Chapter 48

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Broken Lovers
Chapter 48

"What?" I asked; aghast.
"I never stopped loving her," he said solemnly.
"You have some nerve," I snarled.
"You dare say you still love her? After all you put her through. You seriously call that love?"
"I did what I had to do to keep her alive!" He snapped.
"Cause breaking her heart like that was really the best way to keep her alive!"
"He's always watching," he said, his voice quiet again. Shifting his position, he inched closer to me.
"Who?" I asked. He looked intently into my eyes, and moved towards my until our faces were only an inch apart.
"Snow," he whispered.
"What do you mean?" I hissed.
"When I became victor, everything was good for a bit. Then President Snow called me and told me he had a proposal for me."
I stared intently into his sea green eyes, silently urging him to continue.
"He said the women o the Capitol had taken a certain... liking to me. He gave me an offer I couldn't refuse."
"What does this have to do with you hurting all of us?" I asked. I was really interested in what he has to say, but I wasn't ready to forgive him for all the pain he had caused us.
"Jendaiya, I literally couldn't refuse it. Starting last month, I am being forced to take monthly trips into the Capitol to... meet with some of the women."
"You mean?" I asked; completely disgusted.
Gravely, he nodded.
"Why would you do something like that?" I whisper yelled.
"I haven't yet. Two years ago, he threatened to hurt the people I care about if I didn't do it. I didn't believe him, and ignored his call a few weeks ago."
His eyes softened, but he locked his jaw. It was obvious he was trying not to cry.
"He killed my dad."
"Finnick," I whispered. "I'm so sorry."
"There's no way to win with him. No matter what he asks, you have not choice. If you refuse, he kills someone you love. So you do it." He paused for a second, swallowing hard. "That's why I left you guys. To protect you in case he was serious. I didn't think so, but i wanted all of you to stay safe. I didn't want him to hurt any of you. I love you all, and I will forever. It's just not safe for me to be with you guys. In his mind, I'm way too valuable to lose, so he takes his anger with me out on those closest to me. If he knows you guys are my world, you will be the first he hurts."
"Finn... I'm so sorry."
Through the tears, his eyes brighten a bit at the recognition of his old nickname.
"It's been so long since I've heard that," he murmured.
I leaned forward, wrapping my arms around his neck. Immediately, he pulls me into him.
"I'm so sorry," he whispers.
"Me to."
I don't know how long we sit like this, but I love every second of it. I know there is still so many problems we have to face, but I have more hope in the one I'm in. I need to win. Not just for myself, but for my friends, and any chance at all of making things right.


"Darling!" Sashene cried. "You look exquisite!"
Finnick, Mags, and even Will looked up from their breakfast in my direction. Will glared at me for a few seconds before returning to his food, muttering angrily. Finnick and Mags both smiled brightly, admiring my grey half yoga pants and deep purple tank top. I honestly didn't see the big deal, but I felt slightly happy at Will's anger.
"Took you long enough," Will said. "Training starts in 10 minutes."
"Well I woke up 10 minutes ago, and I'm still ready before you so don't even start with me."
"You're not eating?" Finnick asked.
"She's just practicing. This way when this happens to her in the games, she will know how to deal with not having food," Will smirked.
"The games are easier with allies and sponsors. Jendaiya has a good chance at getting both," Mags commented.
"So do I," Will argued.
"Actually you don't. People actually have to like you for that to happen," Finnick said. I suppressed a smile, walking over to the elevator.
"I'm ready so lets go."
"Newsflash sweetheart, the world doesn't revolve around you, your schedule, and your annoying attitude problems," Will sniped.
"Shut up," I said angrily.
"Ohh great comeback," he mocked.
"Will, enough. Why don't you pick on someone your own size. Or more like someone with the same mental capabilities. Cause Jendaiya is so far above you it's scary," Finnick cut it.
"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked rudely.
"It means you're an idiot," I smiled.
He shot me an nasty glare, but stayed silent.
"Okay, we missed the "fashionably late" mark 5 minutes ago so we better head down," Mags announced. "Finnick, do you want to take them or should I?"
"I will," he replied, pushing his chair out. He strode silently over to us, standing as tall as possible. Annoyed, I turned away and walked into the elevator. I didn't need people standing up for me. I was strong enough to fight Will on my own.

"There they are," someone called out as the elevator doors breathed open.
"Finally," an annoyed darker skin lady said. "Quickly, 4, lets get started."
Will and I ran towards the crowd of people as fast as we could. As Finnick left, he shot me a meaningful look. Make them think you're weak. Looking around, I wasn't so sure I would have to pretend.
This place was amazing. High ceilings, polished black floors, and a raised platform holding at least a dozen bored adults. Gamemakers. Weapons surrounded me. I was locked in a room full of deadly objects, things I was expected to master in three days before I'm supposed to use them to murder innocent children. This scene didn't even compare to the academy.
"Okay guys, you can go now! Remember, no fighting with the other tributes!"
Damn it. What did she say?
I watched the kids scatter. Some confidently raced to the sharpest blade they could find, and some trudged meekly to the nearest station in hopes to blend in and go unnoticed by the bigger tributes.
I quietly scanned the room, searching for an empty station. I finally decided on the camouflage station, as it only had two small children at it.
As I approached them, the girl looked up apprehensively.
"Hey," I smiled.
"Hi," the girl whispered.
I waved politely at the boy, but he just stared at me through a darkly tinted pair of glasses.
"I'm Jendaiya," I smiled, turning back to the girl. She paused her search for the right sized brush and turned to me.
"I'm Rayla, but everyone calls me Ray. And this is my best friend, James. We're from District 9," she said quietly.
"I'm from 4."
I continued glancing a the boy, wondering why he wasn't replying. I waved again, but James continued to be unresponsive.
"Is he okay?" I asked.
"He's blind," Rayla replied.

~ Annabeth Mockingjay Weasley

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