my best friends final wishes come true than I will do it. They want to make it to the final eight and they will."

*Natasha's PoV*
We sit in silence waiting. My bow is out and ready and my dirty arrows are back in their quiver. Lane has both of his knives ready.
The parachute comes through the night and lands in front of us. We open it up and find two bottles of water, two apples and dried meat, and bandages.
"What do we do now?" I ask Lane.
"I know that Luke and Ali are alive. We need to find them."
"Don't you think we're better off on our own?"
"We barely made it through tonight. If you want to make it than we will need some help."
|Another Chapter! What did you think? Please leave some comments and a vote?| ~Tasha <3

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